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Russian/Ukrain brides????


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Pops said:
Personally, I would rather hire a $500 hooker 10 times,as after the first year you don't get that much sex anyway. A hooker gives blowjobs, but once a girl gets married,she gets lockjaw!

quoted for truth

headfortrinity said:
She offered me $10 to have sex with her. I got her up to $20 before I left. I've had this happen twice the second lady was a white american woman who put $60 in my pocket.

I miss that job :(

man id love to be payed to have sex

lucky bastard!!


whiterabbit9 said:
quoted for truth

man id love to be payed to have sex

lucky bastard!!

Thanks, I never went through with it though. A guy I worked with named Matt got fired so when I was sent out in his place the Panamanian lady figured I'd be up for it.
I ended up with Matt's work van so the American lady thought I was Matt , aparently she was a new client. She put $60 in my pocket and told me I was her birthday present to herself, I was confused to say the least. Then her husband showed up and was giving me funny looks. I got the hell outa there!
Too expensive.

That much money is a red flag for mischief.

If you want a foreign girl you gotta go there and find one. Even then it's risky. Better to find one that's already here. Being a desperate guy with money is like walking around with a 'scam me' sign on your back.

I feel bad for guys that feel they have to go this route. I understand liking foreign girls. But man if you act desperate, you will get taken for a ride - and that's anywhere in the world.

You gotta find a girl that likes you without paying 5 grand. Common sense to me, but a fool and his money are soon parted.

These things can work i guess. I have only seen 2 instances of similar situations in my life. But they turned out not too good.

One of my best friend's mom was a foreigner who married an american. She came here, stayed for awhile, had 2 kids with the guy. Once she learned english and connected with locals of her same nationality, she started her own business, dumped my friends dad, and married some guy with lots of money and property. I feel bad for my friend's dad. He should have known she was too much for him.

The other one is weirder. This guy i know had a family and a super hot asian wife, 3 daughters. One day he disappeared. Apparently he had been having this online relationship with some young filipina and went to go live happily ever after with her. He ditched his famliy and everything with no warning. I don't get it. Anyway i guess things didn't work out with that girl in the philippines and he came back. The wife filed for divorce. The kids are split up. They lost the house to the lawyers. It's terrible. I feel so bad for the wife and kids. The girls are really torn up and now dropping out of school, getting in trouble, on drugs, etc etc.

I don't think it's really the foreign brides' fault. They're just doing what they do. Trying to get a better life. Albeit it's a dirty way to do someone. But man some guys are fucking stupid.


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i forgot how to spell hilarious..hilarius..hilarious...dang i guess the ones without the red line underneath them are spelled correctly..


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All this talk of young beautiful russian woman!!Got me all worked up,LINK a man up will ya,I wanna look. :rasta:


Resident pissy old man
Some folks think that Beluga caviar is the best thing. Personally, I think it tastes like fish eggs.
The sexiest women on planet earth live in Columbia. For all you single dudes with nothing to do and money to burn, head for Barranquilla Columbia. The women love men from North America and all the attention they give you, well, you'll feel like a ROCK STAR!