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Ron Paul 2012!!!


weed fiend
Surprise surprise... keep an eye on Nebraska next week. Romney won the primary or caucus whatever but Paul could win the delegates. If Paul wins, he's got the 5-state minimum threshold to be party nominee.

Mitt's won more than 5 states but you guys may have to take Ron out and dust him off for the convention. Might be contested.


Lover of Life
i really don't know who to believe...that's all it is..who tells the truth in politics? even if ron paul got in there, would he change something and actually shift the pardigm?

how can good ol' Ron Paul win?


Active member
HOPS5K, He may end up winning because he has the delegates! He will be a REAL WIN for our country! monkey5


weed fiend
HOPS5K, He may end up winning because he has the delegates! He will be a REAL WIN for our country! monkey5

Robme has more delegates. We're only facing this possibility because of the rules language. As early primaries see multiple candidates, 5 states is seen as consensus, majority, plurality, etc.

We're not in the early stages with multiple candidates. We're in the 11th hour with a presumptive nominee.

Congratulations to the Paul campaign for winning 4 states and possibly 5. But wouldn't winning 5 states suggest Romney has somewhere in the vicinity of 45?


Enormous Member
So... who are you guys going to vote for if you don't write Ron Paul in? I'm confused where I should apply my loyality, especially after the shenanigans of the last month or so. Gary Johnson? Are all protest votes created equal? I don't want to write in RP if he doesn't want me to, and at this point, I'm not sure what he wants.


Active member
this is intresting.i hope this gets some mainstream attention before the convention.



Active member
this is from a e-mail. i have to find out if my state allows or counts write in's,or i may vote for GJ.i just hope romney loses,im going to laugh hard,after all the chanting "anyone but obama" if that happens its good news sort of cause there is only 4 years of it.
its also time to take a look at who we put in office locally.we can change what happens in congress that way.be careful though im already seeing people who are talking the talk,but are still establishment reguarding voting. question them thoroughly.

Dear Liberty Activist,

Just last week, I sent you an email letting you know my staff would be following up with you shortly to tell you everything you need to know about our plans for the Republican National Convention.

My staff has been busy burning up the phone lines, so many of you may have already heard from them.

But because this email is so important, I wanted it to come directly from me.

For several weeks now, I’ve been up front about the fact that Mitt Romney has obtained enough delegates to secure the Republican nomination.

That fact hasn’t changed - and it’s not going to change.

Over the past few weeks, my staff and I have researched the numbers extensively.

We’ve come to the conclusion that even if by some miracle all delegates to the Republican Convention were unbound, I would receive approximately 300 votes at the National Convention - far short of the 1,144 needed to secure the Republican nomination.

It’s also come to my attention recently that many supporters believe a win at the upcoming Nebraska State Convention this Saturday could be an important step for my campaign’s success in Tampa.

While my campaign is hoping to do as well as possible there, I can’t imagine a scenario where my goals or my plans for our R3VOLUTION in Tampa would change. They are:

*** Ensuring as many of my delegates as possible are credentialed.

There are many folks in the GOP who want my supporters to just shut up and go away, and they have resorted to every dirty trick in the book to game the system at various state conventions. You and I must ensure that as many of my supporters as possible are credentialed at the Republican National Convention.

*** Planting our flag.

Just by seeing a flood of my delegates in Tampa, you and I can respectfully send a loud and clear message that we are the future of the Republican Party. Seeing so many new and young faces at the RNC will show that despite their best efforts to maintain their iron grip over the Republican Party, our liberty movement is the future of the GOP;

*** Affecting the Platform.

By fighting for an internet freedom plank, Audit the Fed, and a plank opposing the indefinite detention of American citizens – and perhaps even opposing the so-called “PATRIOT” Act and undeclared war - you and I can prove we are a growing force in the Republican Party and perhaps convince more GOP elected officials to come our way on these critical issues;

As a National Delegate or Alternate, you’ve invested a lot of your time, talent, and hard-earned money into my campaign and our cause of liberty.

For that I am deeply grateful - and I can’t thank you enough.

I’m looking forward to going to Tampa and celebrating the success of my campaign, and more importantly, our bright future.

So if you haven’t yet done so, please CLICK HERE and register as a delegate or alternate so you can be kept up-to-date on our plans in Tampa.

And if you know of any other delegates in your state, please forward this email to them, as well.

I hope to see you in Tampa.

For Liberty,

Ron Paul