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rul of thumb VEG time for 1 Pound?



ok, i know it depends on the plant and genetics, BUT assuming its a decent yeilder and finishes in 50-70 days 50/50 indica,sativa. What is a good rule of thumb for veg time for yeilding a pound under a 1000 watt bulb with 4-5 plants with nutrients and addatives to help promte growth and bloom. just looking for a general rule of thumb some of you more experienced grows would know. What would you guys shoot for as a veg time to achive a pound with a strain similar to the one I described above. assuming you picked good mothers from a previous run and are using clones. Veg time from rooted clones. also shoot me a estimate from seed if you were growing blank named strain for the first time.... O and theyw ould be organic soil grown and topped.


I try to let em get 16" to 18" high, then I clip 5mm off of the main growing tip, and then flip the lights down to 12/12

I end up with 16-18 oz with my current grape ape, slightly more with blue dreams (18-24oz), and even more with my particular kush (almost 2lbs!)
I have pretty much the same setup as you do (1K hortilux, moonshine's mix), but I run 9 to 12 girls depending on variety, if you're only running 4 or 5, I'd let em get bigger, probably 24" or so, before I flipped the lights down to 12/12, depending on how much each will stretch
How does that work that should retart growth after putting into 12/12 after clippin, I don't know about this anyone with feed back. How this could work?


How does that work that should retart growth after putting into 12/12 after clippin, I don't know about this anyone with feed back. How this could work?

removing the 5mm (5mm is smaller than a "BB") from the growing tip (5 days before light flip), lets all the lower and side branches "catch up", the end result is 8-10 nice colas on top, instead of 2 or only one.

btw, 12/12 light/dark cycle triggers FLOWERING, not restart veg growth

maybe I didn't understand you correctly
Well putting the plant under 12 hrs of light after clippin woulkdn't u want to wait a week so the plant can heal its self.???


Well putting the plant under 12 hrs of light after clippin woulkdn't u want to wait a week so the plant can heal its self.???

yes, if you read the above post (not hatin, I'm just baked, maybe I'm not being clear, the friggin firecracker recipe in here WORKS!)

FIVE DAYS before the light flip, you remove a TINY, TINY 5mm slice off of JUST the MAIN growing tip (the apical meristem), and all that does is halt the progress on the MAIN stem, all the OTHER stems grow up to the same level as the main stem, so the plant ends up looking like an upside-down tri-angle with a flat level top consisting of 8 or 10 MAIN COLA's, instead of just the one, with the five to seven lower smaller cola's.

cutting that TINY slice off of the main shoot hardly stresses the plant at all, they usually are back to vigorous growth in only a couple of days, and notice we are doing this 5 DAYS before we flip the lights down, so yes, the plant has PLENTY of time to recover, plus it has the entire 2 month flowering cycle to go.

you get MORE BIG buds, and less small ones this way, almost like a scrog you are maximizing the light across the largest area of plant.
i snap my plants over for the first week to two weeks of flower with no probs to let the sides catch up,the first weeeks of flower the plants are mainly streatching and making bud sites,its not like flip 12/12 and bam theyr flowering,iv go a strain running right now that is 12 days into flower and has grown more than twice as big in them 12 days!


Even in Arcadia I exist
Height is an awful "yardstick" since it's really relative and not at all indicative of the plants development.

How many nodes do you see when your plants are 16" - 18" tall?

I've seen some grows with plants having about 6-9 nodes @ 16 inches, others where there were perhaps 14 or so. Off the main stem only of course. . .


I think a more effective question to post is how many watts would you need per plant to generate a POUND PER PLANT, and obviously this would require a much longer veg time correct? Like 4 months 10 gal pots?

I have been wondering this myself.


Reckon do u cut of the growth shoot?

yes, five days before I flip the lights down, I cut off 5 mm of the growing MAIN tip (this is about the size of a match head),...this allows the side branches to catch up,....you could accomplish the EXACT SAME THING, by merely bending the main stem over.
(sort of late low stress training), and NOT cut the plant, the choice is yours

and the above poster is correct, height is NOT the best indicator, I just use it for my varieties, because I know exactly how they will grow. (fyi, I have about 12-16 internodes when I flip)

I also will clear out all of the "little shit" on the lower branches, after about 2 weeks into flowering, figuring the plant will spend that energy on the larger buds once the small popcorn bud sites are eliminated, I will continue to strip off any growing shoots from these areas all the way through until 3 weeks before harvest.

your trying to build a FRAME for the buds to grow on, so for maximizing yield I try and build the biggest frame I can, the clipping of the main tip, is just my way of evening out the canopy, and concentrating on making LARGE buds, and minimizing the small, popcorn buds.

growing cannabis is pretty much like fried chicken, there are a million different "cooks" and recipes, all of em work (pretty much), you just have to decide which method(s) work for your particular situation, and preferences.


yes, five days before I flip the lights down, I cut off 5 mm of the growing MAIN tip (this is about the size of a match head),...this allows the side branches to catch up,....you could accomplish the EXACT SAME THING, by merely bending the main stem over.
(sort of late low stress training), and NOT cut the plant, the choice is yours

and the above poster is correct, height is NOT the best indicator, I just use it for my varieties, because I know exactly how they will grow. (fyi, I have about 12-16 internodes when I flip)

I also will clear out all of the "little shit" on the lower branches, after about 2 weeks into flowering, figuring the plant will spend that energy on the larger buds once the small popcorn bud sites are eliminated, I will continue to strip off any growing shoots from these areas all the way through until 3 weeks before harvest.

your trying to build a FRAME for the buds to grow on, so for maximizing yield I try and build the biggest frame I can, the clipping of the main tip, is just my way of evening out the canopy, and concentrating on making LARGE buds, and minimizing the small, popcorn buds.

growing cannabis is pretty much like fried chicken, there are a million different "cooks" and recipes, all of em work (pretty much), you just have to decide which method(s) work for your particular situation, and preferences.

Hey - Post some pictures of your setup till we have a look at them plants. I would would really love to see them in flower !


did anybody mention soil? a good mix of FF ocean forest/promix/perlite in 50/25/25 ratio works with some powdered lime thrown in. need at least 5gal containers per plant. big roots=big buds.

buddy did 31.5 oz of Blue dream under 1k in 4x4. he vegged LONG (10 weeks) due to logistical delays setting up the flower room (hydrohut backordered). wasted 24" of lower growth. i'd say once clones are rooted (10 days in rockwool) you could veg another 20-28 days until they're 12-16" of topped, bushy goodness, then flip to 12/12. high yield was probably due in part to the super-mature, massive stems/vegged plants (all lower growth trimmed).

depends on strain, of course. Blue dream is stretchier- we intend to keep it around 36" when finished- it generally stretches around 2.5x in height- so he's shooting for around a 14" bushy plants before the flip.
he said ounces not pounds bro,i dont think 12 to 18 oscars is that hard with a thousand. dudes do that on one plant all the time.


Hey - Post some pictures of your setup till we have a look at them plants. I would would really love to see them in flower !

here is my current run of grape ape, probably going to flip the lights down next week (the 15th?-17th?), these were
transplanted into the 1K garden 7 days ago (from a 120W CFL veg closet), so I still have a few chlorotic lower leaves, but those will come off in the clean up trim



I'll yield about 16oz, MAYBE 18oz, GA isn't the fattest producer, but this crop is all mine (I heart GA dearly), so the yield really doesn't matter, I'll smoke it all happily in 3 or 4 months, just in time for the next run.

I have blue dreams all lined up for the next session in 2 months, I should get 1.5lbs(or more hopefully) from 9 girls on that grow.


I let the plant tell me when it's ready. that is, when the top growth stops making equally parallel side branches and switches to making alternating side branches, then it's ready to start producing flowers. this is the natural life cycle of the plant and is true for both mle and female.

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