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Root Aphids...suggestions

Hey farmers. Its been a shitty week. Now i discover root aphids in my veg tent. So should i chop everything down and start over. Can i take clones from my moms.
A good friend of mine had success by using Spinosad as a root drench. He is in a recirculating system so he inundated the reservoir and allowed it to circulate for a week. It didn't damage the roots at all. Not sure how well it works in soil, but it's worth a shot!

Clones taken from plants with root aphids should be fine. Just be very careful not to cross contaminate the rooting area with the bugs, and also make sure that the cuts don't go back into the infected room.

Hope this helps!

(btw I am from 707 too :D)
Dream: nice 707 buddy. Thank you for your response and advice. Yeah had some cuttings rooting in the same room and took one out and those little fuckers were already there.


Orthene seems to have worked for me. Hit them with imid first but still had plenty of bugs alive... orthene at 2ml/gal and nothing crawing anywhere.


Imid, on plants more than 100 days to harvest.

They are the enemy, crush them.


I believe in hot water dunk 120F but I have not been able to thoroughly test it. It has been tested and efficacious on other plants, I am just not sure about pot. Totally worth a try if you can manage it though. Also my guess if you are in 707 you got your clones from a club and that is where your RA came from.


I honestly don't know what the difference between root aphids and fungus gnats are, but I've been dealing with one or the other with coco for a while now and the yellow sticky traps work great on the flyers. I put a 4"x6" trap on each plant bucket. Also I add gnatrol to the res. I don't know which does most of the work, but they don't seem to be a problem when I'm keeping up on using these two methods, and before I did I had one total crop failure because of them.

I see the occasional flyer on a plant or on the coir surface or on the floor but the plants have only had problems when there were dozens, or maybe hundreds, of them visible on each plant.


Active member
Gnatrol and dunks work on Fungus Gnats, but have no effect on RA's. Todes will go after both. -granger
Thanks u granger and ozzie. Used a systemic and my plants look all f@cked up. Seems the plants are not drinking. I used bonide systemic.


OGBIOWAR. it is awesome and has no chemicals so it can be used in flower. it will actually grow fungus on root aphids and it kills them. it is cheap and you just have to brew it a little. i don't know why more people don't mention this. i use to use imid based poisons and it worked awesome. a one and done, but i hate poisons...i used ogbiowar last time i saw some root aphids pop up and it took them down.


Green man I am curious as to how and why you decided on the method of treatment you used? Seems kinda silly to ask a question, get some decent advice on the topic and then do something completely different.
I got this from a different forum. Had to act quick those fuckers were even in my plugs. Now I'm kicking myself in the nuts. From this day forth organically. I have flushed and still look like shit.