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:-('s noob grow.. dual 150 vertical cab


What up ICMagers!

Checked on my plants this morning. Turns out my original haze x skunk 1 grew some nanners, so it got the chop. I was really hoping I could smoke some psychadelic sativa weed! :violin:

In memory of this lovely sativa, here are the photos.

Really a neat plant, sad I only had one.

I took clones a while back, I took 6 total, 2 developed roots, and 1 of those 2 died. The remaining one is in veg now, hoping for a mother. It's a skunk1 clone.

Last week I took more cuttings, 12 total. No roots poppin out of the pucks yet. Cross your fingers.

More pics next week. I promise I'll keep up with this journal, hopefully now they are flowering I will have more visitors.

All the best,


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Here's a little update on my cloning.

I've been using jiffy peat pucks and shultz takeroot to take cuttings. I took 6 clones the first time, 2 actually rooted, 1 of those died. The lone survivor is below in the orange pot, I plan to make this one a mother plant.

The second set of cuttings, I took 12, 2 of them were of the oh x s1 which ended up male, so I yanked the clones, this left 10. 2 have already showed roots, the picture is below, and the rest seem to be doing alright. I gave them a tiny dose of nutes, hopefully this will keep them going.

This is my first try at cloning, and I have to say it's pretty neat.

All the best,


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4 Weeks or day 28 of 12/12

Buds are filling up nicely. I've been plagued with some issues in this grow that I just can't seem to work out. Leaves on some of the smaller bag seeds continue to yellow and dry out. Although the buds seem to continue to fill out. The skunk plant seems rather resistant to whatever noobiness I throw it's way.


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Continued from previous post...

The last bud shot is the bag seed that topped itself early on, now sporting 5 tops, all of the tops appear alot smaller than even the side buds from the other plants. Obviously topping is better for a horizontal grow, but staggered is better for a vertical grow.

Last two plants are in cab shots. Flower and veg chambers, respectively.

Seems noone's interested in my grow, but I'll still update for my own records. I'm learning alot from this, and I have many ideas for my next grow.

Any comments / criticism is appreciated.

All the best,


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Recovering UO addict.
hey I'm interested!
haha I know how that goes though...my thread is always like 3 pages back everytime I update. doesn't seem to be too much interest and it's more for my personal records. feel free to stop by anytime :biggrin:

I lurk alot, just as I'm sure tons of others do.

Was that skunk x haze sativa, sam the skunkman's O haze x skunk?

Best of luck with cloning, it can be a real headache but it's well worth it in the long run.


Yeah sam the skunkmans o haze x skunk, got it as a freebie... sad to see it go :/

I'll stop by your grow.
What are you feeding your plants? They look really just underfed to me or like your using the wrong nutrients. Are you rotating them around the light so they evenly develop. I just got done with my first full run using the complete botanicare line, the CalMag, Sweet, Liquid Karma, Grow, and Bloom and I have never had such great consistent results. I used to use Fox Farm nutrients but they really just never did it for me. I use RO water and follow the directions on the back that they recommend and thats it. I dont even have to pH balance to water at all. Just add, shake, and feed its that simple. Good luck with your grow bud.

Keep Growin & Be Safe


What are you feeding your plants? They look really just underfed to me or like your using the wrong nutrients. Are you rotating them around the light so they evenly develop. I just got done with my first full run using the complete botanicare line, the CalMag, Sweet, Liquid Karma, Grow, and Bloom and I have never had such great consistent results. I used to use Fox Farm nutrients but they really just never did it for me. I use RO water and follow the directions on the back that they recommend and thats it. I dont even have to pH balance to water at all. Just add, shake, and feed its that simple. Good luck with your grow bud.

Keep Growin & Be Safe

Hi Doc,
I'm feeding them with shultz 10-15-10. I am using a soil mix of compost, peat moss and perlite with bone meal mixed in. I think I plagued these plants with nutrient issues from the beginning, they are showing P def, I don't know if this is from lockout or PH issues. I am growing with a very limited budget, so big name hydro nutes are out of question. I've been looking into the hempy buckets as an option for my next grow, and will probably use the general hydroponics flora nova line of nutes. I'll definitely consider the botanicare line, as I do not know much of anything about anything, and right now it's trial and error.

Much appreciation for your input.

I really cant say to much about Schultz nutrients but for me personally I would never consider using something "commercial" like that for mj. The botanicare line I'm using comes in quart sizes for 20 bucks each at my local hydro store. I would think that for someone dealing with your amount of growing i.e. plant number and whatnot that the quart sizes could last you the whole entire year. They also sell little 8oz size bottles on ebay for about 10 bucks with included free shipping. Maybe you could try the CalMag with just the Grow and Bloom for now until you get alil more money to get the rest. I would highly recommend a nice flush along with a good nutrient combo. Like I stated before I've only been using this line of nutes for about 6 months now but I'm seeing the best pot I've ever grown. Also my plants just seem to grow perfect with pretty much zero problems. I just feed them about every time I water, using just plain RO water with only CalMag on every third watering. No matter what I always give my plants CalMag as I noticed before a mag def. usually happens in most plants. Also I used to use Fox Farms Happy Frog soil but have recently switched to this brand called All-Mix that seems to have a way better organic content then the Happy Frog. It stays nice & fluffy as compared to the Happy Frog that tends to sotra harden up and suck in from the sides of the cups after a few waterings. Well I hope this helps alil & I hope to see some dank looking nugs in your future. Take care bud & Ill check up on your grow soon. Best of luck

Keep Growin & Be Safe


Thanks Frasier, this information is very helpful. For this the time being, I'm pretty much on a zero budget for this grow. Hopefully next month I can pick up some name brand nutes, if botanicare is everything you say it is, I'll definitely try it out. Are you using pure blend pro grow and bloom? It looks to me like a complete line of nutes would be.

Grow - macro nutes
Bloom - macro nutes
Liquid karma - micro nutes
Cal Mag - micro nutes

On another note, I've been watering with 1 tspn molasses also.

Thanks again.. like I said this is a learning process, maybe in grow 2 or 3 I'll work out the major issues.

The only other one I use is the Sweet. They also sell something called ClearX but I haven't used that yet. I just use plain RO to flush my plants. Good luck man & remember you get out of your plants what you put in them. Cut corners and you'll notice it when it comes time to yield. Take care bud


Good luck man & remember you get out of your plants what you put in them. Cut corners and you'll notice it when it comes time to yield.

Thanks again Frasier. Just to clarify, I'm not cutting corners for sake of being lazy, my budget is not by choice. I'm trying to produce my own medicine with limited resources.

Thanks again Frasier. Just to clarify, I'm not cutting corners for sake of being lazy, my budget is not by choice. I'm trying to produce my own medicine with limited resources.

I understand that of course. I did not mean to imply that in any way negative towards you at all. Im sure once your growing your own, you'll notice instantly the money your saving from buying alil herb here and there. Mostly when I say that to others, in my head in usually always just thinking about can filters. Its like some people pay hundreds for lights and fans but never correct their smell problems....ehhh im just rambling now but I am sorry if I offended you as I didnt mean it that way. I will def be checkin back in on your grow bud.

Keep Growin & Be Safe


I understand that of course. I did not mean to imply that in any way negative towards you at all. Im sure once your growing your own, you'll notice instantly the money your saving from buying alil herb here and there. Mostly when I say that to others, in my head in usually always just thinking about can filters. Its like some people pay hundreds for lights and fans but never correct their smell problems....ehhh im just rambling now but I am sorry if I offended you as I didnt mean it that way. I will def be checkin back in on your grow bud.

Keep Growin & Be Safe
No offense taken at all!!! :smokey:


5 Weeks 12/12

Time for an update, ya? :smokeit:

The girls are frostin up big time! On the home stretch now it seems.

Sensi's website says the skunk #1 is supposed to go 55 days so that puts me out a few weeks, I'll be sure to use my trusty trich-scope from RadioShack to see when the time is right.

Well, here's some pictures, I photoshopped them a little... Enjoy!



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Veg Chamber update

Working on getting some more clones together for next round. I'd like to run only skunk as it's the strongest, heaviest and most frosty of the bunch. I'll be running hydro nutes in the next go round and PH'ing my water.

Below is a photo of the progress in my mother/clone chamber.



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That Skunk #1 looks fuckin great. MMMMM I love when a plant has that many trichs on her. You plan on switching to hydro after this grow is over? Whats the hydro nutrients for? Its looking great and Im sure your looking forward to a nice flush and a sweet harvest. Nothing is betting than smoking your own. Take care man

Kwwp Growin & Be Safe


@Frasier - That skunk is lookin killer... I'm just gonna run clones off the skunk for the next run. I'm thinking about doing hempy style buckets with 2 liter bottles also.

Thanks for the kind words


Check out what's happening in my veg room.

Picture 1. This little clone is right in the middle of reveg, she's spittin curly leaves from her budsite... Kind of an ugly process, but I imagine I'm going to get a bushy plant.

Picture 2. This will be my skunk mother plant, you can see in the photo where she was topped, I topped her as soon as I saw new growth from the side shoots and she's taken off ever since. I really like this skunk, it takes alot of abuse.

Picture 3. Small clone that revegged very quickly, and now sports one new shoot right off the side. Does anyone think I should clip the old bud off?

:smokeit:Safe growing to all! :smokeit:


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