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room re-design...need airflow help

hi gereentrich you dont have to pay for healthcare here we've got the NHS

Oh ya?!?! Well we got Obama ;)

the noise is what i get tripped out about
Damn I didn't even think about that. Thanks for bringing it to my attention! Luckily though, the fan I'm using to push through the hood will only be a 6" inline canfan,,,,very low noise and power, plus it will be at the beginning of the air route, so I don't THINK it will be a problem.

I use 'A' and it works for me! And I studied hard before going with that choice. I had help from Redgreenry and his most excellent thread Vent 101. Check out my sig for more info. Good luck!
Yep...went through that thread inside and out. Lots of good info,,,enough actually to make me REALLY think about this redesign...hence starting this thread.
Love your setup btw ITry! Now that I've found it, will be following it closely.

One thing still in question regarding my modified version of "A" (see post 13)....Now that I am NOT exhausting what my scrubber scrubs, and returning it back to the bottom of the tent...because I don't want to suck out all the cool air...will this still create enough negative pressure to keep odors at bay?


One thing still in question regarding my modified version of "A" (see post 13)....Now that I am NOT exhausting what my scrubber scrubs, and returning it back to the bottom of the tent...because I don't want to suck out all the cool air...will this still create enough negative pressure to keep odors at bay?

Off hand, I would say yes, smell won't be a problem. At least not as long as you get a big enough filter and a good fan to go with it. :yes:
Thanks Itry...that was one of my main concerns since I really haven't seen a set up like that yet. Luckily I have a good amount of time to set it all up and test it first. If it doesn't work, I'll just vent that to the attic too dammit!

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