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Rookie Aero Flo Grow Together


Trichome Taste Tester
ICMag Donor
The best option for efficiency is to time the clones to be done right when you have just cleaned the unit up from the last run.

Vegging in the unit looses at least a couple weeks of time that would be better used blooming bud.

In my data sheets, you can see a "countdown to finish" number in a box. This way, if I know a certain strain takes 35 days from cutting to be ready to go to bloom, I just take clones around 35 days out.

This seems like a simple thing, but with more than one unit, logistics and planning are essential.

I would keep one good sized mom for each unit if you are just churning them out. You will love going to monocrops for sure!

If I were you, I would take the extra week or so its going to take to archive moms. Reclone during the run - and then any that are winners you can turn right around into production. This way you are ready to roll in 3 months when you are chopping.

Take your time to learn as much as possible in this first run. Then be ready to turn that knowledge into maxxed out good plants.

Hope this helps.

Thank you so much AK for the input it really is priceless!

I will do just as you recommend.

I only plan to veg in the unit for this first attempt because the roots on these are almost over a foot long now and when I went in to check they are playing russian roulette with the pump as the lowest part of the roots dance around in intake.

Finances restricted me on the choice for cloners for this first round, now that i see how easy they are to build i wish i would have done a DIY one out of a large rubbermaid so i wouldnt be dealing with this problem.

Can you better explain the/your process of archiving moms? I appologise but i have absolutely no experience in this :(

As i said there are 25, with one that stands out way above the others in size and growth speed, and then another 3-4 which are larger then the rest...

Expectations are low for this first round as its unreal how much there is to consider with these systems. I never fully respected how many things can go wrong with these units until now, regardless of how many times you said it.

Again thanks so much for taking the time to help us learn this style.



Active member
20.75% THC!

Just got this back today:

View Image

I'm pleased - there are higher numbers - but the smell, taste and looks combined with these numbers is the complete package.

Once again, a tip of the hat to the CSG guys!

I have been lurking here on IC for years now, and I love your attention to detail. I will be starting my first serious grow in a few months when I move into my new place. I think I'm going to start with an ebb n flow and later grab an aero system once I'm comfortable with my genetics.

As far as your testing results go, imagine if you were to lower the CBN loss. That percentage would really add to the rest of your percentages. That percentage is developed through loss in quality from light, air, and heat.

Either way thank you for all your contributions to the community and congrats on your testing results! :thank you:



Active member
We here man just slow Rollin right now big dog.

Btw, due to space concerns I have opted to use the screen like ogs example rather than the trellis. I just simply will not have the room. Which is a little bummer but I'm confident it's the right choice for me. Also I have seen some good growth this week so after my res change I'm gunna go for the hps. This is my first run so I kinda need any bud this time. I have a feeling ishould give it another few days but my finances say otherwise. Got a while in life to have perfect runs. Well ill get back with a real update sometime this weekend.
Good to hear things are going good. went to check the levels in both cloners today and had to untangle a mess of roots. Most of them had roots a foot and a half long with some good fishbones growing on the upper parts. One more issue to deal with when growing from seed...

Put x11 into the first unit, left the other x14 in for another week or so since they are half the size...

Noticed that every last sprayer at the very back of the unit farthest from the pump is only trickeling and not spraying, so worried about the effect that will have on the 3 that will go at the back of the bus :(

Going to tie in the 1100 GPH pump from the second unit into the one thats running tomorrow, and see what effect having a second pump per unit will have, just worried about creating leaks since i am top feed...


Active member

so turns out i think im right in on cue with my flowering i believe. i have been told this strainlikes to stretch 4 to five times its size.
i swapped out my mh for a hps and cut back to 12/12. im seeing great growth from everyone now, they fall in a range of ~8" to round 15 inches, right now im trying to narrow the gap between the small and large so i should have that worked out soon.
i am going to begin to try and ramp up my nutes a little over the next week or so to see what these can take as far as nute intake. so far i have had not even a yellowing tip in my aeroflo system. well let the countdown begin... here the all important data n a lil peek into the world of kushage.

data for flower:

complete data for veg in unit minus 14 days in cloner:

Day 1:

Just started a journal, still trying to figure out how to add a link in my signature to it...

Anywho, fighting what i believe to be a calcium def, hoping one of you can help identify...

Little rust looking spots which eventualy grow together to form larger areas of discoloration...

I believe my pH was to high (6.2) so i was obviously locking out the calcium...Readjusted to 5.2, and the ph seems to want to keep rising. 6 hours later it was up to 5.8, so ive been babysitting it to say the least...

For some reason i tried to post a reply so i could insert images out of my album, but it wouldnt let me type anything in the message box, but quick reply works, so ill figure out how to add a link and post everything, pictures and all in my journal `Roll the dice`
Ok so note to self, do not smoke before attempting anything on icmag...

Updated the journal with all the details as to not flood this glorious thread, heres some pics as well...

Heres what i believe to be the cal def? yay or nay?


Heres the systems, theres two x36 units obviously, rez's are tucked underneath as well as manifolds on left hand side...

Currently running 1k MH @ 25" from tops, canopy temp is 72, res temps are 68. Too much light?

As started all the little details ill post in the journal, definately appreciate seeing everyone stop in to let me know if there is something im doing wrong, beside the def above..

ganja out..
I don't believe it's nute burn, my experience with that is that they are bright spots, these are dark, and given my ph range for almost the whole month had locked out calcium.....
Posted up the pics in the Infirmary section, SeaMaiden figures its a P def...

Im at a loss, as the new growth is unaffected so as he stated that rules out the Calcium def.

Going to take pictures daily to see if the problem has corrected since the res change...
The tally

The tally

Ok so did not make 50 ozs but this strain would never accomplish that ammount.
But it is quality which matters most and all my elves love this stuff.

I did finally get a final weight of 27.5 ozs which surprised me. Could probably hit 2 lbs
with a little more veg this strain grow indica looking with a sativa buzz.
My best with this strain was 25 oz so paid for my light mover with yield improvement.

As for the high it is very heady with very little body buzz. Buzz is almost immediate. Lasts 2 - 2.5 hours.
Smoke is smooth with no cough. Elves giving me smoke report I have head rot and not tasting much.

Made a cloner tracking sheet to document needed info for future grows.

We need to have the mods make us a seperate aero-flo forum under hydro for quick access to this type of growing.

Thanks again AK it was a pleasure being a part of this grow along.

PS - OJD has contacted me and I got to choose my prize.


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Trichome Taste Tester
ICMag Donor

Looks like a nice foundation for future runs. Thank you for your participation in this thread. Keep us informed of your future conquests!

Congratulations on a great run.



Active member
so i decided to cut my journal and just update here. i have begun pruning, lightly i might add because of my unfamiliarity with the strain, and i have added my first layer of screen at about 16 inches. another layer of screen will be added around 26" or so soon for the support. i wish i had the option to do the trellis as advised but this is what i had to settle with right now... growth is pretty substancial and I am starting to see signs of budding a little in the new growth.

-SH out


end of week 1
