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ROSA (Cranberry Haze x Cheese) Selection


Well-known member
I'd like to show you my very first grow.
Which was last year same time around.

I bought some local cuts and ordered seeds online too.

The Strain I am going to show you is called Rosa
Its a Exodus Cheese x Cranberry Haze F1 from Breeders Choice.
I ordered it via origin-organics.com from the UK.
You wont find it anymore online, the site went down a few moths later.

Fem: Cheese --- (Skunk #1 Exodus Cheese Cut)
Male: Cranberry Haze --- (Colombian Gold/Purple Haze x Chitral #1)

Pretty cool stuff in there, so I also wanted to make Seeds and will report this grow as a kind of selection grow. Nothing fancy here just pics from my cell and a few words of my humble self.



Darkroom 120
600W HPS
Northstar Reflector (Hortiline)
750m³/h Box Fan
800m³/h Carbon Active
3x 5W Clipventilator


my closet :biggrin:
6 x 18W 865K fluo
2 x PC Ventilator


3,5L Coco


Bio Nova Hydro Supermix NPK 5.5-1.8-4.3
Bio Nova bn-zyme
Hesi Root Complex
Advanced Hydro pH dows (N+P)
Bluelab pH/EC Combometer
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Well-known member
Veg Day 35

I transplanted them into the 3,5L pots
the new coco has been flushed with EC 1.0, pH 5,8 solution before i put them in.

Veg Day 47

thats what the look like 8 days after transplant



Well-known member

things are going to get exciting for me the first time^^
I decided to out them in the closet.
I also started a little LST with some to get shoots up for saves.

Flowering Day 6

Flowering Day 8

Flowering Day 23

girls are now 1 week under HPS
guys stayed in my closet

Flowering Day 26

all seven girls. I started with 10 but lost 3 to nute burn & RAs



Well-known member
Flowering Day 34

excuse the HPS pics plz
I made out the first different (flower) phenos
When i started I numbered each plant and tagged sex but since i lost a few, the numbers in description are just the potnumbers and NOT the different phenos, like pheno #1, pheno #2 of e.g 4 at all.
I not this because in my opinion EVERY plant whas a little different, so i just numbered each one if i would take safe cuts.
I did also not photograph each plant, so this are just a few shots.

Nr#1 Nr#3

Flowering Day 47

Nr#1 learned to deal with hot weather and a stoner
I had 27,8°C inside and did not water for 2 days. i just didn't care that much i guess

Flowering Day 55

final spurt! after 8 weeks in a fed them the last time. I failed totally because I did not cut the N in later flowering, I just fed EC 1,5 with the same NPK as in Veg. So I continiously fucked up most of their big fanleaves since week 5.
But since it was my first grow I just cant blame me for not havin any idea about all that stuff and just following manufatures feeding scedule.



Well-known member
Still day 55
a few varieties




cant rember the number so i named the F2 Seedline i got from this one "Z-Line". This one is actually a lot slower than tho others and did a lot of foxtailing. So more Sativa, I even would say more Colombian because it had no coloration. The F2 from this line also shows strong sativa traits, I've allready popped a few and will report as well when I like to.



Well-known member

After 73 Days all of them went down except Mrs Z
I flushed them continiously in 2-3 day intervalls since day 63

Nr#3________ Nr#7

as I said before the yield was nothing to speak of due to my fault.
I wont balme the strain, sure there are lots of fingers but they are all swollen as fuck. those yielded around 15-20gr each
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Well-known member

as you might guess the winner. also after 73 days
yielded 35g dry and the smell was just awesome.
overall a very sour berry scent
like cranberry simply
And colours of course <3



Well-known member
Flowering Day 83

was when i decided to also take the last one down.
I gues there would have been at least another 2 weeks to go.
If fully vital and not overfed/burned god knows how much longer.
Anyway i got seeds and 20 grams of good fast herb.


I also revegged Nr#1 afterwards, because i had no clones.

This is the new mother a few weeks later, still the original plant!



Well-known member

Out of 17 Seedlings i got 4 males. the fastest one went hermi 2 days after i ve had already pollinated with it. I dumped the cut and marked the pollinated buds. then I just let the other two stallions do their best on different budsites. So I just took what was there, no real selection at all. I tried to check on some traits and rubbed on the stems. all of them had a sour scent. I also saw purple flowers and a little resin before i dumped them, I did not let the finish cus I did not use a carbon filter for my closet so the girls in the tent had allready gotten off more pollen then i wanted in the first way. So I have mucho F2 Seeds availiable to play around with.
In the end I'm happy about that because now I can just pop 50 nuggs for each selection I run further, easily.





Alchemical Botanist
very nice show Hmong. good choice on the cultivar selection. Several of BCO's seed offerings have interested me. How was the hightype on those plants you harvested?


Well-known member
thank you 3rdeye

what was tha high type? puuuhhh that was many many strains ago if you know what I'm say'n.

As far as I can remember it was a typical hybrid. pushing at the beginning and more relaxing the more you smoke. BUT no real stone so we loved it for going out and as a dayweed.
since it also was not as potent as other skunk hybrids, I would say the high was more a clear type (Colombian trait maybe?)
so in conclusion definately more head than body effects.

So i hope this answers your question propper and thank you all for participating here!

some Infostuff

I made a mistake in the description, typical stoner^^
Of course ists not CBH x CH
It its Cheese x Cranberry Haze.
The Exodus Cut is the mother and a CBH father was selected.
I just have to wait until i have 50 posts to edit that.

you can perceive this sativa dominance in the high by looking at the leaves though. they have 9 fingers, very special imho. But anyway since I also had lots of seeds the potency might not be the end of the road. Same is with the yield. A good grower can for sure pump the shit out of them since the breeder says it has a very high/m² yield. So I hope to do a better job with the F2 and not burn them too. the flower to bud ratio was just ridiciolous. It took me just a few cuts here an there and we were done. same goes with the frost. I was able to use even fanleaves for the bubblehash.

Taste: even if it smelled delicous, the taste was very harsh (over fert maybe) so not like described. It should be sweet, but mine hast a very spicy taste and burned the tongue.
So I hope it for the F2 to get better or as I guess just do a better job. It was pretty anoying because I prefere a pure spliff but with this herb it was impossible. So i was happy to had enough Planck too from this run. I just can get better I guess.

The potential of this hybrid is in the genetics used, so I guess its more breeding than growing stuff, since there are hundreds better tasting and yielding strains. I chose it because of the lineage, there is so much stuff in there i love and which is not common around here. (Purple Haze, PCK, Skunk#1)
I allways try to get different stuff than the majority of folks here, since cuttings are legal in my country and people therefore dont really grow with seeds. the cuts availiable are some as old as 20 years so thats pretty boring gradually.

In the F1 you dont see much phenos overall like it should be. pretty homogenous. All plants had more sativa growth pattern and the 9 fingered leaves.
Now in the F2 i can find this Traits again on most of the plants, but also I see the first real phenos, so mendel is working.

"normal" Pheno (9 Fingers)

"Skunk" Pheno

"PCK?" Indica Pheno

I also got one mutant, witch is trifoilar. notice the 3 leaves on each node. I do my best to keep this one alive and dicover it. I have never had this before.

Trifoila Pheno

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Well-known member
some more pictures

normal pheno
just a full shot

skunk pheno 1

the compact tall one

skunk pheno 2
the short wide one

The "skunk" phenos are all from the Z line.
so it could be that I mistakenly interchanged tags on my seeds and this is maybe the WW Hybrid i also made. WW x Rosa (male#1)
I did not collect the Z pheno seeds all tat once, I just put them aside everytime i foud them when smoking a bud. So maybe I just tagged the wrong batch with Z. I haven't grown the WWxR so far, so this could be possible. I can germ a testseed from the WWxR tagged batch and see, but I am flowering those soon anyway.

I just wonder because every plant of Z line looks like the same in leaf and growth pattern. especially those pointing up leaves.
so this would be typical for a F1

we will see^^


Well-known member
some pics of my actual small selection run. I decided not to pollinate and look for better candidates for a F3.

flowering day ~25


nice resin building ongoing.



Well-known member

anyway, here is another pheno flowering day 17.
this one compared to the others has extreme vigor, stems are thick and leaves are twice the size of the others and bigger than my hand. without some LST this one could have reached 1,2m easily yet.




Well-known member

here a Big Bud cut i purchased (le) vs. a Rosa Z pheno (re)
whats more Skunk in your Opinion? maybe I misschanged tags on the Big Bud, along with the other clones i purchased.
but anyway I love the vigor of the Rosa. Its 7 days longer in flowering as the Clone but was also just about half the size of it when flipped. a very kickstarter under 12/12

also my trifoliar male produces purple flowers, but doesn't mature because i let it sit too long with too little light intensity.
I'm flowering this one now further with my sativas und cloning and revegg it. It's stable so far, even with the light fuck around i did, so definately a worth keeper.

Big Bud (FD06) vs Rosa Z


Z Pheno closeup


stay tuned! :dance013: