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Room needs help, no one to turn too but you!


I see two possibilities. 1) Are you using hydrton brand or the less expensive brand made in South America? I had constant pH problems when I purchased the stuff not made in Germany.And of course nute lockout followed. 2) Do you notice a strong plastic smell in the room? Is the room sealed up well? If so, I would say off-gassing from your hoses. There's a thread about it that saved me from bankruptcy. Most valuable thread I've read on IC mag.
I went through all those recommendations (H2O2, foliar spraying, several different nutes etc.) but until I replaced the hose nothing worked. As soon as I changed the hose, problem started clearing up. Off-gassing causes root and leaf issues


********* Female Seeds
ICMag Donor
System: Ebb & Grow 15 sites

Nutes: Lucas formula, currently using 4-8 Ratio, did start off with 2-4

Medium: Hydroton

3 1k lights, 2 Hps, 1 MH, 2 air cooled, one barebuled.

Ventilation: Pulling cold air through 2 cooltubes, and a Carbon filter recircing the room air

Strain: Most are PPP ( Power Plant ) 1 is unknown ( the best looking one) and 5 are about Blue Dream

Res: 80f ph currently 5.9 and just added super thrive today ppm around 650

Not sure what the problem is here fellas, i got 15 clones of pure power plant in rockwool cubes, put them in the system, and hand watered for a few days before flooding ever 3 hours -

2 weeks go by, not much growth and some are wilting and dieing off -

I started with 25% Strength with my Formula ( Lucas 2-4 )

im prolly at week 4 with these and lights are on 24/7 and only a few seem to be taking off...

i thought perhaps i was getting root Rot and the rockwool cubes retain alot of water, i flushed with water, then about .1 ML Per gal of Physan 20, rinsing that with Clearex, then back to a fresh res about 4 days ago, see some minor improvements, some fresh growth, but still, whats the deal ?

Ph seems to be climing, ill set it at around 5.3( low i know but it evens with the water left in the buckets after a flood) after 2 days or so ill be around 6.1

Starting ppm Of my water is 50 and water around 6.5

Suggestions? What can i tell you to help me with my problem ?

i got some left over dust of the hydroton, but would this cause all that?

Thanks so much in advance!:thank you:

They are drowning my friend. I flood every 5 hours in early veg and every 4 once they get rooted. The buckets will always hold a bit in the bottom and the hydro balls hold water longer than most think.

Been there done that.

My Penny


I had to start the plants at 400-500 ppm clone size, then up to 900-1000ppm fairly quickly to prevent this. You just went up to 650ppm, what was your ppm prior to this?
I Started the clones around the 300 area, a 2-4 Ratio to the Lucas formula, bumped it up to 650 bout 3 days ago or so, and a few clones are comming along, but the PPP isnt doing so great, My last crop i did have around 1100 ppm in the system, i was taking precaution, didnt wanna burn them.

Was thinking of going full strength as a last attempt for the PPP (perhaps they want more food?)

Seeing as how i have 3k worth of light, Room is around
20% Humidity

And i already did the p20 Flush =) Thanks so much for chiming in :tiphat:


1) Are you using hydrton brand or the less expensive brand made in South America?
I believe its a common brand? Ordered from HTG, a good supplier.

2) Do you notice a strong plastic smell in the room? - Is the room sealed up well?
No Smell, And as far as sealed up? Not at all -

Outside Air < Cool tubes < Other side of house

Door to room is open, going to put a door on it soon

They are drowning my friend. I flood every 5 hours in early veg and every 4 once they get rooted. The buckets will always hold a bit in the bottom and the hydro balls hold water longer than most think.

Been there done that.

My Penny
The last 2-3 days they've been getting manually fed, a timer of mine needs to be replaced, so around 4 times every 16 hours, im turning the lights OFF when i go to work


I will post a picture in the morning, i appreciate everyone's help!

in the mean time, im taking clones tomorrow of the best one going

Take care!

Edit: Just took a reading of my res,

5.84 ph
850 ppm --- ill post a picture tomarrow

4-8Ml Per gallon, Lucas formula