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S60 -mold?


Active member
Hi, My S60´s are in about day 45-50 and now I notice mold on my main cola :( Is this a fluke or is S60 prone to mold?

Walter White

New member
Depends on where you live (humidity), but Sour Bubble has been known to mold if you push it with the humidity.

Would have loved to grow Sour Bubble on the east coast, but its only out here in CO that I bother with that strain. I believe the heavy sour bubble lineage makes this strain more prone to mold.
S60 is a mold magnet I was just harvesting a couple before I read this post becuase of mold!!They are no good for me OD!! Even during a dry summer!! I grew them for 2yrs OD and I will not be growin them anymore!


Active member
I found some more on a side branch...just as they started putting on weoght. I´ll try pruning some big fan leaves. At one point I lost count of the days but it should actually be close to 60d´s but they could use another week. My growing consitions are very humid and hot at the moment so next year I´ll try for something more sativa dominant.


Active member
Had to chop two today -mold. I have two left but it´s 26C with a 95% humidity. I´m srewed.
theres a reason why cartels dont run autos, they have no mold resistance....

u gotta grow them in extremly breathable medium of which u under water towards the end while crossing your fingers.


Active member
FS: Yep, AF´s are a challenge but my season is short June-Sept so most earlies won´t finish.


Soul Feeder
Sativa-leaning strains are less prone to mold Piel.
Try some recent/bigger auto strains.


Piel , I would say that any compact plant are prone to mold outdoor where there is so much humidity in the air (95 % !!!). At least if you have deteceted the mold you can save something to smoke !:comfort:

Walter , you're right , Sour bubble is made for indoor ! But in my Sour60 and in my sour 60 F2 i didn't notice any Sour bubble influence in the bud structure...only the kushy high and taste that leave you petrified :).

Strawberrygirl , sorry to hear that , bad luck maybe ! I know you must be desapointed but did you have any good results with another auto strain ? curiosly mine are very sativaish and i don't think they are mold magnet at all. Time will tell.:ying:

IwannaTakeNbone , I'm quite sure that mexican cartels use OMG to resist against police poisons from copters. Even if the plants get burnt pas herbicides , they will grow back from the roots !

im telling u they dont run autos for mold control and your telling me what poison resistance they use? i guess with a plant on a chronological time over light/hormone dependent time that buds at 3 weeks n is burned to the grown will grow back yet bud before it resurfaces above the grond with one single fan leaf? in a nut shell u speak nonsense, autos luv to mold, its why commercially nobody runs them. but i luv em.


Active member
I just ordered some Easyryders as I´ve had luck with them before and some Snowryders just out of curiosity. I´ll start them outside now and move them indoors so they can finish flowering indoors.

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