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*Saibai...2009 Guerilla*


Hey Sabai, Hows things going over by you? Winter still got it's icy grip on things?
Hope all is well with you and your growing.
sweet dreams of warm spring and summer.



Saibai my man ,,,,,awesome pibe :)
How about you try some of this on it :)

Monkey Magic...Small bud ..Pre Tasted ;) hehe i leave the rest for some days :)



She is in the mid to the right corner ....She is not so big but she is growed under 12/12 and then 10/14 so its ok



Yay can't wait to see this years, better get your bananas ready again this year to fend off your monkey infestation lol

I hope everything goes well with your grow, as im sure it will, and hopefully mine goes well too.

buenos suerte amigo


I read your last thread SaiBai, and memories last forever...Im glad we have no monkeys over here....:) those fellows will be after you again, but I hope you well against all predetors.....you've insprired alot of people here with your great threads...the hope the future is well for all of us! take care SaiBai, I'll be reading this while doing outdoor....you got a little early start :)


Hey folks,
Saibai seems to have had a run in with leo and has had his computer confiscated. So for the time being he is off-line. But hopefully will be looking at a suspended sentence ( his words ).
Anyway send out some good vibes to our friend ( cyberly and mentally ) Im sure it will mean a lot to him.

peace and health


Saibai tha mad man all the best luck and wishes to ya ,,,,,,hope you fights theese monkeys off as well....


Thanks everyone, I'm using a friends computer atm. Still waiting for the case to go to court and still have to make some statements etc for the police next week. It'll be a big weight off my mind, to say the least. The wheels of justice grind slowly but surely. Bastard cops. :(
Anyway, trying to remain positive. Thanks again to the well-wishers, it does mean a lot atm.


stoke this joint
ICMag Donor
G'day cobber, really glad to find you here in good spirit!

I dont know how safe it is for you to be considering a grow any time soon, but wanted to let you know the MontelsPride x Biko & MindBoggle x Biko are definitely worth it, too easy to grow!!... very pleased with the results.. culling in the next wk.

Sing out if there's anything I can do for you.
Stay safe bro.


Hey people just bumping with an update on the bust…still waiting for a date to be set for court. It sucks waiting. Meanwhile have ceased all ganja related operations. My computer is still confiscated.


oh Saibai.. I had no idea. I feel for you man.
looks like we're taking turns paddling up shit creek my friend..:badday:
keep your chin up, and try to keep a positive mental attitude, that is the one thing thats helped me all along!

does this have anything to do with that scare you had awhile back??

peace my friend..


all praises are due to the Most High
k+ Saibai san, good luck in court, can you discuss any of the legal details? what kind of accusations do you have to defend against?
peace and good health to you and yours :)


cd: You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to cellardweller again.
Yep, its up shit creek alright. Keeping positive, the worse is behind me.

Paz: Thanks mate.

It all started with me ordering a pack of seeds from a Japanese headshop about 2-3 years ago. They claimed to destroy all customer records after a week but that wasn't true. They got busted and the police got all the customer records. That was enough for the police to get a warrant to search my house and car and administer a piss test. They didn't find anything when they searched, but my piss test came up positive. That was the beginning of the end...

Basically though, they never found any weed, even after a second search. All they got was two packets of rolling papers, some unused pipe screens and some filters. I'm not going to contest anything in court, I've made a million statements to the police and I'm just going to plead gulty. Theres a small chance that the case may be dismissed, because they have no evidence, only what I've told them.

The worst was the interrogation, 8 hours a day for a few weeks. That really truly sucked.
I'm keeping a positive attitude, not counting on getting dismissed, maybe just a suspended sentence. I got some legal advice too. Just still waiting to see whats going to happen regarding going to court or not.

Like I said, I'm over the worst part. Except for getting my pc back. I guess shit happens. I hate the police :p

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