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Ron Paul introduces mmj bill to congress



*** Please note ***

This is NOT the same bill that Frank introduced for decrim a few days ago.



April 17, 2008 - Washington, DC, USA

Washington, DC: Representative Ron Paul (R-TX) introduced H.R. 5842, the “Medical Marijuana Patient Protection Act,” earlier today. This bill would make federal authorities respect states' current laws on medicinal cannabis and end DEA raids on facilities distributing medical marijuana legally under state law.

Representative Paul, whose presidential campaign prominently featured the ending of the drug war as a platform plank, was joined by Representative Barney Frank (D-MA) in sponsoring this bill.

“I think marijuana is a helpful medical treatment for the people who have intractable nausea,” Paul said in a 2004 House debate regarding a similar measure. “I would like to point out this is not something strange that we are suggesting here. For the first 163 years of our history in this country, the federal government had total hands off, they never interfered with what the states were doing.”

Twelve states have approved the use of medical marijuana, beginning with California in 1996 with the passage of Proposition 215. The DEA continues to raid and harass medicinal cannabis dispensaries operating within these states' laws. Presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama have both indicated they would end such raids should they be elected.

Michigan will vote on an initiative to adopt medical cannabis legislation this November. Minnesota and Rhode Island's respective legislatures are also considering pro-reform legislation this year.

For more information, contact NORML Legal Director Keith Stroup at (202) 483-5500. Supporters can write their Representatives in favor of this bill at:
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Well, let's hope!

Dexter, eh? Though I don't live there now I'm from MI as well. Lansing all the way!


Now if Obama and McCaine will co-sponsor a Senate bill, This could be done in days.


Right on, PB.

Not sure bout McCain, and it's gonna be tough with only a small minority of states actually approved for medical marijuana, but if we could actually force the fed and dea to stop raiding people, it would be a huge wait off a lot a people's shoulders.


Johnny 5

Thanks peanutbutter,

Thanks for the link This is the first time i have actually done some thing for our rights!!!


Thanks peanutbutter,

I copied the link and I'm gonna send it to everybone I know.
Then I'm gonna make copies and post em at a couple local places where I know I'll be able to.
I'ma try to leave a couple stacks of flyers with the address on 'em their ,too.

If anyone out there has a little free time on there hands, they should try one of these things (every little effort will help)



zetaacosta said:
Thanks peanutbutter,

I copied the link and I'm gonna send it to everybone I know.
Then I'm gonna make copies and post em at a couple local places where I know I'll be able to.
I'ma try to leave a couple stacks of flyers with the address on 'em their ,too.

If anyone out there has a little free time on there hands, they should try one of these things (every little effort will help)


And thank YOU also.

2008 might be the year!


ah really glad to hear that, hopefully it goes through. i also hope hillary and obama stick to their words... maybe ill consider visiting the us in the next few years :p


peanutbutter said:
Has anyone seen even one news article about this?

With Ron Paul's name on the bill you most likely won't see it on any mainstream media channel. Main stream media hates Ron Paul.