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Saibai vs. the monkeys


Hey people, just checking in.

Been a full week and its not even over yet. Caught a cold, just went to a funeral today. The Japanese funerals are pretty different to the average western one. Lots of incense smoke and buddhist priests chanting.

Traditionally, in the most important ceremonies in Japan, hemp was always burned as incense, or somehow integrated...funerals of course included. Part of their everyday lives, people wore it, the emperor too. Of course, paper, rope, textiles were hemp. People who preferred it, or people who couldn't afford sake smoked weed to get high and ate the seeds for nutrition. Hemp was the "holiest" thing...but in todays funeral, the hemp leaves that get sprinkled on a hot coal that gets passed around the relatives - making lots of smoke, hemp had been substituted for something that looked like tobacco leaves.
I had a cold so I couldn't tell.

ps. Got more seeds for next year. That should do it. I'm going to sort them and then put em in the fridge. Now I'm off to have another drink . :0


good to see buds bro! hashberry is a great outdoor strain if you have the lat for it.

thx for the funeral story!
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Prof Sublime

Hard working pothead
Hey there man wassup. Sorry I aint been around much my computer is broke so I can only post one a spare I dont use much. Anyways good to see your smoking some real buds now. Your plants all look so pretty, how did your mushrooms turn out, did your trip out yet?
Ps, My outdoors Snow White plant looks alot like yours, just none of the pistals rusted yet. Its got all the trich coverage like yours does too. It stands about 5'6" and has atleast 20 bud sites, Im curious what our plants will yeild. Do you have any exp with that? Either way, take it easy and enjoy your smoke. :joint:


Hey Prof, good to see you. Lol, yeah, buds > male leaves. I think my first harvest of mushrooms is going to be my last, for this try anyway. I'm trying for a second flush (You can get 3-5 usually), but I think some green mold has taken over. I'm still going to try to use it culture outside. I got about 6 trips worth total from the experiment.
I just have to find a day or a good half-day to trip properly, ie 1.5-2g.
I've tried 0.8g of these once or twice (couldn't wait) so far, but really only borderline dosage.

Your SW sounds like its going better than mine! I think for sure, its lack of light getting to it. Even though, its still gots lots of trichs, it must just be in its genes. Mold is a bit of a worry too, there was that branch that died from something.
The pistils were also rusty from early on, it might have gotten a little menage a trois pollen but I doubt it.

I have no experience with SW or any of the widow family in terms of yield...but I can see the potential for good yield, just don't think its going to happen for my girl.


Hey M8 hope you have a great time in japan :) i dont like you on 2 page so there u go nr 1 :) How is your ladies doing bro? they must start to be frosty now :)


Hey kalle, I'm loving it buddy. As long as there's lots of good weed and a beer or two, I'm pretty happy anywhere. :D
How's Scandinavia/the Nordic area? :rasta: I was wondering what Christiania is like...? If you've been there.

I actually was planning on posting yesterday but didn't quite make it to the mountain...lol...I took it easy at home with the family.
Hopefully this afternoon, give em a nice dose of nutes, molasses and spray a bit to kill any mold spores. I'm pretty happy so far, not like last year where there were bugs, snails and slugs, and then mold where the snails where.

Stay tuned, pics when I finish work, in about 2-3 hours! Wheeeeeeeeeee its getting to the exciting part of the season! (Well, its all exciting, but you know.)

ps. Page 1 is much more convenient, thanks. :muahaha:


Its ok m8 just take it easy we have all the time we need :)
Christiana is a nice place to sit and smoke a spilff and get a cool Beer but thahts pretty much what i like about it hehe my garden is as free as Christiania is or wont to be hehe I come there 5-6 time each year maybe next year i come a little more because a friend of mine works there...Cant wait for the update m8 hope you wont get any mold i got some last year not the best to get hehe Cheers


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haha, sweet ride, nice and shiny. ;D

Well, I made it up there but only a hit and run, a little nutes and some bug spray. No time for photos, or even molasses! lol
I know its not very interesting to just read about it, but the plants were looking great! The HB keeps looking better and better, the SW was coming along, and even the skunks and satoris that werent doing much until now have started to trich up!
It took all my willpower not to sample some more :D

Im down to 2 satoris though, the one next to the SW is just not cutting it (again, lack of direct light I believe). Thats OK, looks like I should yield enough with the plants left. The Zamal has all these long octopus arms...and it keeps getting stinkier. Definitely not maturing as fast as the others, though.

Also, the taller, thinner satori has this white-looking stuff on its leaves, I havent seen it before, and none of the others have it. :confused: Hopefully the spray gets it.

Till next time (when I post some pics) :D

From a happy saibai

ps. lol I should have called this Saibai vs the Spiders, I have to go through about 30 webs to get to the plot...I usually wave some bamboo in front of me to get them. It sucks when both hands are full...
Just earlier I look in the mirror and the right side of my face is all red and puffing up, lol...one of em got me. :laughing:
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Actually, Im a recovering Arachnaphobe. :D Just between you and me. Being bitten on the face is good therapy. :cuss: :rasta:

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Active member
Sabai - I had 2 hours to kill and found your thread and it's been worth every minute to work through it. Thanks for the humour and insights.

Now, you are a BAD BOY!

White tie downs. They are too visible, do us all a favour who are here rooting for you, and get some green string. We WANT you to be safe, we like you.

Flip flops up a mountain. Did I say BAD! Wear thine ninja galoshes or be not on the mountain. Breaking an ankle is not part of the plans you have so diligently drawn up!!

Now that the scoldings over, lets talk monkey training.

Can one train monkeys to gaurd a patch? I say yes.

Can monkeys develop a taste for weed - definately - they already have alcoholic monkeys, and we know the dank is better...

So the trick is to never let them try it. Don't work on plants and then touch food, or vice versa. No smell confusion, hopefully no unfortunate evolutionary leap to stoner monkeys.

Find out your monkies favourite treats, and feed them close to the patch, but not in it. If ANYTHING beats on your plants, express loud verbal displeasure while handling said abused plants, and don't feed the monkies.

Wont take long they'll know, happy patch equals treats. Trampled/tampered with patch equals no treats.

Monkies are really smart, make sure the treats are actually a treat for them. If you are the only dealer of said treats in the area, they'll jump through hoops to earn them.

Edit - oh yeah, page 13 your snow white has bug problems you can see one on it in the photo too.
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Mr Fista: Thanks a lot for taking the time to read what started as a semi-serious post and ended up as my 2008 grow log/blog... (glog?) lol
I value worthwhile criticism prob. more than compliments, and I think you are spot on with the 2 points above.

Flip-flops are such are bad idea...heh...terrible, I know. No protection, your feet get dirty, they get slippery with sweat. :bashhead: I promise I won't do it anymore. :D

As for the white tie-downs, yeah, bad colour I agree and I wouldn't recommend it to anyone. Actually, when I was at the plot yesterday I noticed creeper vines had crept up the tie and had started to try and choke the Zamal! So they are pretty camouflaged - I just cut the vines back a bit.
Then again, there are no choppers looking for grows where I live, and its one 1 meter-long bit of plastic, on a big mountain... :confused: But bad practice.

Yep, you're right about the SW too, it could be much healthier, but its doing good considering its not getting as much sun as the others. I actually had a bit of a mite problem on most of the plants, after I stopped using neem at the start of flowering. Being taken care of with some organic bug spray/mold stopper. ;)
I saw that bug after I took the pic, and a spider web on another one and though: "I need to groom my ladies before taking pics"...is that vain? lol...

Re: the monkeys...I dunno...I haven't seen/heard them at all lately (they tend to be nomadic, travelling in groups) and I'd probably be happier not encouraging them to come near the plot. Hopefully they never try some bud and get a liking for it.

Thanks again, and stick around, harvest is just around the corner! :jump:
It'll be sad to see them go, maybe I should start an inside grow over winter? :muahaha:


Active member
Wisdom indeed. If the monkeys moved on it'd be folly to encourage them. Someone might note their regular appearance in the area and invite tourism in. No more magic mountain...

Inside grow over winter? Well, you were pretty keen to get the plants off your section, but I know how it is, growing gets to be addictive.

Maybe consider the point again when you see how the harvest goes.

I can hear monkies every morning when I sit out in my trees and have a cup of tea. But it is a zoo.


"Flip-flops are such are bad idea...heh...terrible, I know. No protection, your feet get dirty, they get slippery with sweat. I promise I won't do it anymore. "

dont ewer make flip flops in front of monkeys main, then you show em you weak point, your bag, always meet monkeys whit your fist of fury , is the only thing they understand they like wifes.....


MrFista: Cool calm and collected words...I like the cut of your jib. No indoor for me, thats just not going to happen, on a serious note. I couldn't handle it (and the wife would not like it at all - dirt inside, smelly, electric bill...oh, and the legality thing).

kalle: Lol...how do you say "misogynist" in Danish? heh...anyone reading, don't flame unless you're married. ;D

Fists of fury...yes. One must fight monkey with monkey...and what better monkey than a drunken monkey!




oh no...they're onto my secret weapon...



"Uhh give me some of that secret juice"

"And then we hide and puffin tha earp in monkey style"

LOOOOL go train your monkey skills m8 hehe
go drink the secret weapon before the monkeys get it all,
misogynist is kvindehader on danish but i like womens :) a good women is strong whit the plough and quiet hehe
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:rasta: kalle, meet Svetlana. Handy with a plough, but I don't know about quiet. :muahaha:


Dam m8 thats a real nice women you found me there hehe and she can take the theit out thats a plus i think :)