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Roots organic soil ????


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
Sorry if this a commonly asked question but don't have much time on my hands right now to do research on this soil mix .
I want to put a few girls outside this season & was thinking about a small (4' x 4' ) green house in my back yard . not to worried about prying eyes but still want some stealthness . If these roots organic 1.5 liter bags are really pretty much plant & grow as they say ... these might work out for me . anybody have any experience with them ? could i really just water them with PH'd water of course & will tend to defs & what the plants need & NOT have alot of troubles ????
would love to hear what you guys think .

growem green & stay safe ....Dan :wave:

oh yeah ...these bags ...http://www.bghydro.com/BGH/itemdesc.asp?ic=GMROCM15&eq=&Tp=


follow your heart
ICMag Donor
man, greenhouses are big eye catchers..

I have used the soil mix before, but I added some things, and after 2 weeks i was feeding. now this is containers. I would assume that big of a bag might last the plant for a while, depending on plant size.. but I would say you need to add in some more p and K along flower.. I would be guessing that your gonna need backup through flower short answer which some top dressings would be super simple and easy if it comes to that..

but i will leave it to some people who do outdoors and in those bags, as they are kinda sold to be used as outdoor planters...

also being coco, you will need to water more over the peat version

another fun idea might be digging some holes and throwing the contents of the bag right in.. but that's if you want to dig holes then start tending to them VS. throwing out the old bag and replacing it which is why I love containers.. more controlled if I say


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
I have used the soil mix before, but I added some things, and after 2 weeks i was feeding. now this is containers. I would assume that big of a bag might last the plant for a while, depending on plant size.. but I would say you need to add in some more p and K along flower.. I would be guessing that your gonna need backup through flower short answer which some top dressings would be super simple and easy if it comes to that..

Thanx habeeb ... yeah was figuring on a PK boost & was thinkin of dosing with a shot of Maxi bloom like every third watering or so .... & just keep an eye on defs . especially if i run my sour D . she'll need more than that bag mix has to give lol . Hmmmm might have to give this a shot .... a green house would give me a little more of a season than just planting outside .
Roots is OK, but you will need to add quite a bit more food to the soil before it will really do anything for your plant. Most bagged soil are way light on the ingredients they so proudly list. Buy some local soil from your organic nursery, and amend it with all the basics, water, maybe top dress a little and your good. Roots, Fox Farm, Botanicare, all of them are inferior to what you can do on your own with MINIMAL effort. Ask anyone on here, it is much easier than you think, and totally worth it.


Roots Organics + a dose or two of rainbow mix bloom(great stuff!), and maybe a myco tea during the bloom is more than plenty.


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
Thank you everybody for your input ... was hoping this was gonna be an easy way of setting up an outside grow the wife could maintain for me (she wants to learn ) but if i need to be giving nutes & stuff like my indoor . i'll just stick with a promix bucket & maintain it myself . prolly showing her a few things along the way . never grown with coco yet , heard alot of good reports on it , but just as many bad ones too . so for know i'll stick with what i know .
thanx again guys .

growem green & stay safe .... Dan


Active member
Stop it. You're on an organic soil forum. Their passion is building soil, not buying it. That said there is nothing easier than watching grass grow, especially outside and in the ground. In pots you add a level of difficulty. Soilless you add a second level. Bring them indoors yet a third.
Roots Organic, alone, is a decent light soil without a lot of nutrients. Other soils trade off the lightness in exchange for guanos and EWC and thus have more nutes. Any soil you buy will trade off one for the other with the bottom line always being profit.
. Explains their passion for creating their own.
I came up with a satisfactory mix by mixing the Roots 50/50 with FFOF. As I mentioned, I've since found what I feel is a superior mix in Sun Land. I still expect to implement a light nute schedule. Nothing difficult and very forgiving. A little bit of Flora Nova grow switching to bloom. The teas are fun and get the most out of your plant. They practically eliminate any need for nutes, but they, like building your own soil, are not necessary. Ten to one though, get her started and soon she'll be wanting an air pump and not a cheap one...


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
Stop it. You're on an organic soil forum. Their passion is building soil, not buying it. That said there is nothing easier than watching grass grow, especially outside and in the ground. In pots you add a level of difficulty. Soilless you add a second level. Bring them indoors yet a third.
Roots Organic, alone, is a decent light soil without a lot of nutrients. Other soils trade off the lightness in exchange for guanos and EWC and thus have more nutes. Any soil you buy will trade off one for the other with the bottom line always being profit.
. Explains their passion for creating their own.
I came up with a satisfactory mix by mixing the Roots 50/50 with FFOF. As I mentioned, I've since found what I feel is a superior mix in Sun Land. I still expect to implement a light nute schedule. Nothing difficult and very forgiving. A little bit of Flora Nova grow switching to bloom. The teas are fun and get the most out of your plant. They practically eliminate any need for nutes, but they, like building your own soil, are not necessary. Ten to one though, get her started and soon she'll be wanting an air pump and not a cheap one...
hh ..... your absolutley right & no disrespect intended . 2 reasons i decided not to get into it right now ... i have very little knowledge about coco or organic soils .... & just don't have the time now with summer being here to really dig into it like i'd want to .
which is my main reason for just using a promix mix outside this year ..... we have alot of plans already & knowing her (wifey) ..... alot more spur of the moment trips coming up . i know with my mix & the blumats we could take off for a few days & not have to many probs with the plants .
Ten to one though, get her started and soon she'll be wanting an air pump and not a cheap one...
wow .... you hit the nail on the head with that one dude . but i think i can keep her from hydro for a little while anyway ....I hope :)

thanx again guys .... growem green & stay safe ....Dan

mad librettist

Active member
if you have bagseed just mark off an area, broadcast the bagseed, and chuck some straw on top.

smoke whatever survives.


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
if you have bagseed just mark off an area, broadcast the bagseed, and chuck some straw on top.

smoke whatever survive
I have about 5 plants in veg that i can't fit into my cab & the other 3 growers i supply clones for are in the same situation .... just no room . so rather than throw them out ( nice strains ) i figured i could set up a small back yard green house .

growem green & stay safe ....Dan


Active member
I don't feel any disrespect. I'm a guest here myself. Not a fanatic. Just someone looking for the way and the light..
Don't over complicate it in your mind. As Mad said, throw out some seed. I had a volunteer the dog must have been pissing on for a month before I found it. It's so easy a caveman can do it and they probably did.
They had dogs.

vStagger Leev

I used roots organics soils for a few years, had some amazing results and not so amazing results, sometimes extremely low yields for no reason. Stopped using the on my last 4 runs because the bags of soil i bought had soil mites in it! Not necessarily bad mites, but benefical mites called "Hypoaspis Miles" Still the sight of seeing my soil crawling made me change my mind on that soil. Still, it is somewhat easy to use. I always loaded it up with beneficial microbes/bacteria, and hit em hard 3 weeks into flower with some p/k like the other fella was talkin about and it should do ya fine. As for outdoors, i think this soil would be much better suited for outdoor use, this is actally some pretty "Hot" soil, i've had plants stunted in it befor form over fert when i havent even fertilised them for weeks! Good luck to you, and hope all goes well with your harvest! BTW might want to consider their outdoor soil "Marine Green" ithink it's called, loaded with fish emulsions and that whole fishy thing. Peace and love all, Stagger

master shake

Active member
Grew my best and dankest plants in the original Roots soil. Didn't cut with anything... Also used their grow nute and trinity, stinky stuff but it worked great!

Pics of the plants are in the sour bubble album, that could also be why they were my dankest plants ever!

soil margin

Active member
I just pulled a batch of purple urkle grown in roots 707 soil and fed nothing but RO water.

The yield was def pretty average, 2lbs in 56 days under 3kw hps.

What amazed me was the quality of the bud. Very dense and sticky, amazing cinnamon and fruit smell. Not the best ive ever smoked but considering it was fed nothing but water i was pretty damn impressed.


Active member
I use "roots organic" at those times when I am too lazy or busy to make and mix my own soil. works just fine. for me, I have found that I need to add about a 1/2 rate of dolomite lime for best results, especially on moms that may be in that soil for months.


New member
I am going to agree with most of these guys I've used it probably for the last 6months it's nice but you have add some nutes in the flowering, I have it indoors and outdoors as well for my tomatoes and they seem to be having more success, although no mites but that's scary ! And I have just mixed it with FFOF on this last grow so I will let you know how it goes!
Roots Organic is not hot at all by itself. Here's a simple mix for flower and I''ll stick plants in it when they grow out of there 6" pots.

60% Roots
10% Ewc
10% compost
20% perlite
all ferts are per gallon
1.5tbs dolomite
1 tbs alfalfa
1tbs greensand
1tbs kelp meal
1tbs Happy frog 3-8-8
3/4 tbs soft rock phosphate

Works like a charm...usually only hit em with an AACT just for fun.

Good Luck