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Safe Root Blocker?


Active member
Hi. I have built an aquarium system that doesn't require cleaning. It is aquaponic. What I've been trying to create is a system that will virtually take care of itself as fishkeeping can be very time consuming. With an automated fish feeder and float valve, the prototype is now 4 years old and is virtually bombproof except...!

ROOTS. The roots can clog the 13 mm drain within two days. They also climb up inside of the pipes that distribute the water to the aquaponic bed though this can take over a year to begin to compromise the system.

I need something that can block roots from growing, or a drain design that keeps the roots in the bed. I can't have anything that will affect very delicate fish or plants or bacteria/archaea/fungi.

Mesh is a waste of time. The roots either grow straight through or the mesh is so fine the flow is compromised, and within days useless due to biofilm.

I thought someone might have already figured this out in an organic hydro situation.

If it wasn't for this issue I could go on longer holidays this summer without needing someone to babysit the damn roots. :cathug:


Active member
Is it possible to put an air gap in your drain? An open section with the water free falling into a catch basin.
Perhaps using copper somehow?


Back in my krusty bucket and ebb and flow bucket days , I found that a good solution was ebb and flow table "overflow" fittings hard plumbed into the feed/drain lines......they look like a raised cone with slots all up, down , and around the fittings.......

Maybe that `d help if yas can find one to fit your metric plumbing....

Good luck......DHF......:ying:....


New member
"dick blick art supplies. its called monofiloment screen. the door screen will let roots thru I have tried it before for that purpose. you can also find it locally usually at craft or hobby stores."



Well-known member
a possible solution would be a plastic/stainless N.O. solenoid mounted at the tank all you do is put it on a timer to cycle 3 or 4 times a day and it prunes the roots for you


space gardener
I would try to set up a powerhead that creates a cross flow right in front of the drain, would be hard for roots to get in there with a pump constantly flowing across the drain.