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Ron Paul 2012!!! Your thoughts on who we should pick for our "Cause"?

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I got a hell of a question for all you guys.

Do you really think that ROMNEY will drop out when DR PAUL wins the GOP nomination?

You think Romney wouldnt run 3rd party?

He cant afford it?
You think hes going to give up now?
run 4 years from now? again?

Romney is more "all in" than Dr Paul could ever be.

As soon as you all see that Dr Paul winning the GOP is dead and useless anyway, the sooner Dr Paul can start point out how stupid BOTH PARTIES polices are.



i hope and pray that RP pulls it off because the system needs the piss shaken out of it. we'll see what happens.

bet you every super PAC out there would be on obama's side just because he has proven that he is one of the boys already


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“If we wear long faces, others will do so too; if we despair, let us not expect that others will hope; or that they will persevere in a contest, from which their leaders shrink. But let not such feelings, let not such language, be ours.” - Samuel Adams


Game Bred
I got a hell of a question for all you guys.

Do you really think that ROMNEY will drop out when DR PAUL wins the GOP nomination?

You think Romney wouldnt run 3rd party?

He cant afford it?
You think hes going to give up now?
run 4 years from now? again?

Romney is more "all in" than Dr Paul could ever be.

As soon as you all see that Dr Paul winning the GOP is dead and useless anyway, the sooner Dr Paul can start point out how stupid BOTH PARTIES polices are.

Romney run third party?
Never happen.
Nor will Paul. Its a waste. Besides what party would either run with?


Active member
Its not cheating. I said the 'card cheat' was a bad analogy.

Getting your supporters installed as "Romney delegates" is less than 100% democratic. It is underhanded, it is backdoor, it is legal, but it is at best gaming the system.

Its not worth reading how Ron Paul was screwed out of Massachusetts primary BECAUSE THAT IS ROMNEY"S HOME STATE.

I'll siplify it for you. Line one is correct.

Line 2. I am not a RP anything other than supporter as he is supporting what I know to be American. I have heard squat about RP putting people in as ROMNEY SUPPORTERS but I have heard that his supporters have had to hide who they really support because of all the ACTUAL VOTER fraud your ass it to lazy to look at and pass off ALL VOTER FRAUD as ROMNEY's HOME TOWN!!!

Line 3: HOMESTATE, Showing your ignorance or what you are willing to ignore!
Well ROMNEY can't be from, GA, AL, SC, NV, AK, and every other single state. So you and your arguemet lack any substatance other than the fact that ESTABBLISHMENT Republicans hate Ron Paul and will do anything to steal his rightfull election! Your

Getting your supporters installed as "Romney delegates" is less than 100% democratic. It is underhanded, it is backdoor, it is legal, but it is at best gaming the system.

Dr Paul is not above the political game, even though he claims to be. This is my only objection
The two things are not the same. Stealing elections with dead people, diebold, and lying to CITIZENS who came to participate and elects delgegates is what ROMNEY is doing. Ron Paul is haveing honest, everyday Americans stand up and fill their duties as AMERICAN's and take back a system that the Establishment wants to keep to themselves.

We are sick of Wars, No budgets, deterioration of our currency, and things like FDA, EPA, DEA, IRS, PATRIOT ACT, NDAA taking our Rights and Freedoms away.

You claim to be RP supporters but you're almost always in hear fussing about somthing, and this beef is completely baseless. You posted no evidence to support your point of view. Like it or not, YOUTUBE clips do serve as evidence!!!
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Active member
I bet you didn't like that commnet! Wating on all these reports of Ron Paul stealing the election.

Romney, Third party? He don't even have appeal within his own party. Ron Paul has crossover appeal.
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Romney run third party?
Never happen.
Nor will Paul. Its a waste. Besides what party would either run with?

Ron Paul WILL run as a libertarian, green or whatever. party.

Romney could run on the 'Im fucking richer than Donald Trump, theres no fucking way they would vote for me AGAIN next time, this is my only chance' party.

And wall street would vote for him.

Romney looks at the 1% and calls them 'broke ass bitches'... He is in the 0.08%

According to RNC rules, you need to have a plurality of votes in FIVE states to qualify for their ballot. Ron Paul wont even qualify for the first vote, let alone win a second...

Romney is not losing the GOP nom, but if he did, it would be absolutely nothing for him to run as an independent (he didnt get this far to quit now, dont be naive).



Game Bred
Mittens didnt run 3rd party in 08 when he lost the nod...
What makes you think he would do something different now? There is no gain for mittens in an independent run. He didnt before it would be naive to think he would do otherwise now.

Green party? You cant be serious....
Libertarians wont accept being Dr pauls second fiddle.
Naivete is thinking an independent run would be beneficial.
Ron Paul WILL run as a libertarian, green or whatever. party.

Romney could run on the 'Im fucking richer than Donald Trump, theres no fucking way they would vote for me AGAIN next time, this is my only chance' party.

And wall street would vote for him.

Romney looks at the 1% and calls them 'broke ass bitches'... He is in the 0.08%

According to RNC rules, you need to have a plurality of votes in FIVE states to qualify for their ballot. Ron Paul wont even qualify for the first vote, let alone win a second...

Romney is not losing the GOP nom, but if he did, it would be absolutely nothing for him to run as an independent (he didnt get this far to quit now, dont be naive).

In the caucus states, the popular vote is nothing more than a beauty contest. Delegates are what counts. Since you don`t care to pay attention, I`ll fill you in. RP has been winning the highest % of delegates in a number of staes. 5 is attainable. Since you like to try to discredit Dr. Paul, Where is the thread of the candidate that you actively support so we can go and have a little fun:biggrin:


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Reality Check 1/2 Hour Special *No Commercials* (Ron Paul Vote Fraud)



Mittens didnt run 3rd party in 08 when he lost the nod...
What makes you think he would do something different now?
In 2008 after he lost he could obviously run again in 2012, hell in Dec 2009 Mitt became the frontrunner.

You can run for office twice, but you cant run a third time when youve been the front runner the last two, youre a proven LOSER.

Mitt desperately wants to be President, and he will never have a better look at it than NOW.
There is no gain for mittens in an independent run.
Mitt will never have to run 3rd party, but you can bet your ass every corporate shill republican would vote for him over the corporate welfare destroying Ron Paul.
Mitt would have nothing to lose.
Ask yourself why this asshole would want the hassle of being Pres anyway?
Even if he had to throw 200 million at it, its still worth it, Mittens wants POWER.

In the caucus states, the popular vote is nothing more than a beauty contest. Delegates are what counts. Since you don`t care to pay attention, I`ll fill you in. RP has been winning the highest % of delegates in a number of staes. 5 is attainable. Since you like to try to discredit Dr. Paul, Where is the thread of the candidate that you actively support so we can go and have a little fun:biggrin:

The delegates are WORTHLESS according to RNC rules, unless youve won a plurality of the delegates in 5 states.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ 2012_Republican National Convention# Delegate count

"Each candidate for nomination for President of the United States and Vice President of the United States shall demonstrate the support of a plurality of the delegates from each of five (5) or more states, severally, prior to the presentation of the name of that candidate for nomination."

Every one of Ron Pauls delegates are WORTHLESS unless he wins 5 states. Wake up, its right there in the RNC rules.

Im not trying to discredit anyone, im pointing out obvious facts you blind RonPaul-iacs fail to acknowledge.

I keep saying i want him to run 3rd party, how does that morph into discrediting?

In 2008 after he lost he could obviously run again in 2012, hell in Dec 2009 Mitt became the frontrunner.

You can run for office twice, but you cant run a third time when youve been the front runner the last two, youre a proven LOSER.

Mitt desperately wants to be President, and he will never have a better look at it than NOW.

Mitt will never have to run 3rd party, but you can bet your ass every corporate shill republican would vote for him over the corporate welfare destroying Ron Paul.
Mitt would have nothing to lose.
Ask yourself why this asshole would want the hassle of being Pres anyway?
Even if he had to throw 200 million at it, its still worth it, Mittens wants POWER.


The delegates are WORTHLESS according to RNC rules, unless youve won a plurality of the delegates in 5 states.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ 2012_Republican National Convention# Delegate count

Every one of Ron Pauls delegates are WORTHLESS unless he wins 5 states. Wake up, its right there in the RNC rules.

Im not trying to discredit anyone, im pointing out obvious facts you blind RonPaul-iacs fail to acknowledge.

I keep saying i want him to run 3rd party, how does that morph into discrediting?

I should have been more clear and said you don`t pay attention to what`s happening with the RP campain. Recent Loisiana state delegate elections went 76% pledged RP supporters and the same scenario is going on in Nevada, Colorado, Minnesota, Iowa, Washington and Maine. With the bound Santorum people still up in the air, nobody is sure of the outcome at this point. Obviously it looks as if romney will get the nomination. That will not stop us liberty lovers. Dream on and trust me, It will not stop after the 2012 election. And please, the only reason you say Dr. Paul should run 3rd party is because it would give your statist leader in the white house a better shot at re-election. After his extension of the patriot act, signing of NDAA, escalation of the war on cannabis and all other drugs I can CLEARLY see why you would want that. Good luck obam-iac. If he or mittens wins, you`re gonna need it... That`s right because they are basically the same guy.


Active member
Not one drop of evidence from ShroomDr. Even Al Sharpton said RP winning five states was inevitable..You WAKE UP! Your the one ignoring facts and making up your own, of the two of us all you have done is run your mouth and not post anything other than slanderous comments based in ignorance.

I guess that is hard to do when you have none.

Ron Paul Wins Louisiana & Massachusetts Caucuses

Texas Congressman and Obstetrician Ron Paul “dominated”
the Louisiana presidential caucuses April 28, according to the New Orleans Times-Picayune. Paul supporters also out-organized the presumed GOP presidential nominee in caucuses in former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney’s home state of Massachusetts, and Paul supporters took over the Alaska Republican Party the same day.

The Times-Picayune reported that “under party rules, Paul is guaranteed at least 17 of the 46 delegates to the convention at which Romney will almost certainly be nominated for president.” The final tally will likely be even stronger, as Paul — who lost popular votes in caucuses states such as Iowa and Minnesota, but emerged with a clear majority of delegates — will likely out-organize remaining rival Romney. Louisiana is also a primary state. Based on their performance in the primary, 10 of the delegates are guaranteed to primary winner and former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum, while five delegates are guaranteed to Mitt Romney (who placed second in the primary).
Romney’s home state of Massachusetts is also a primary state won by the former Governor, so nearly all of the delegates will be pledged to vote for Romney on the first ballot. But that hasn’t stopped Romney’s home-state delegates from really becoming Paul delegates who could abandon Romney on a second ballot at the national convention. According to Seamus Light of PolicyMic.com, in Massachusetts the “Romney” delegates are really Ron Paul delegates. “While all delegates are required to vote for Romney during the first round of the Tampa convention (but not during a second vote), district voters are allowed to choose whoever they want to fill those roles. Thus, there were two camps: the official Romney-approved slate, and the Ron Paul-allied Ronald Reagan Unity Liberty Slate.” Ron Paul’s Ronald Reagan Unity Liberty Slate swept the caucuses.
The Ron Paul movement — labeling it a campaign at this point is far too limiting — also claimed a third victory in selecting new leadership for the Alaska Republican Party April 27. The Alaska GOP convention chose Goldwater Republican Russ Millete as its new chairman in what the Alaska Dispatch described as an “alliance between the tea party and Paulites.” The Alaska Dispatch noted that erstwhile U.S. Senate candidate and Tea Party favorite Joe Miller and his wife spent the day coordinating with the Ron Paul campaign during the successful GOP insurgency.
The Houston Chronicle reported April 28 that Ron Paul continues to draw ever-larger crowds in his presidential campaign and has engaged in a renewed effort to win his home state primary. “Thursday’s rally in the shadow of the LBJ Library at the University of Texas rivaled any crowds Mitt Romney or President Obama could draw at a campaign appearance.” That was an understatement, as Paul’s crowds number in the thousands wherever he has appeared for the last month. Romney has a 30 point lead in polls for the May 29 primary over Paul in a three-way race that also includes 35 percent for Newt Gingrich (who is expected to drop out of the race Tuesday).
The Ron Paul movement remains well-funded, raising $2.6 million in March with $1.78 million in the bank and no campaign debt. The Christian Science Monitor noted that while Mitt Romney has raised far more money in New York (largely from elite New York banks and financial firms) and California, Ron Paul’s small donation-based campaign has raised more money from states across the nation, even among large contributors. Counting only large contributors, the Christian Science Monitor reported April 27 that “Paul outraised Romney in 10 states, including some that will be key battlegrounds in the fall, according to figures compiled by Eric Ostermeier, a political scientist at the University of Minnesota’s Hubert H. Humphrey Center for the Study of Politics and Governance. ‘Ron Paul leads Mitt Romney in large donor itemized fundraising in 10 states, representing all four geographical regions from the northeast (Maine), the South (Arkansas), the Midwest (Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, North Dakota, Wisconsin) and the West (Alaska, Hawaii, New Mexico),’ writes Mr. Ostermeier on his Smart Politics blog.”
As Ron Paul’s hope for winning the GOP nomination has gradually faded, his movement’s influence in the Republican Party on the state and national level has multiplied geometrically. His much smaller and unsuccessful 2008 presidential campaign spawned a small network of state and local GOP candidates, some of whom were elected and had a role in inspiring the Tea Party movement. Paul is no longer alone in Congress since the 2010 cycle netted the election of acolytes in Congress that included his own son Rand Paul as Kentucky Senator and ideologically similar freshmen in the House such as Michigan’s freshman Congressman Justin Amash. The 2012 election season promises a much bigger slate of Ron Paul-inspired liberty candidates, many of whom won’t have to struggle against their state GOP establishment leadership, as those in the 2010 cycle had to fight.

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yes.... Ron Paul is beating Mitt Romney in his own state...

I dont smoke my breakfast... sorry to disappoint...


"As Ron Paul’s hope for winning the GOP nomination has gradually faded"

From the Times-Picayune article above.

So, it's nice he is raising so much $$, and large crowds show up when he speaks, but....


Ron Paul to Host Tea Party Rally in Austin


2012 Republican Presidential candidate Ron Paul announced today that he and his son, U.S. Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky, will hold a major tea party rally in Austin, Texas.

The rally, which is free and open to the public, will take place on the South Steps of the Texas State Capitol on Sunday, May 6 beginning at 2:00 p.m. To RSVP for the event, please click link below.


Ron Paul's tea party rally is being sponsored by the Tea Party Express.

Also speaking at the rally will be special guests Ted Cruz, Republican candidate for U.S. Senate in Texas, and Tea Party Express Chair Amy Kremer.


Active member
yes.... Ron Paul is beating Mitt Romney in his own state...

I dont smoke my breakfast... sorry to disappoint...

Just running his mouth and producing only evidence that he has, NO EVIDENCE. Voter fraud has occured in every state but he says. "Ron Paul is beating Romney in his own state." LOL. You would be the worst lawyer ever!
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