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Saibai vs. the monkeys


lulz. No, there haven`t been any simiancides. I`m thinking they are more interested in the vegetables...except that one monkey with the long hair, he looks like a troublemaker hippy.

Back to the plants, I've only got one out so far, MOD Menage a Trois, as a test. My first batch just aren`t showing any preflowers yet. Should be by the end of this month/start of May I guess. Will take some pics when they`re in the ground. Others in the first batch - Hashberry, another MOD, Sensi Skunk #1, Snow white, FMS ZamalxSkunk...I think that`s all...?
My other seedlings will take longer, as I can`t give them cfl light at night anymore. They`re all outside 24/7 now, on the roof actually. :D
Train em to guard the crop ? Hell , if you can teach them that , then train them how to dig . Cheap labor , can't beat that . Just hope they don't start fighting each other with the shovels :dueling: Seriously though , good luck .

What's the weather like during harvest time over there ?


trichburner: hell yeah good idea, what was I thinking?!

Where I am there's a fair chance of mold, it gets very humid during the summer here. Thats really for the earlier finishing indicas though, and hopefully won't effect my crop this year too much. (fingers crossed, it was my biggest problem last year)

Then theres the typhoons in the summer, around august to october, but again, should be OK this year. Not too bad conditions, really, as long as the plants are big/strong enough by summer to withstand the storms, and you watch out for mold.

Once you hit october/november you`re pretty much home and hosed. Doesn`t start to get too cold until december.

some indigenous sativa:

Japanese cave paintings...recognize that leaf?

Last year`s Top44...sigh. Good times, good times.

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Hello there.
I went to check on my Menage a Trois that I planted in my main patch last Sunday. It had stretched considerably in the week it had been out, and I could see that the problem was that the trees that had been bare during autumn/winter had sprouted leaves and were filtering the sun too much.
No problem. I pulled out the chainsaw and 20 mins and 8 trees later, I had opened up the canopy nicely. An added bonus was that a couple of the trees now block the entrance to my secret garden, increasing security and making it look even more like theres nothing further along there.
On a different note, I think I have my other MaT showing sex…it looks male, very early but I’ll be able to tell for sure by next week. Doesn’t bother me, I’m glad actually because I wanted some nice Indica males for seed-making, and the MaT has been impressive so far with vigour, health and smell. DreamGoddess x Satori? DG x Zamal? We’ll see. If it’s a male it’ll be going to my second, smaller patch until the bananas pop. Then I’m smoking it. :D


Well-known member
There are rumors of a Northern Japanese variety prized for both tough fiber and high potency. I think the indigenous Ainu have some connection. What do you make of this?

Swamp Thang

Well-known member
Green Genes, would you be refering to a Northern Japanese variety of monkey prized for its tough moral fiber and potent attacks on intruders ?

Ok ok I'll shut up on this subject now.


green-genes: I think that's more than likely. Hemp was cultivated for its fibre (and buds) for ages in Japan, and until 1948 they had no reason to select for lower psychoactive strains. Actually, I've read that there isn't any direct relationship between good fibre producing strains and low resin production/low THC. After all, the plant produces it to protect itself, not to get us high! ;)

As for the Ainu, I'm not sure. There are cave paintings as the ones in the post above, but they're from Kyushu, the southern-most (main) island. If I had to speculate as to the origin of cannabis in Japan, I would say that it probably came from India, like Buddhism, or S.E. Asia.
Apparently, studies on domestic hemp done by the government here found that the local strains were more psychoactive than other northern-hemisphere (eg. siberian) fibre crops, which seems to suggest more indica heritage...
Cannabis importation was completely legal in Japan until they lost the war, so sailors from just about anywhere could have brought in seeds...not to mention all the bird seed they used to import.

Swamp Thang: Monkeys still make me laugh. Hell, I'll smoke em out, I'm not stingy, just don't fuck with my crop. :D

ps. I heard that ninjas used to use cannabis as part of their training. They used to jump over the plants every day, having to jump higher and higher, until by the end of the season it would be impossible...
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saibai. im gonna get the menage a trois seeds goin like soon. u say this strain is a respectable indica in its traits.
how tall has she been if u kno and the structure.

beside that your thread is awesome. get a shot of those monkeys one day. hope ther just the the most obediant little ones for ya.


Benny: Looks good to me so far, it's only been going for around a month and a half. Firstly, it's heritage is excellent. Its vigor so far has impressed me, and its been really easy to grow, and tough. Two important things in my mind. It smells great too ;D
Also, having read the grow/smoke reports for it, it seems like a winner. Finally, its the closest to a pure indica I have going at the moment, and I hear indica males are good to choose for breeding.
Don't mistake me for a pro, though... :p


king of the dinosaurs
Saibai said:
BACKCOUNTRY: Yeah, my name means "cultivation" in Japanese. I put out a test plant last Sunday (4/20) to...test. lol.
Checked on it Tuesday, looked like it was loving the mix I filled the holes with - soil, perlite, some lime, peat moss, some organic ferts...something else? I forget. :)

I think I might actually make this my 2008 grow diary thread. Only trouble is, I have to take pics with my phone, then send them to my email address, costing me $ every time...

thats not a monkey in that bag is it?


Bongasaurus: Lol, no. That's some hair I picked up at the barbers, to hopefully repel some deer/monkeys etc. I don't think I could actually kill a monkey. If I caught one smoking my buds I'd kick its ass tho. ;D

1 FMS Zamal x Skunk went in the ground on the weekend.


Pic I took this morning:

The three big ones are snow white, menage a trois and hashberry.

I had to repot three satoris yesterday, the stretch on those seedlings was crazy! Granted, I haven't been putting them under cfls at night, but none of the others have stretched like that...

The rest are in my sig



Mourning the loss of my dog......
Your worst nightmare!!!

Your worst nightmare!!!

Ready to smoke your crop!!


LOL! This thread is a fucking kick. Did you photoshop that yourself BACKCOUNTRY?

Props Saibai, adding to the internationalism to the cannagraphic mag. :rasta:


BACKCOUNTRY: :laughing: :laughing: Nice. I didn't notice the nose ring until later. My nemesis! Damn, he can afford RooR...?

Elevate: thanks dude. I do what I can :D

That MOD is definitely a male...hmmm....should I smoke him or keep him? My mind says keep, my lungs say smoke. It would be a waste to get wasted on him I think. Although I have no smoke atm.



Well, had a good golden week holiday here, got a snow white into the ground, topped the MaT, SW and HB, repotted a couple more seedlings, brewed some garlic and chilli spray for them and sprayed, confirmed the above four that are outside as FEMALE! :headbange:...productive all round. heres some shots:

MaT a week or two ago...notice the stretch...

Same plant, nice dark green on the new growth, I`m guessing the roots hit the good stuff. :)

Top view of the MaT. Hard to see, but she`s about 18" tall.

my toppings...dried and smoked them, got a little buzz. And no, didn't chop my MaT male to smoke, hes safe in another plot, going well.



The monkeys seem to be keeping their filthy paws off my ladies so far...and the bugs too. The Zamal doesn't look that great though...doesn't like the amendments? I dunno...if it doesn't get better I'll post in the infirmary. I tend to live and let live with my plants, I'm not one to post "oh noes!1!!1 therz a tiny spot on one of my leafes!!1!1 what do I do??? what do i DOoooo"...

lol...I guess those primates realise that they may be monkeys, but I'm a guerilla!

but hey: Ape shall not kill Ape.


I must have scared everyone away with the lame post above...:D


Well, when I was on my bike near the mountains, the monkeys were going apeshit in the trees. I tried to get a pic...

but its hard to see anything. There is actually a monkeys face in that pic.
Anyway, I decided to check on how my plants in the ground were doing, and spray them with some garlic/pepper brew again. They were doing great, looking very healthly - even the zamal is recovering, but on the way back I found this:

and this: :nono:

Thats a monkey crap right there. Pretty close to my patch, too. :cuss:
And an orange they've eaten.

Bastards. I really hope they aren't waiting for flowering, to rip my crop. :joint:

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