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S E R I O U S S E E D S A K 4 7


Frozenguy you will not be disappointed! That plant you see still has a good ways to go, I'll make sure to keep her updated.

I just sampled some from an earlier harvest (still not completely dry, no cure) with a little hash on top. Man what a great day. The herb smells and tastes sort of fruity with some spice. The happy buzz is instant, but I found it relaxing, like there is no paranoia. The yield is great. It is the best yielding fast finishing plant I've encountered. A pleasure to grow.

I am now going to try and grow her organically. I believe it will really bring out her taste and that extra goodness.

Much Love :smokeit:


*Stoned User*
Wow qwerty thats a massive lady. :good:
Still got the PPPs going? If so dont sleep on those... they are some suprising plants and the highh is lovely.


I cut the PPP after one run, not because I was disappointed, simply I want to focus on the AK. The high was indeed wonderful.

Due to a false alarm (security scare) I cut my garden down a couple days ago. 8 plants came down at about 25 days into flower. It was an ugly sight. Luckily a couple days before I had harvested 3 bushes. I'd rather play it safe than sorry. I do have an AK mom though.

I must give AK47 respect, all the hype is true! Don't worry, you will see more AK47 grows from me. Taking her outdoors now.

Anybody thinking about trying AK47 go for it!!!

GreatLakes THC

an Arthur P. Jacobs production
Bummer dude...

Bummer dude...

I've cut down a grow like that before. It's an awful feeling. At least you kept a mom.

GreatLakes THC :joint:


New member
Nice bud shot's! something i noticed in this thread...no one mentioned the seriuos AK 47 cherry pheno...
It is very very rare to find anymore post 2000-2001. But..every great once in a while one sneak's through in a pack of reg seed's..
The Ak-47 from serious is the "real" AK 47..many companies sell ak 47 strain's and are all just rework's of serious seed's original version.. you did good by choosing this strain from serious..a true breeding parent plant for sure,,,

the desired, classic AK pheno is alway's available in fem form from serious seed's. so for anyone looking for that classic ak pheno and want's no males..the fem is perfect from serious..i have yet to see or find a hermie one..they are top breeder's over there and have been for a long time..
i'd trust any one of there fem's in my garden and actually have a few ak fem's growing myelf..a great addition to any breeder's grow area..:)
lookin great, keep it up.....what kinda camera do u use.have some diff. phenos of sweettooth and one turnig purp and i would love to cath the transformation wit quality close up pics?
Do you think the AK47 Will do just as good growing in Hempy Buckets 8 plants w/ 2 - 600 watt hps lights & vegging under 1 - 400 watt MH.


Do you think the AK47 Will do just as good growing in Hempy Buckets 8 plants w/ 2 - 600 watt hps lights & vegging under 1 - 400 watt MH.

Do not know about hempy buckets but they sure will love an easy DWC bucket.

Hi hi Qwerty. Nice grow in here.
AK47 is a good strain isn t it ? Don t mind if I put a few pics of this strain here do you?

An AK 47 girl

And the end result

hope I did not pollute your thread qwerty....


I love AK, I have had a AK mom from Serious for years. She is a keeper, I'm sure you will be satisfied as well. Nice work.
I'm glad I found this thread, since I just germinated my White Ruissian seeds from serious about 9 hrs ago. The guy at the seed bank was very confident about serious seeds. I'll Let you all Know how they germ. tomorrow.


Active member
I was given an AK close when i lived up in VT, shit was awesome i loved working w/ it and it was always sick sick sick, the cut made it to my new home but eventualy mothers couldnt stand the turmoil of my life, needless to say i just order a pack of serious seeds ak47.....the only strain i felt the need to reaquire in my "new" ventures, good shit. i am on board....go get em tiger!!!!!
took a total of 36 hours to germinate 11 seeds. They germ'd amazing.

A question...are the lights on or off immiedietly after placing them in the soil medium? I put them on 20/4. seems to work for me this way. but whats the real way?

lost in a sea

serious gear kicks ass,,

you guys seen that new strain due soon,, serious 6,, it tastes citrusy apparantly,, cant wait,,,,

haveaNOSday -- you should have them on for a few reasons ,, but obviously watch out for over drying the seedlings,,, and then overwatering in correcting it,,, obviously...


New member
I've seen a lot of people leave them in dark till they poke their heads out of the soil. Myself, I don't believe it matters - I throw them in. If the lights on, it's on - off, it's off.

If it's kind of chilly, I'd leave the lights on for sure to keep it warm. They like warmth.
Yeah I get a better vibe with the lights on right away.

it's been 12 hrs since I planted the seedlings with lights on and still no sprouts....again no worries.