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Saibai vs. the monkeys


Well, I went up to the plot with my temporary replacement phone to take some pics... :badday: and saw a lot of dead leaves, 99% sure its from the neem oil I applied directly to the branches, without diluting... :fsu:

They're (the plants) not dying or anything, but a I lost a lot of leaves that didn't need to be lost. I thought I was going to get through this grow without doing anything too stupid, but thats two in a row, counting the extra dose of nutes I gave them. Bets are off re: yields... :bashhead: We'll have to see how they recover. Bummer, anyway.

Took a lot of pics but looks like having trouble uploading? Will try again later...


Saibai if u like u can use Photobucket to uplaod pics on , cant wait to see you grow m8. I overdose mine to whit nutes better to much then too littel :)


ohhh...blurry.... :bashhead:


Like so? ^^^^^
Or can I make the photos visible in the thread?

Thats a blurry shot of the first 4 plants as you enter the plot...skunk#1, MaT and 2 Satoris. You can see all of the yellowed leaves, but you cant see the brown leaves all shrivelled up, next to the main stems.


Damn, these pics all look like shit. This looking down another Satori, which doesn't seem have been that affected. Another Skunk is next to it, in the bag.


A small ZamalxSkunk...not much to report.


The other Satori on the bottom tier, this ones looking pretty good too, some dead leaves though.
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I dont remember... :laughing:


Ah, Hashberry. This hasn't really done anything for the last month or so...its kind of just stopped. This is when I start to worry that I didn't make the holes big enough...?
MOAR yellow leaves.


This is a MaT, or a Satori...I think its a Mat, pretty sure I saw some male-loking preflowers...at least its a sign that they're starting to flower and aren't stuck in limbo from being revegged.


The other little Zamal, not much to report except you can see, again, where the leaves have been burnt a little where my neem-covered hands have touched them.

Lol, just realised, I tied over the big Zamal today, the one thats starting to show calyxes and trichs, but didn't take any pics! :muahaha: Silly me.

So, theres the update. Not real happy though, bad quality pics, its hard to see the plants when all the background is the same colour green, burnt leaves, blah blah :violin:
But the show must go on!


That zamal is looking really funky :)Tha Hashberry i ok bushy it gonna be sweet....
its look like over nutes to me they will be good and green again sooon


kalle: thanks for your kind comments, theres some nice green new growth coming through. A bit over-dramatic in the post above, lol. I'm just kicking myself for hurting my babies, u know? :)
The best thing I could do right now would be to just leave them the hell alone for a while. Some more rain wouldn't hurt too.
On the positive side, didn't see a single whitefly. :D


Well-known member
New Pics loving it.
Did you take the tree down in the pic? I didnt see any flowering yet am I right and when will you see flowering at your lat.?


hamstring: yeah, I took a chainsaw up and cut down about 8 trees to open up the caopy. I plan on using this plot from now on and will cut down a couple more that are blocking the light. :)
The camera is useless, its taking me ages but I will be able to take some pics with a decent digital camera soon, then hopefully I can get some closeups of them.
As for flowering, right about now, July/August is when they should be starting. Only the ZamalxSkunk that I tied down yesterday is starting to flower properly, with trichs developing and calyxes forming. I think all the others are a bit slow because they got their internal clocks screwed up a little by being put outside too early in the season...?


"I'm just kicking myself for hurting my babies, u know? :) "

Yes hehe i know how it feels,Cant wait for new pics hehe this thread is the first i chek up at in the morning :) It have very good Karma .


Guess who finally got a memory card reader for his computer? :rasta:


Some Koi. :jump:


This swan is pregnant.


I swear, I don't really drink that much bourbon...just lately I seem to have regained a taste for it. :) My usual preference is cannabis, followed by beer.

Well, feeling a bit more positive than before...thanks for the good vibes guys. This is the part of season when it starts to get interesting. Looking forward to everyones pics of buds as they start developing!
Hopefully now I'll be able to get a lot more and much better pics up. I'm very happy about that. :joint: I don't have any grow pics on the camera atm, but will get some tomorrow.

EDIT: My god, what a difference that makes. Still not as pretty pics as kalle and padis, but a huuuuuge improvement. :D
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"just lately I seem to have regained a taste for it. :) "

LoL only u can say it that way hehe i got same probs whit Ganja

Dam it nice koi dont that mean white on Japaneese? I got kois too i my pound they are such nobel fish i like to think they are the King fish of them all old and vise. But anyways nice nice nice u got your card reader ant u aint dead :)
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New member
Great exotic thread! Itchiban! <-- japanese word? what i remember from amsterdam.. :p

Nice to hear the monkeys are staying away from your weed as I love both.
Your strain-selection is a good one, please keep the icons going for each strain!


Well, its Ocean Day here, and its a holiday. :jump:

I went wakeboarding and got to go to my plot again. Heres some pics I took:



Finally I have a decent camera. This is the Hashberry, theres definitely an increase in hairs since I last checked.


The lowest tier, one of two Satoris...my usual access to the plot exits onto the second tier, and every time I climb down to check on the lower three plants, theres always a tedril of some plant wrapped around it that I have pull off.



Tied her over 19th July (2 days ago) at approx 7ft. Its hard to see against the green foliage in the background but theres not many other angles I can get of her.


Uhh yes Saibai i see some upcoming good buds now and some good Pictures too :) But my friend You are from Aus Right? And you live in japan? isent it good ind Aus since u move that far away?

If i could afford it i took a plane to Japan and help u drink that whiskey in the cave painting place u got , fight some monkeys and kill some spliffs. Will be great fun whit u bro :)


Active member
I love to see Satori outdoors:) I don't think I can grow her outside myself unfortunately because I live in Denmark at 55 N.
I'm surprised to see it's already flowering - what latitude are you at?


that hashberry looks like she gone be one bad mofo by the time she's done Sai.. everyone else is lookin healthy as well.
Thanks for takin the time to go out of your way to upload an update for us.
peace to yer monkey's!

Prof Sublime

Hard working pothead
Man o man, that hashberry is looking oh sooo good. The rest of the plants look healthy too and seem to love living on Monket Mt, I cant wait to see some big buds growing. How is your snow white coming along? Mine is getting really tight an small 7 fingered leaves, Im hoping its a female tho. Check my thread if you wanna compare.

Stay safe :joint:

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