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russian deisel

this was a freebie from my last seed order....

i think ak47 daddy and ECSD mommy....sure is pretty....nice big chunky calyxes.....thinking it has another two weeks in her....


That IS some chunky bud, great lineage as well, I'm sure she's a stinker.Enjoy the final days. Chaco, aka, Lilly456.:joint::joint:
I would of thought it was White Russia and Diesel crossed.

So how does ECSD influence the breed? Shorter flowering time? Larger yield? Different high?


Hey Inefecualize-

you chop that russian yet I have 2 going right now at about two weeks flowering. How many weeks did you go. Do you have any harvest pics yet. Thanks for any info just trying to see what I could get. Thanks



Active member
Ya man! I got 2 fems myself.... Still vegging them, won't get to flower for a few weeks.... would love to see some final product!!!!

Also did u guys have these type of leaf formations on urs... i have 2 males like this..


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nice, infect. my buddy ran that out a month or so ago and his buds looked very similar sans the little foxtails. SUPER resiny balls of nuggets that was a treat to trim. Not the biggest yielder bit it was just one little plant from seed so it wouldn't be fair to judge it by that one plant he had. He just started flowering out a much bigger more mature clone of it yesterday.
I'll see if he can snap a pic when it gets a little more in. EIther way, if anyone has them and was debating running them, you should be quite impressed.