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Running out of height, what should i do

Im only in about day 14 of flowering and most plants (5) have grown tall and are only an inch away from my 400w HID light. What should i do?

This is my first grow and made some mistakes along the way for them to be this tall, but in the mean time want to save my crop.


in the thick of it
Bend 'em down easy and tie them off. Be easy but you can manipulate them to fit. Next time, flip 'em earlier.


Sorcerer's Apprentice
yeah. Bend them bitches. at 1" from HID you're likely to bleach them white.

Can you raise the light or is it already at the top?

Next time, veg shorter. :) j/k
hopefully you have enough space to bend them, since they will be taking up more horizontal space. did you top these or are they all just 1 top? how tall are they now, and what strain? what kind of light are you using, and is it cooled in any way? what size space do you have. any pics?
at 14 days of 12/12, you can expect another few weeks of stretching. you may be better off just topping them now. if anything, top them and throw them back into veg so you can have shorter plants with multiple tops. that could cause some stress though, but the light being 1" away is causing way more
if you did not top them, you should really do so on your future grows. you wont get tall lanky plants, and instead of 1 big cola, you get multiple.so topped, you get short bushier plants with more(smaller colas). if you LST(low stress training) them as well, it causes the lower branches try and grow to the same level as the tops. so this way, if you had topped it once and had 2 tops, if you lst, you could wind up with much more tops, since all the lower branches will try and keep up with the colas. then as the plant starts to flower, go in and pick off all the flowers and most leaves from the bottom 1/3 to 1/2. if you do not do that, you get a bunch of airy popcorn buds that are not very good for smoking. that will allow more airflow around the stems, and help prevent pockets of stail air forming( to help prevent mold) what it also does is fantastic. since you picked the buds on the lower part, the plant will basically put that bud growth back into the upper part, where the good buds are. since you are only using 400watts, there is not very much light penetration. that means you only have a few foot of good lighting. anything past that will produce airy less potent buds. you should really be air cooling the reflector so you can keep the plants as close as you can. depending on the fan you use, i think the closest you should have them is 4 inches away. if it is not air cooled, i think maybe a foot away.
you will really need to get into a few techniques and runs before you get it down. practice makes perfect. topping, lst, and trying down will be your friends, read up on that


Active member
in a vertical garden you can grow the plants to the ceiling because the bulb is beside the plant, not above it ...


there were 7 plants around this 600


Crotchety Cabaholic
You may have to sacrifice 1 of the 5 when you bend, depending on how much lateral room you have. If they are packed in a cab, you're going to need the room for the bend.
Too many plants packed in a cab = lower yield in my experience


Defiantly try & bend them down a tad, at this point your options are limited. Best of luck though ! :)