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Sacramento clones

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Jeff Lebowski

Bandit - You are dead on, strawberry kush produces rocks that are incredibly hairy, almost TOO hairy (not). I'd love to meet and greet that beautiful strain again someday if not in plant form, most definitely in medicinal form. Thanks for the heads up and the verification of my plant bragging :)

Trybud - I guess that's one type of vendor. From owners I've talked to, vendors usually bring in 50 - 60 clones is what I'm used to. Not really my way of doing things, but it helps the community to a point. You are right though, quality is paramount. I was the organic guy, so my drops always went quick, but that isnt hard when you only drop off 4 at a time.

Ponde- You are soooooooo right. Everyone has their desire for a certain effect but most are your typical, insane sativa or knock out indica minus any pain modification. We as a community need to be propagating strains that are very helpful for certain conditions. This means we would need people to perhaps be a little more open about what they need fixed and how that strain helps those issues. I've received kush's before that were as racy as a G-13 (dangerous) and I've had sativa's that make you sleepy in a half hour. Mislabeling is a big part of this, and an industry that tries to shell out insane amounts of THC when we really need higher levels of the OTHER compounds to alleviate symptoms.
On the flip side, I see it as not enough quality indica's with too many garden variety sativa's clouding the market. We need high quality, reliable and information on these strains to produce the best product for ourselves and our neighbors. The whole thing about jars full of useless medicine are too common when the people behind the counter think you are looking to get high. Sometimes, the people at clubs will even get mad if you ask too many questions about the medicine you are purchasing as if everyone is an experienced "stoner" and we all know whats up.

The SAC scene is coming together nicely and I'd love to help out if I can. :)


New member
Hey guys, I'm new to the site, but experienced in the passion of growing!!!

Can some one PM me the Collective info? I am prop 215 compliant and can prove it.


Hope to contribute my collection to the cause!:joint:


Wow what a GREAT day of posts! All really good thoughts. I am able to flower for people, teach growing skills. I have degrees in Photography and Horticulture. I WANT to give back, I feel like knowledge is a waste if not shared. Also when you think you know something and share it you are bound to learn. Its a big circle(cue the guy from chuck n larry- itsss a circleeeee). I need to get some info from a friend about the collective he is in, but I remember him saying he provides the coco. So we can all figure something out to where it works for us all and helps everyone get the best meds possible for themselves and those they love and care about. This is a great start talking about it here.

Personally I am ok with meeting at CW to verify documents and be safe to start, but we are bigger and better and more compassionate than they already. The offering of a house is just insanely cool.

The bottom line in achieving success in this sort of venture is it will only work with everyone living the golden rule- treat others as you want to be treated

It's that simple...And we should be striving to live that way everyday anyway in everyway, dare I say. Ok ok, im not a poet at least I know it.

Thanks again for all the GREAT post everyone, we need to get this started. I think its the future and we will just be ahead of the game.



Active member
i dont see us 'competing w/ CW, i see them as more of an outlet for our extras. i personally wont stop my relationship w/ horizon(they took a chance on me showing up at the door w/ 40 'demo' clones, i appreciate them gambling on whether i had legit gear or not)but im still looking for the friendliest club around. i wish canna care would fall off the face of the earth but then i know there's probably patients that need them just because they live close..
ah, that makes sense, trybud.

Here's a curveball question. Would the laws allow a patient growers collective to provide to other collectives or coops, as the AG wants them called?

For example a collective of ten patients that grow. They trade and share amongst themselves, but can they provide leftovers and clones to other patient groups as it stands now? I haven't read the laws/guidelines in a while, but it seems like that would work.

Then the benefit of the patient growers collective would be to pool resources in any number of ways. Without having to run a storefront. CW would be a very happy customer I would think.

This product came from XYZ patient growers collective (whatever). Provide more information that is more accurate than what you decribe you often get. Have internal standards and make them public to help build up a good rep. Be kind. (Golden Rule, dead on its420) When you unveil a new set of clones offer a couple seminars at different times to show pics of things they can expect with the strain or whatever for half an hour. Or make some CDs with the pics and some growing notes. What would help you grow that clone as a patient grower with this condition? You know? Pooling resources in any number of ways. The mind expands, sorry.

You are onto something folks.

Rancho, which collective? Right now we are talking about a fictional one. But good question. Who has the best list of those in the Sacramento area? Weedtracker? Its been a while.


C4 meds could the most bomb in the world
C4=Capitol City Compassion Collective

Its a much needed service

Provides us with a good safe caring community to be ourselves in

Most important is to help each other survive while living thru our passions


My non-profit co-op provides cannabis milk for very sick patients ... I have room for more patients and also accept donations. I also have 10+ killer moms, and provide cutting for free and feminized seeds, and can maybe meet up at one of these establishments ...
Links are in my sig, I also might have extra chem meds as well soon ... who knows ... I'm local to the bay but can drive ...


Active member
I dont see a problem vending 'extras' to another dispensary/co-op. if there are problems doing it in the name of our collective then we could just do it as individuals(like i do now with my clones). pooling of our resources is the objective here, we need to see what we have to work with before we start fixing things. Slips, you're welcome to come up and share with us(me?..cant speak for all yet) im interested in how your collective is structured anyways.....................


Just Call me Urkle!!
Canna crap just turned down my Bog Lifesaver & Bogglegum cuts.
Apparently if you mention a breeder by name, your a fake.
Even if you have the breeder packs.
So Asian Joe, kma.
A private collective is badly needed.
Great work pulling this all together you guys!

Did you have a sample of the finished product to show them?? If so and they still turned you down that's bullshit!!! We need to get this collective going asap! I will get cuts from Clearlake to add into the mix I know I have a few others don't like..

Maui Wowi x Tooty Fruity
Super Granddad
Mendo Purps x Master Kush
Super Silver Haze (catpiss pheno)
Thunder Goo
Mendo Purple (different than everybody's) this one is a purple strain this dude in Mendo has been working on for 15+yrs it's a big yielder and finishes in 7 weeks turns purple in warm temps it's like the perfect purple... Story goes a seed company(forget which one) offered him $20,000 for the genetics but he wouldn't sell it....

There she is at 7 weeks, flowered at 12"-14" this strain will yield 3-4oz a plant

Jeff Lebowski

Thundurkel, your avatar rocks!

What is up with these compassionate clubs turning away plants? Have that many people abused the system to where they don't trust patients? I would love to donate some time and a bag of coco bricks I won't be using when the time comes. I wish I had more finances to help out but we as a community can make do with whatever someone has to offer. The real question is, this is a Sacramento forum but how many people actually live within the city or county - not being part of that group, a drive that far without vomiting all over the steering wheel seems unlikely. Trybud is right I think, CW should be for the extras of the community not the main stash. Most here have growing experience or a desire to learn, and for those who cannot we can help them as well. The sun shines so brightly in the Northern CA sky~ what a beautiful day...

This forum is becoming a family.


Holy Snikey!! <drool, drool>

Did you have a sample of the finished product to show them?? If so and they still turned you down that's bullshit!!! We need to get this collective going asap! I will get cuts from Clearlake to add into the mix I know I have a few others don't like..

Maui Wowi x Tooty Fruity
Super Granddad
Mendo Purps x Master Kush
Super Silver Haze (catpiss pheno)
Thunder Goo
Mendo Purple (different than everybody's) this one is a purple strain this dude in Mendo has been working on for 15+yrs it's a big yielder and finishes in 7 weeks turns purple in warm temps it's like the perfect purple... Story goes a seed company(forget which one) offered him $20,000 for the genetics but he wouldn't sell it....

There she is at 7 weeks, flowered at 12"-14" this strain will yield 3-4oz a plant


we're gonna have to take this offline soon, as we may be putting a little to much info up here at this pace. If anyone has the name of a good lawyer versed in MMM, please PM me the info, as this will be my first order of business.

Freedom why is it 7k for delivery service?


what's up all?

Respect for those with the courage and wherewithall to think outside the box of shitty sac clubs. (SOME sac clubs now and in the past have been righteous, but they are few and far between...and, as it seems, far from being brought up here.)
I'm sick of all the shitty meds marked as elite and disrespect for vendors who put themselves on the line while the clubs reap the lion's share of compensation despite often not knowing or perhaps even spreading misinformation about the basics of growning, breeding, strain selection, market values, etc. (cf. Can'o'crap.....hub dub heb dub and a tub of shit. and thanks for charging me a $5 service charge to use your ATM, wtf?) If anyone's interested in lawyers, here's a link to those recommeded by norml:

and MUCH respect for trybud and his ATF and Chem 'd'
Thanks for the compassion...my mommy room loves you


Registered Med User
Here go the blueberry, I think Im under feeding it or somethin...




Dry Green Crack



I have ridden the mighty sandworm.
What about a genetics collective that focused on acquiring and spreading the best genetics. I figure if you spread great genetics around its just a matter of time before someone crosses it with something else great and bam!! you've got better cannabis overall. Think about it we get a sac clone collective going we all contribute for seeds so they are super cheap, one or more individuals in the group grows them out and shares the genetics which are then cloned in mass for the public so that everyone can smoke great weed. Lets set the bar high.


Sweet GM, looks fn tasty!!!! How do they smoke? Cured enough yet?

Is your blueberry cal/mag yellowing, doesnt quite look like my light bleaching
Been able to keep the temps high enough? Looks good and dense and growing still at least.

Thunder awesome nugs too, what are they?
Imma be a flowering fool for all you pollen chuckers (till we can call ourselves experts) I got 30 days left on these ladies, frosty dankness abounds

Chem 91 & Sour D


Active member
i thought you would have caught on to what a nute hog the blueberry is during the veg...is your atf smoking good? i always get it to have a nice citrusy taste..you're the 1st guy done with the gear. do i get a passing grade?...


Active member
thats a cal mag def. i seen the yellowing along the outside of one of the leaves when i took a second look. my friend has some plants that lived on miracle grow for 2 weeks and they looked the same..guess he didn't believe me when i mentioned he needed epsom salt when using miracle grow....Get Mo needs to sniff that plants crotch and tell us what her name is..does it smell like blueberries?


Registered Med User
Yeah Its gotta be calmag. Havent smoked any of the plants yet but my homey smoked some of the gc and said it was the shit. GC smells the dankest too. HELL yeah u pass trybud, bout time I got a cut in Sac town and it was what it said it was.
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