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Ron Paul 2012!!!


The definition of irony is a bunch of people screaming about freedom while trying to steal the election out from under Mitt Romney.

So what happens post 'RP coup' at the RNC?

GWB, Karl Rove, Boehner, Cantor, McConnel etc all fall in line behind RP?

Ill have what youre smoking...



Active member
Trying to steal? It is Mitt Romney who is trying to steal/fraud/bully Dr. Ron Paul's people in almost every state! Dr. Ron Paul's people are following the "rules" the party set up to play the game by? He is the only candidate running who will free the medical use of cannabis & legalize! The only candidate for our cause!! monkey5


Active member
sdr. i dont think it is us who is stealing,i think romney is trying his very best to subdue what people genuinley want.

Michigan Shocker! Ron Paul picks up more delegates
May 19, 2012

There is good news and bad news. The good news comes out of Michigan. But first, the bad news, let’s get that out of the way and then have some fun.

Remember my warning that there were votes in a locked box taken from the state convention in Arizona? And that the Ron Paul victory there could be reversed if someone wanted to cheat? Well they did, and we lost it. I am gathering the facts and it is stunning, with 100 new ballots appearing out of the Romney ether.

Worse, there is evidence that the Ron Paul victory in Louisiana, a victory that even the media acknowledged and proclaimed to the world, may be reversed as well. I will give you the details Monday.

Meanwhile, there is evidence of a full scale purge of any Ron Paul delegate, from any state, to the RNC. If you are a delegate, keep your head down. They are looking for you. More on all of that this Monday.

Meanwhile, I like to mix my bad news with a touch of positive, and when you are riding the wave of a popular counter revolution, there are so many committed believers in so many places, doing so many wonderful things, that there is always good news to report. And the good news is this: Adam de Angeli and the Ron Paul team in Michigan, against all odds, have secured some delegates there. It is one of Romney’s three proclaimed “home states.” (Remember, we also picked up some in Massachusetts.)

Here is Adam de Angeli’s report:

As you may have heard, Ron Paul won delegates from Michigan last night.


-We won both delegates, alternates, and one “in-waiting” delegate in the first district. Due to the RNC penalty for having an early primary, each district elected an “in-waiting” delegate and alternate in case the RNC reverses its penalty on Michigan for its early primary.

-We won both delegates and the “in-waiting” delegate in the 2nd district.

-We won both delegates and an alternate in the 9th district.

-We won one delegate and one alternate in the 4th district.

-We won an alternate and one in-waiting alternate in the 12th district.

-We won in-waiting alternates in the 3rd, 8th, and 13th districts.

-In the sixth district our slate was defeated, the party officials admitted to running an illegal caucus where rules were broken, but on the establishment’s slate we had a Ron Paul supporter (still waiting verification whether delegate or alternate.)

-We won in-waiting alternates in the 3rd and 13th districts.

But here is the most amazing thing. DO NOT MISS THIS:

Michigan, unlike any other states I know of, had a special party rule forbidding any precinct delegate vacancies from being filled at county conventions until after the state delegates and alternates were chosen.

In other words, countless Ron Paul supporters attending county convention were forcibly blocked from being able to vote or make motions, because they weren’t elected precinct delegates in 2010–long before the Ron Paul 2012 campaign began.

We faced a disadvantage no other state faced. All the state delegates were elected NOT by Ron Paul supporters flooding into county conventions, but by Republican Party regulars.

And STILL we won 3 of 14 districts, plus a delegate in the 4th.

There’s also a fairly huge body of evidence of party tricks to disenfranchise us, including documented instances in multiple counties where county party officials “edited” the state delegation lists after the county conventions adjourned. Egregious violations of rules (and possibly statute).

The point is: if Ron Paul can win 3 of 14 districts in Michigan: Michigan, Romney’s home state; Michigan, where rules literally shut us out from having a voice at county conventions, then he can delegates anywhere else.

The rules were rigged against us in Michigan. But still we won national delegates.

If we could win anything here, we can win everything everywhere else.

Update: This from Adam just mintues ago:

The e-mail I sent last night was accurate about the delegate counts, but the most important point that must be made is that Michigan has a party rule unique to us that prevented us from having a majority of state delegates.

Rule 5b, passed in 1988 in response to Pat Robertson’s campaign running a similar convention strategy as ours, states that “no precinct delegate vacancies may be filled in county conventions until all the state delegates have been chosen.”

What this means is that the state delegates were all elected by the precinct delegates elected in 2010–nearly a full year before Ron Paul announced his candidacy. There was no way for Ron Paul supporters to take over their county conventions by filling precinct delegate vacancies.

Not to mention, in many counties the party used shenanigans to deny our delegates. In Genesee County, for example, 42 precinct delegates and 100 Ron Paul supporters attended county convention to elect 66 delegates and 66 alternates–but rather than let the Ron Paul supporters in convention have the available seats, they filled them with their friends and family who weren’t even at the convention. In other counties, state delegate lists were modified after the county convention was adjourned–a major violation of party rules.

So the state delegates, by and large, were NOT Ron Paul supporters. They were ordinary Republicans.

And still, we won numerous national delegates. In Romney’s home state.

The critical message, then, is that if Ron Paul could win this many national delegates in Michigan, with its unique party rule that kept us out of the convention, then he can win national delegates everywhere.

This report from Matt Collins:

We just elected 11 more delegates from MNGOP Convention to RNC who are Ron Paul supporters. That gives us 32 out of 37 delegates from Minnesota who are Ron Paul supporters!Or you could say that Ron Paul won Minnesota at 86%!!!!


weed fiend
Main-stream media jumped ALL over Ron Paul's decission to not actively campaign to win the straw polls in the states to come. They make it out to seem that he's throwing in the towel. He's still in it to win the delegates, he just can't afford tens of millions to run ads in the remaining states. The media disgusts me, how they pick and choose what to run, based on what their corporate masters dictate.

I got a slightly different impression, based on media accounts. I watched Ron Paul speak and deliver his message in his own words. The only "out" I heard referenced (by the media) was "out" of active campaigning. Sounded pretty much the same as Paul's announcement. The campaign reemphasizes that Paul's not out of the race. Paul supporters reemphasize that Paul's not out of the race. From where I'm sitting, it looks like Paul's still running.

Pin pricks will soon turn into flying meat cleavers. Romney and Obama are spending hundreds of millions to take each other out. Any day that's Ron's not under the Klieg lights is a good one. Just don't expect a picnic if and when Paul maneuvers into contention. I'd pretty much expect he'll receive all the scrutiny that goes with the job.


The Aardvarks LED Grow Show
steal the election?
we are trying to get back our republic not the republican party.

If they don't want the libertarian wing of the republican party they can have their gop.

Romney didn't win anything, a ton of Americans fell in line like good ol republicans always do and will back whoever fox tells them is the ONE that has the BEST chance to beat obama. Look at how many fakes were with santorum screaming at how evil romney was then BOOM who are they supporting now?

Whether people agree with ron paul or not the thing I do wish however is that people would vote for the candidate they agree with and not just who the tv tells them is MOST LIKELY to win. Why is it just winning that matters? If I don't agree with romney then should I just vote for him because Obama is a terrible President? I don't get that one bit.

Playing the delegate game is not stealing, cheating or scamming. A ton of folks heard on tv romney gets to win SO everyone said OK we can agree with that even though he never once won by any big margin in any votes so far. Hell santorum and even gingrich was kickin his ass at times.

The only thing that WON here was MONEY and no matter how you spell romney you got to have a little money in it.


weed fiend
Any time someone upsets the general flow, you'll see push back from the respective party. Ted Kennedy helped defeat Carter. Ross Perot helped defeat HW. Nader helped defeat Gore and Kerry. Both parties recognize the potential of outside candidates upsetting their chances. If they didn't encourage their voters to rally behind their best chances of winning, they wouldn't be doing their jobs.

There are major policy differences between the parties. Paul may be unique to Romney but there's far more contrast with the president. Naturally, Republican party operatives know what has to happen and when to increase the chances of electing a Republican for president. If numbers were reversed, you'd still see Romney supporters but the party would probably lean Paul at this point and encourage voters to do likewise.


Active member
i have somthing to tell you guys,i re-united with a friend who is a youger brother of a old friend today. i asked him how he was doing and he told me he was in the army,i said good for you brotha,thinking he was really experiencing life,well to the contrary he said its not all that great,in fact he's been to a crap load of random places.
told me he gets shot at all the time and seeing the look on his face when he said he's retuning to duty in a few months and seemingly it looked like the last time i would see him,im really really sure what we do across the globe is imoral its profiteering and costing my friends and past relitives their lives,ITS NOT OK.

please be active voting,and end the cycle of violence.


Active member
bentom187, Sorry to here about your friends brother! I have my own list of those friends & relatives who have lived or died in useless wars! I agree with you: IT'S NOT OK! Just like cannabis freedom..Dr. Ron Paul is the only candidate who will end the endless wars..monkey5


i am completely baffled how RP people can claim a moral high ground. Even if you think Mitt has stolen the GOP nomination, bottom line, he got SUBSTANTIALLY more votes. He has SUBSTANTIALLY more support. RP has AT BEST 30% of the total electorate, that leaves 70% who support someone else (and it is way higher, RP doesnt have 30% nationally).

So what happens post 'RP coup' at the RNC? Will GWB, Karl Rove, Boehner, Cantor, McConnel etc all fall in line behind RP?

Mitt Romney has only been running for President for 6+ years, im sure he would roll over for Ron Paul....:comfort:

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
Ron Paul is out of the race now I heard now. oh well. I would honestly rather have obama than romney though. At least Obama is for gay rights. It does not directly effect me but it effects many of my friends and their families. To see them treated as second class citizens pisses me off. Every one deserves equal rights. all mmj patients here know what it is like to be discriminated against. we grow our life saving medicine under threat of going to federal prison, which would kill, and has killed many sick people when they went to prison and could not get access. If Obama can come around on gay rights maybe he can come around on mmj. just keep mailing the white how studies about how it plays a vital role in cancer treatment, and how many lives have been lost due to the federal governments non acceptance. eventually his conscience will get to him..... hopefully.

Romney said basically fuck you mmj patients already. not an inch of sway.


Enormous Member
i am completely baffled how RP people can claim a moral high ground. Even if you think Mitt has stolen the GOP nomination, bottom line, he got SUBSTANTIALLY more votes. He has SUBSTANTIALLY more support. RP has AT BEST 30% of the total electorate, that leaves 70% who support someone else (and it is way higher, RP doesnt have 30% nationally).

Well, maybe, just MAYBE, if the media propoganda machine had given him his fair shake in the beginning, he would have had greater public support. MAYBE it wouldn't be enough to beat Mittens, but I guess we'll never be able to say for certain.

I can't even count the times that people said, "If he had a chance of winning, I'd vote for him, but ALAS...." I'm tired of the sheeple just parroting the media's pre-programed narative.

Shroom, if you had to make a guess, how much support do you think Ron Paul lost because of the media's portrayal of him, and the consequent lack of coverage?


Active member
he's not out,he's just not wasting money on the beauty contests(popular votes).he's just going directly after the deligates. but the media did their stand up job as usual,saying he's pretty much out,but not saying it completley,but the idea people get is he is out.
he's still raising money,and we swept minnesota,but romney has hired some help to steal AZ.

Romney Fraud at Arizona GOP convention

“They took a bunch of our winners off and then stuck on a bunch of their losers. At first they had a total of 58 elected, most of them were ours. Then it all turned.” – Shawn Dow, Ron Paul State Coordinator.

According to many sources, Ron Paul supporters won a clean democratic majority of the delegates at the recent Arizona State GOP convention but Mitt Romney had an advantage that in the end the Ronulans could not match. Romney had Nathan Sproul, a political operative who was famously accused of voter registration fraud during the last election cycle.


“Accused of massive voter registration fraud in several states.”

More on voter registration fraud.

“Team Bush paid millions to Nathan Sproul and then tried to hide it.”

Remember, the Ron Paul forces were ready to give a majority of the delegates to the Mitt Romney campaign. Nathan Sproul rejected that offer. (See Arizona victory.) Why accept a gift if you can wait and take it violently later?

I warned you about a sealed box that was taken from the State Convention and how the votes were not a done deal. Then there is the manipulation of the numbers of the delegation already voted upon.

Arizona, as a “Mormon State” was moved up early so that party favorite, Mitt Romney, could have a win. As such, it was necessarily punished for breaking GOP rules and its delegate count was diminished.

The Arizona GOP establishment would normally seek to restore Arizona’s full 59 delegates. But since most of the new delegates are Ron Paul supporters, it decided to accept its punishment and keep to the lesser number, where Mitt Romney leads.

But there is so much more. Like 100 ballots that got added when the sealed box was opened the next day. Said Ron Paul coordinator, Shawn Dow, “They took a bunch of our winners off and then stuck on a bunch of their losers.”

Join the discussion here.

And then, see ballot stuffing in Arizona



God bless Ron Paul. I think this is his last go round. He is an old man.

Who will he pass the baton off to? His son Ron Paul , the Senator...... or........ Gary Johnson, the nominee of the Libertarian party.

Let me remind everyone: there is a third "viable" candidate that shares all the values of Ron Paul and then some. I was curious about Ron Paul and what the source of his intriguing ideas were. This curiosity led me to The Libertarian party. I discovered there that this is the fountain from which Ron Paul's ideals flows.

In my opinion, this party espouses how America should conduct its affairs: according to the Constitution. Namely: personal liberty (end the civil war against drugs), mind your (to the govt) own fucking business, small govt, end our overseas empire (150 military bases), financial soundness, etc. It is the democrats and republicans, corrupted and increasingly divergent ............. by the greed for power and money....... that are the aberrations.

Yet these 2 same parties (dems and repubs) are the ones that most Americans will vote for. And we expect change! Gimme a break. Are most of us so tired, busy, or jaded, to be informed? We get the leadership we deserve.
he's not out,he's just not wasting money on the beauty contests(popular votes).he's just going directly after the deligates. but the media did their stand up job as usual,saying he's pretty much out,but not saying it completley,but the idea people get is he is out.
he's still raising money,and we swept minnesota,but romney has hired some help to steal AZ.
I agree.
I was sad to see that he didn't win any delegates in my state, but honestly if he won the RNC nomination the GOP electorate would get in line behind him.

As much as they say he holds extreme positions we all know his "extreme" positions are no more extreme than ones held by our founding fathers.


Well, maybe, just MAYBE, if the media propoganda machine had given him his fair shake in the beginning, he would have had greater public support. MAYBE it wouldn't be enough to beat Mittens, but I guess we'll never be able to say for certain.
'fighting fire with fire' is not really a 'moral high ground' type of thing. Im not saying its not effective, i was just point out how hypocritical it is.
I can't even count the times that people said, "If he had a chance of winning, I'd vote for him, but ALAS...." I'm tired of the sheeple just parroting the media's pre-programed narative.

Shroom, if you had to make a guess, how much support do you think Ron Paul lost because of the media's portrayal of him
, and the consequent lack of coverage?

This is completely unmeasurable. How much did the media play in Eisenhower rise? He was courted by both parties, it certainly wasnt his domestic policies or politics that got him elected, he didnt really demonstrate any.

I think youve asked the wrong question. How much support does ROMNEY have? And if 'support' = $$$ (and it does in todays political environment), Romney was never going to lose to Dr Paul and his anti FED and corporate welfare stances.

The whole situation reminds me of the Ronald Reagan quote, "I didn't leave the Democratic Party. The party left me." Well eventually Ronnie did physically register with the other party and what Dr Paul has failed to realize the GOP left him.

Dr Pauls best chance is/was always to run against both parties. Its not a great chance, but that is actually a much better option that just running against Obama(because Corp america would never back Paul). Dr Paul gets to run against the heretic and the Kenyan. (not to mention the electoral college situation, and how he could organize another 1824).

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