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Rudimentary DIY Ice/Water Hash making experiment



After reading abotu this patented new ise/water hash extraction technique, not having any filter nags to use and having some trim to hand, I decided to try a simple DIY idea inspired this fancy new xtractor system that's behind all this patent hoopla. The principle is that triichomes sink in water, plant matter floats.

I took a small plastic bucket with a lid and cut a hole in the lid the size of a CD. i then made a neoprene disk from an old kneeler pad just large enugh to fit (very tightly) in the hole. In this disk I cut two holes for the mixer blades to fit through. The neoprene disk absorbs all the vibration while the mixer is running so you can leave it running unattended. I placed 70g of trim along with ice and water in the bucket, added the lid and mixed on the lowest setting for 3 hours.




I took another bucket and cut out the bottom, then I used 8 pop riverts to attach the filter from an old filter bag to the bottom. It's a 220 screen for catching the plant matter but letting the trichomes through:






I then placed the bucket with the filter on top of a large bucket - I left the rivets untrimmed so they stick out about 2 inches and the filter bucket rests neatly on the rim of the large bucket on these rivets. I poured the contents of the mixer bucket through the filter bucket and this removed the plant material. I left the resulting bucket of brown water to sit overnight and allow the trichomes to settle at the bottom.

The next day I used a length of drip tubing to siphon off almsot all of the water, leavign a layer of pale brown trichomes on the bottom with abotu a quarter of an inch of water on top. I poured this remaining liquid into a small cup and used a plastic pippette to removeve as much of the water as possible. I then left the cup on a radiator overnigth and in the morning, all the water had evaporated leaving a brown deposit that I could easily scrape off with my fingers. Although dry, it felt very soft and sticky and stuck together in clumps.







I pressed the hash in my press for an hour and it fornmed a nice little cake weighing 1.9g.






A quick tester hit was very clean and smooth, the ash burnt to white which is a good sign.


So 2g of what is pretty damn good water hash, and look pretty free of contaminants, from 70g of trim aint ag reat yield, but it was Zamal x Neville's Haze trim and not very resinous. so I'm not displeased with the yield. The end product is a really lovely soft, brown pliable piece of hash and the technique obviously works, but if I had some filter bags, I would use those in the traditional method. However, if you are in desperate need of making hash and have no equipment, this is worth a try. You don't need to use a filter like I did, you could just skin the plant matter off the water (it floats) with a tea strainer or sieve.

Elevator Man

Active member
Nice to see we use the same model of plastic bucket BH! The 21-litre size I presume? Excellent model. Best thing I ever found for my Bubblebags...:)

Nice hash too, BTW. I will try really hard not to smoke all mine before I see you next...:)


Actually, that's the 8 litre model, but I have a couple of the 21s, I use em for flushing coco, making soilmixes etc.

I've been a good boy and managed to keep half of each hash piece I've made in the last couple of months, which is all the Trianwreck Sour Diesel, Blueberry Zamal, Chemdawg D x Nigerian Silk, Kentish Cream trim and popcorn stuff so all really strong and tasty.

I've just chopped a Dark Kush and got loads of popcorn and trim cos it was a leafy thing that produced loads of little wispy buds ratehr than colas, bottom half of plant all went in hash pile. I'm chopping a Black Domina, a Hashplant, a G13 x OG Kush, a Nigerian Nightmare and a Trainwreck a Mexican in the next coupe of weeks so the next hash run will be all indica, should be some resinous trim from that bunch. Methinks I'll have to come and make use of you bubblebags, we can have our own little hash fest, I'll bring my hash stash!
I have a Question for you British.......When you said 70 grams of trim...is that dry
or wet or frozen?I guess my question is....which way is better using dry trim?wet trim?
or frozen trim?or does it matter? thank you.


Herbal relaxation...
Damn guys, that "hashfest" sounds great :rasta: I wish I could live in the same island with you guys :biglaugh:

Nice technique btw... :yes:

Btw Hempire.. I decided to wait couple days and I think it´s worths it, because you are getting couple Purps x Purple Kush beenies along the way :wink: I just had to wait awhile for them to come ripe, now they are + I quick dryed them alittle, so no mold, fungus etc.. should ruin your joy with them!

Great & useful thread, I hope we see another run with these buckets.. Here´s some :respect:, maybe it helps on the yield thang :D


Slap-A-Ho tribe
1 8L bucket and pop rivets = 4£
1 old never used filter bag = 0£
70g of trim and electric mixer = 0£

2 grams of bubble hash = Priceless


Cheers guys. Nice equation there Chief, the bucket was originally 1.29 3 years ago, it's left over from when I used to use those nuckets to run DWC. The pop rivets, my dad has hundreds of those so I borrowed 8 and his rivetter! The filter bag was used once, the fabric literally fell apart when it touched the icy water for the first time, so I just cut the filter oput and kept it, thinking 'this will come in handy one day'.

I used the same filter when I made QWISO a few weeks back:



I don't think I'll use this ice water technique again, it was an interesting experiment and it really does work, but the filter bag method is definitely preferable in some ways. I hate collecting the resin from the screens and washing the bags afterwards, but it's worth the hassle for the end product. I liked the simplicity of QWISO and the end product was killer, dry sift is really easy to make but the end product isn;t as good in some ways.

In conclusion, this method does work, and works very well. The end product is free of contaminants and is very nice quality, smokes very well and is very potent, just like filter-bag ice hash. The difference is that it is just one grade, so in effect it's the same as if you mixed all your grades of filter bag hash together. I tickled the pressed piece with a lighter flame and it doesn't bubble, but I put that mostly down to the genetics I used, a (very near) pure sativa like Zamal x Neville's Haze is unlikely to make really melty awesome hash like a really resinous indica dom would, to be honest. I might try this technique out again in a few weeks when I have some indica dom trim from a Hashplant, a G13 x OG Kush, a Black Domina and a Dark Kush.

The moral of the story though, I think, is that with a little ingenuity and a few bits of junk I had lying around, I managed to make a lovely piece of bubble hash. I just wish the X-tractor company made a small, cheap version of their machine suitable for small scale personal growers.


Slap-A-Ho tribe
That xtractor 1000 should be an easy build and it doesn't have to be stainless. Only thing i can see you would have to substitute is the bladder. Surely you could find some medical tubing and a heavy duty water balloon (for lack of a better term). I'll give one of my medical friends a yell and see how he would substitute the bladder.


Yeah, I reckon I could make one. There is only one point I'm not sure about, of course, the ice and wtaer are in the top chamber with the trim, and there must be a stainless steel 220 mesh in that chamber to seperate the trichomes from plant matter, but what stops the water running out of the chamber into the funnel down the tubing and into the jar? Surely you want all the water to stay in the chamber until you're happy that you've removed all the trichomes?

I'm guessing that the vinyl funnel thing is intended to be where the water and trichomes collect and the vinyl with special properties is chosen so the trichomes won't stick to it. Perhaps there is a valve at the bottom of the funnel and you only open this when the bottom of the funnel is full of trichomes, the idea being that the richomes will run out first into the jar and only a little water will come out as well.

Here's a diagram I quickly made, see if I've grasped this concept properly as I can go get a funnel, a valve and some tubing tomorrow and make one of these:

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Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
Ive got the same buckets-both sizes, good old wilkos lol..
Ive done something similar without any screening at all, used a sieve after mixing and settling to get all the plant matter that had floated to the top, and siphoned mot of the water, then when there was half an inch of water and the hash layer left on the bottom, I stopped siphoning. Then i swooshed it round and poured it into a jar -settled it again, and siphoned again, ...then once it got down to the half inch and hash layer again-i swooshed it around again and poured it into a little glass...then settled it and used a pipette this time to take all the water out right down to the hash layer...I got this wet sandy paste outta the bottom and used a bit of an old silk shirt to put it on-folded it over and I used kitchen paper in the usual manner to gently press the last water out-and then chopped it up and dried it....
I guess its an enlarged kind of version of shaking some up in a pickled onion jar. ive also ise coffe filters to get little bitsworks but obviously not the top quality-but then its better than owt youll buy
anyway nice job Hempire.... Happy hashing
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Hiya Harry

Your process sounds exactly like mine apart from the use of a seive rather than a screen. I should say i removed the bulk of the plant matter with a normal kitchen strainer (again Wilko,s, where 90% of my grow kit comes from! lol) then poured the reamining liquid through the filter to ensure I got every last bit of plant matter. I then went into a small jar like you did then into a cigarette tin for the final pipetting, just like ou did, then I placed the tin on my ballast overnight and in the morning there was a soft brown paste I scraped off the tin then pressed. Left it to dry for 24 hours and it's a lovely solid dark brown piece than is soft and pliable.

I have to say, this is exactly what Wernard Bruining did on Pot Night all those years ago, he ground up a load of buds, put them in iced water in a jar, stirred it, let it settle, removed the floating plant matter with a spoon then poured the liquid through a coffee filter to remove the trichomes. I'm sure that Wernard and many other people in Europe have been making water hash (or cleaning up imported hash with this method) for a long time, as Europe has always been a hashish smoking culture and I'm sure the knowledge about hash making had travelled to Europe a long time ago. Certainly, precise descriptions of Lebanese hadh making techniques exis back in the 1940s and the account I read stated that hash makign only really began in the Lebanon and middle east after it was banned in Greece in 1932. I am pretty sure the water technique has been used by traditional hash makers in places like Greece, the Lebanon, Pakistan etc. for a long time, probably not to make hashish but rather to refine contaminated sifted hash powder. Certainly, it's reasonable to see that they could use the same silk they used for sifting, cold water and a bucket and spoon to seperate plant matter from resin glands.

Makes you wonder how this basic knowledge can have been ignored for decades until someone decided to commercialise it in the 90s. All credit to folks liek Sam, Mila and Bubbleman for developing the techniques we know so well today, but I reckon the basic technique has been in use for a very long time. would not surprise me at all if kings of old such as the Moghul users of northern India did not smoke very highly refined wtaer hashish, some of them probably had their own personal hash masters and personal hash crops.

Perhaps nothing new is ever invented, merely things are forgotten and from time to time someone rediscovers those forgotten pieces of knowledge?


Slap-A-Ho tribe
From what i read on the patent, there is a valve above the funnel. I would bet money the filter in the top stainless container is a few inches off the bottom above the hole where the valve is


Methinks a simple rubber bung stuck in the opening of the funnel will suffice in lieu of a valve, with a vlave, there is the cost of buying it, and the chance of getting the valve all gummed up with precious trichomes. I reckon a rubber bung will be ideal.

Actually, I like the idea of covering the opening of the funnel with a 25 micron mech then all the trichomes will stay in the funnel and the water drip out through the mesh. Cover the mesh with something waterproof until you are ready to drain off the water, then remove the cover, let the water drain out then simply remove the screen and allow the trichomes to drain out into a container. Anyone know where I can get a small piece of 25 micron mesh?


Slap-A-Ho tribe
Keep in mind how long it takes water to pass through 25 micron with just gravity, it's more like just a drip. Atleast i know my 25 micron takes forever to drain without a pull-jerk motion


you completely had the same idea as me, saved me some patent money i guess!


Interesting thread. BH's diiagram makes it pretty self explanatory, but I don't understand where or how the bladder somes into play, where does the bladder go and what does it do, all I see you needing is the 220 screen mesh to cover the bottom of the bucket and a piece of 25 micro mesh to cover the bottom opening of the funnel. I wouldn't bother with a tube, I'd just have a bucket below the funnel to catch the water as it sripped through the 25 micron mesh. I guess the way to do it would be to run the mixer until all the water has dripped out of the contraption, then remove the 25 mesh and collect the trichomes and that would be your first quality run. Then replace the 25 micron mesh, add some more ice and water and run the mixer a second time, again till all the water drips out to produce a scond quality grade. Do you think there would be much difference in quality between runs? I can see this workign very well as al you need to do is fill her up with trim, water and ice then leave it running till it's out of water, a nice simple, low labour method if you ask me. Certainly a lot less work than bubble bags. To clean it, you just turn it upside down run a load of water through, just stick a hosepipe in the funnel opening and let it blast all the plant matter out, be clean in a min or two with little effort.


Slap-A-Ho tribe
To see how the bladder works you have to read the patent. According to the inventor it's not just a catching bladder. After letting it sit in the bladder for 12 hours lol, it's supposed to seperate it into it's different components. (good, bad etc)I personally don't thinks it necessary

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
i just noticed....Where the hell did hempire go 2??? come back...i love seeing what exotics you pull outta that cupboard.....

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