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Rumors of USA Recession ? If so will Cannabis be impacted?


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
Watch supplies get low again this year, as the stimilis moolahs flow. Get what you need early (like TP last year).

Big M

Any thoughts on Biden's proposed $15 minimum wage? I can see it as good and bad. Good because it's hard to get by on less than that. Bad because some people just aren't worth that much as workers due to poor work ethic or whatever. Hard on a small business owner trying to hire help for simple work that they really can't afford to pay more than ten for.

Good to help bring the poorest working folks up to a better standard of living. Not so good when companies have less money to pay for advancement, because more wages are going to entry level workers.

Will the extra earnings from a $15 minimum wage boost the economy? Will it hurt the economy? I know it would improve my wallet. Does it even stand a chance of happening?

pumpkinpie eyes

ownerz say it'll be passed on to the customer. been happening for a long time before 15 an hr. probably better in long run. millionz living paycheck to paycheck now. it'll help me.


Well-known member
In the alcohol business there's a saying, in good times people drink. In bad times they drink more.
that´s totally true! I never drank much when things were going well. It started with excrrutiating chronic pain and later depression.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
its worse that recession, there's no economic model at all going forward. The current model of capitalism which relies on constant global expansion is done as there is no room left to expand anywhere and nothing left to take from other countries.

The world as we knew it is over.


Well-known member
its worse that recession, there's no economic model at all going forward. The current model of capitalism which relies on constant global expansion is done as there is no room left to expand anywhere and nothing left to take from other countries.

The world as we knew it is over.
lol, is that why some people are so obsessed with space travel again?

New markets: exporting chlorinated chicken to martians, more converse worn in other parts of the galaxy, newly shaped condoms and new chip and kebab shops in distant colonies... yeah!! :yummy:
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Well-known member
In the U.K. the drugs industry grows during a recession, supply increases as people lose their jobs and take up criminality, demand increases as people don’t have the money to do proper things so just smoke instead.. we always have a surplus of demand over supply so recession tends to equalise that.

One thing I observed during this pandemic was that weed is a necessity not a luxury for many people
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New member
ownerz say it'll be passed on to the customer. been happening for a long time before 15 an hr. probably better in long run. millionz living paycheck to paycheck now. it'll help me.
til yuh laid off & prices for groceries,gas, and everything else doubles / triples . WHO do yuh think they'll pass that ''increase'' on to ???????? .......... Sad for fixed income seniors on SS ..........


New member
It won't be just cannabis,

Over the next two years we are going to see the biggest economic collapse this planet has ever seen. The domino effect will lead to starvation into the millions, along with refuges form those countries pouring into our countries creating even a greater strain.

When you look at history, war always follows, and that war will be with China, Russia and the rest of the BRICS countries. The pieces on the geopolitical chessboard are being moved into position and have been for some time.

A digital currency will emerge at some stage, with it being backed by gold. Look at the countries for the last 10-15 years that have been buying all this up and you will see its the BRICS countries, mainly China and Russia. And then look at who is currently testing or has announced interest in this, all is reveled when you know what to look for.

When the dust settles it will be the countries who hold the most physical gold that will be the new super powers and unfortunately the US and Europe don't fit into that category.

In 2009, John Wolfensohn (head of the world bank 95-05) stated in an open lecture to students at Stansted Graduate School of business that in the near future we would see a power shift, we are just around the corner from this power shift.


I tend to agree with K.T.F. and to be bluntly honest, I've been studying up on this and preparing for it since Bush and there are undoubtedly some of you here who have known since Ronald Ray-Gun.

I'm personally sitting pretty because all of those years I was desperately trying to explain Dmitri Orloff to some strange chick on MySpace, she was actually paying attention. My kid is an Autist so she's sharp as a tack.

We can't fix this. Jobbers simply can't job enough to save the family fortune. We're not supposed to. The US will consider the economy "fixed" when every job has a jobber and every jobber has a job. That's all they care about.

We're screwed. We still have a year's worth of back rent that we've got to pay. We've still got all the credit card bills. My kid's still got to feed my grandkids. We can't fix that.

I can't remember for the life of me whether it was a quarter mil or a half mil I spent trying to get my kid back and I don't care that I can't remember either because it's not important. Of course I couldn't write the Great American Novel or snap capitalism at its weakest link either, but that doesn't mean I didn't try my damndest thirty-odd years ago with predictable results.

But spoiled rich brats simply didn't get to dote over some "bad egg" and pretend that a retart was a human being just because their grandfather had a lot of money. Not then, not when my Mom had her first kid, not when my Grandmother had her first kid, not anywhere in my family line. People just don't do that.

Dmitri Orlov wrote a lot of good books about how people got through the collapse of the Soviet Union. I may not have been able to raise my own kid, but I was able to geek out on Orlov's books back in the '80s when "books" meant something and weren't just another piece of shit to sell, so I think what I'm trying to say is that once the Russians realized that societal collapse was inevitable, jobs had different meanings, just like stockbrokers know when to buy and sell stock depending on the running of the Bears and the Bulls in China Shops on Wall street.

So nobody in the future former Soviet Union wanted to be a doctor or a lawyer any more, they all wanted to be night watchmen and boiler stokers instead.

Because people like me and my kid, who are both mothers even though I didn't raise her and she didn't give birth to my grandkids, will always be ourselves, regardless of whether they call us "retarted" or "autistic" or whether it's a bad thing on Monday and a good thing on Tuesday, because that's just what we are. Nothing is EVER going to make me stop wanting to mother my daughter. I know darned well that she's a grown-ass woman who is perfectly capable of sending me to heaven.

Yea, I know it's just going to be The Cocktail from Hospice with a fuckload of RSO in it, but she's an "essential worker" and she's good at this shit. It's her job. It's what she does.

But we aren't jobbers, we're people. If we lose our jobs, we can just get new ones. We're growers. It's just drug money.

Even though I didn't raise her, my daughter is still my daughter.

Even though you would think I was insane if I retold the story I wrote for my kid when she was learning to read because we didn't HAVE Zoom or Facetime or Tik Tok back then, just postage stamps, you're still stoners, your grandfather's good solid blue chip stocks are still nothing but drug money, and no matter how bad things get and how little power we have over our own lives, nothing can change who you are inside.

My daughter wasn't a "bad egg". She found me again on MySpace because she is my daughter.

The jobbers are jabbering jobber jabber because that is what jobbers do. All jobbers jabber jobber jabber because every jobber must have a job and every job must have a jobber and jobbers must only jabber jobber jabber (if jobbers must jabber at all).

It was kind of like a mashup of Das Kapital and Fox in Sox and I'm no writer, just a mother. That was all either of us could remember about my pathetic attempt to tell my Xtreme-hyper-hyperlexic then-three year old Autie kid that she is worth more than money.

That's all I'm trying to tell my fellow stoners who can't get out of this dump any more than I can. We aren't a bunch of fucking jobbers. Proposition 64 happened ages ago and Humboldt County is still here.

The jobbers messed it up a bit as jobbers always do, but Humboldt County is still here. This is going to suck. Not all of us are going to make it, but we know that. We're all stoners here or we wouldn't even be here. We're not a bunch of fucking jobbers jabbering jobber jabber; I hate going through hell just as much as everybody else but at least we don't have to go through it alone.

We're all stoners here and even though I can't stand lawyers and maybe another stoner needed to get a job as a lawyer and can't stand people who talk too much, it's all good; I'm cool and I'm almost done.

This isn't advice. It just is. Maybe it's a spazz attack and maybe it's actually useful. I don't know--you tell me. We're all stoners here. Nobody's going to hate me just because I didn't smoke enough weed and threw a spazz attack and made a fool out of myself, are you?


See the world through a puff of smoke
While there is a shortage, the US is exporting like a mad man and China is buying.While other countries put a hold on the export of agricultural goods, to protect their own people.Food prices will rise and the shortages will be bigger.


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Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
til yuh laid off & prices for groceries,gas, and everything else doubles / triples . WHO do yuh think they'll pass that ''increase'' on to ???????? .......... Sad for fixed income seniors on SS ..........

The printfest in DC is killing off retired savers, like me. Cash is like water on a tee shirt in a grow tent, just dries up. I think the real inflation is around 10%.


the us dollar is fiat garbage that's being pumped with socialist benefits like stimulus checks because they want to change to all digital currency after they bail everyone out that's been effected by covid regulations that were put in place to seize everything that everyone worked for. its all a staged game.


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
Control the means to transact, and they control us totally. They want that implant (the mark of the best). I can't believe the mask and skinny jeans wearing fools that love this Orwell / Huxley utopia.

If you like dope, better get set-up to grow your own. I'm working on having a lifetime supply of seeds, which may not need to be that many. And soil, and worms.


Perhaps the mask wearing fools were trying to protect the vulnerable by not transmitting the virus to others who transmit it to others who transmit it to others and before you know it you have half a million deaths. I'm an atheist so can't really comment on the mark of the beast. A friend though had 666 tattooed on his head if that counts:) But yeah printing cash and massive debt I'd say the world in general is going south. I'm more concerned about global warming, food shortages and war but def there is a good chance of a recession.

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