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S99 X Chem DD


Active member
Glad you grabbed some... I had high hopes for those crosses....since I'm no longer growing I gave Revo all my seeds ...he had to deseed the ladies...lol
I did give him my bubblebags tho so I'm sure he got plenty of hash out of it..

You should grow 5 of each....you won't be disappointed.....

So Art hows the smoke...you should let her go 70 or 75 days... just til you see 1 amber trich...just 1..... :rasta: lol

be safe


Patriot Father 2a Defender /Breeder
just 1 lmao....yeah trying to get a couple myself.......cant wait for the s99xs99...she's gonna be serious.......would like to find something a "little"less sweet,but w/equal stone..........ResPecT familia...AG..........and brother rev....MOneY


Just ordered some C99 yesterday and Alpha Diesel the day before. I am definetly gonna do the C99 x Alpha and Alpha x C99. I'm sure everyone with the genetics will be attempting the same thing as your plant looks unbelievably incredible! Great job Art. Wish me luck cuz I want one just like yours!
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Grinding extra.
I saw one or two amber trichs at 63. This is KILLER smoke. I'll post a report when I can get my mind right enough...lol.

This is her right before her chop. Smelt like chemicals, cleaner, rubber. Her smells are constantly changing so I want to wait for a 3-4 week cure for a smoke report as well...


And this is some of her after the trimming. Not much trimming to do really. The fans closer in towards the nugs were AS COVERED as the nugs...


Fully dried, I yielded 31.4 grams from her. Vegged 11 days and always kept on the outskirts of the plants because she was taller than everything else I was growing under the 600HPS. Flowered for 63 days. This girl is fast, stinks (not really pleasent, complex), and yields WELL. She was in 1.9L of FF Ocean Forest. Fed Tiger Bloom. Purpled fans but not buds.

Any other ?'s...


Active member
Damn just looking at her I would have bet a easy 2 oz. still for 11 day veg that is good. she was real pretty before you chopped her.


Please don't forget teh schmoke report......very interested in this 1....

AG & Rev0..LL&R (Love, Loyalty & Respet) to u both..


You will not be forgotten
damn that is some dank looking nugs, and fat to boot enjoy puffin on her and let us know how shes tastin :joint:


me blunt is like, wicked yo!! owight


i guess ill double post

first things first, as i told you b4, it was damned good to hear from ya!

and that shit right there, looks like fire for real. if you can just save me a half a gram. . . .if you can please :puppydoge

remember fam, let me know whats good!


Active member
was lucky enough to get some S99, MSSxS99, C99xS99......i cant wait to try these out. thanks for creating these AG and thanks to the member at another site that spread the love.

Kathmandu did you ever grow any of these. I never grew the Mass Super Skunk x S99 but really had high expectations for it

MSS was a nice smoke


the S99 dad was a stinky on the sour diesel


.357 mag


ghem dd is a beadst if ya find a good male
thats a blue dream x cdd peeps say its better than bd and doubled the yeild of bd easily


Grinding extra.
Are there and s99 X Chem DD beans around???

This is still some of the best smoke and ease of grow I've ever run. And I've run alot.

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