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Ron Paul 2012!!! Your thoughts on who we should pick for our "Cause"?

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Game Bred
i look at immigration as a non sequitur..

a distraction. pay attention to the mexicans "stealing" your jobs(you know the jobs you dont do as well or as cheaply)while the government steals your liberty.


Active member
So tell me oh wise one...What will Romney do to save our growing debt? You mean because he supports reigning in the debt in 30 YEARS!!?? Because he wants MORE overseas action than we already have?

Sorry, I cannot, due to my moral judgement, vote for that platform and I just HOPE a majority of other Americans agree with me. Ron may have 'wild' ideas, but they really need to happen.

The problem with illegals should be a state issue and dealt with by the states. Gov't. intervening is just plain dumb. Its only to get the immigrant votes. When I say illegal immigrant, I think we all know what race I am referring to. No benefits for illegals is the correct move.

They have the largest families, at least in my area. Lots of them are moving north now to the midwest. One metal fabrication company I installed our product in has mainly ALL illegals working on the shop floor. Why pay someone minimum wage when you can pay an illegal less? There are many problems (minimum wage is one) and the Gov't. politicians make it worse because they are only concerned where the next votes are coming from.
Im not claming to be wise,and I don't have all the answer's! You are right about immigration being an issue that should be handled by each individual state! There was a law passed in oklahoma in 2009 like the one created in arizona and they started to enforce it, but the federal government steped in and said they would cut off federal funding for roads and schools! So, they backed down and quit enforcing the law! I dont think romney is the answer to the problems we have... I just dont want to see obama get re-elected so he can keep wasting tax payers money playing golf in hawaii and grant citizenship to millions of illegal imigrant's! I like Ron Paul, but I dont think he has a snowball's chance in hell of winning... I am sick and tired of illegall's coming behind bider's and offering to do the work for less than the lowest bid! And they can do the work for less, because they live 20 people or more in a 2 bedroom house! They dont have to pay taxes,carry insurance or workman's comp. And 90% of the money they make is sent out of the country,and does'nt go back into our economy!!! I realize that it's the general contractor's fault for hiring them to save money. I dont think this country can handle another 4 years under Obama's administration! That's my 2 cent's worth!:tiphat:


Active member

heres somthing cool,that people may like to consider,its called the free staters project and its basicly a project wich is dedicated to libertarian principles being employed by people living in NH.

"The Free State Project is an agreement among 20,000 pro-liberty activists to move to New Hampshire, where they will exert the fullest practical effort toward the creation of a society in which the maximum role of government is the protection of life, liberty, and property. The success of the Project would likely entail reductions in taxation and regulation, reforms at all levels of government, to expand individual rights and free markets, and a restoration of constitutional federalism, demonstrating the benefits of liberty to the rest of the nation and the world"

101 reasons to move although im just gonna put up 1-21
New Hampshire has no general sales tax.
NH Department of Revenue Administration

New Hampshire has no general personal income tax. Dividends and interest are taxed at only 5%.

3 New Hampshire state law prohibits the use of eminent domain for private use or private development.

USA Today

4New Hampshire offers some of the least restrictive gun laws in the nation: no permit is required to open carry and a concealed carry permit is available on a shall issue basis.

Pro-Gun New Hampshire

5 New Hampshire is the only state that does not have a mandatory seatbelt law for adults.
Insurance Institute for Highway Safety

6 New Hampshire is one of only four states that places no helmet restrictions on motorcyclists.
Helmet Law Defense League

7 New Hampshire is the only state that does not mandate automobile insurance (though 89% of NH drivers have it).

8New Hampshire has no capital gains tax.
Area Development Online

9 New Hampshire legislators are only paid a salary of $100 per year, helping ensure the existence of a citizen legislature committed to public service, unlike every other state.
National Conference of State Legislatures

10 New Hampshire has one of the smallest state bureaucracies.
The Cato Institute

11 New Hampshire's constitution is one of only four state constitutions that expressly protect citizens’ right to revolution (Section 1, Article 10).
State of New Hampshire

12 New Hampshire offers the best representation of any state in the nation with a 400-member House of Representatives for a population of 1.3 million people.
Wikipedia - Government of New Hampshire

13 New Hampshire's unique Executive Council provides an additional check on the power of the Governor. Support of the independently elected five member council is required for state contracts over $5,000, high-level agency appointments, and pardons.
Wikipedia - Executive Council of New Hampshire

14 New Hampshire has no inventory tax.
Area Development Online

15 New Hampshire has no tax on machinery or equipment.
Area Development Online

16 Reflecting New Hampshire’s relationship and openness to the public, the state capitol building has no metal detectors (and at 190 years old, is the oldest state house in continual use).
The Ridley Report

17 New Hampshire is ranked 3rd for receiving the least federal spending as a percentage of federal taxes paid.
The Tax Foundation

18 New Hampshire's constitution does not specifically prohibit secession.
Now Public

19 New Hampshire is one of the few states that does not regulate raw milk sales.
National Association of State Departments of Agriculture

20 New Hampshire is the only state with no laws restricting knife ownership, even for convicted felons.
Knife Rights

21 New Hampshire officials, from town clerks to the state governor, are accessible to the public and generally have a walk-right-in office policy

the only reason i havnt moved is familiy and a few good friends otherwise id be up there in a second,and im hoping the whole country will live as freely with RP as president.


Active member
bentom187, WOW! All states could be in better shape if they would look to New Hampshire, and follow their examples!!! Would be a giant start in the right direction!! Thank you for posting that!! monkey5


Active member
To the Republicans that say if we vote for Ron Paul we are throwing away our vote and electing OBAMA. I say your wrong.

The simple fact is the elaction is being stolen from Ron Paul and the Nation. If you support anybody but Ron Paul and don't expose the truth then you are only chosing between what is packaged as the lesser of two evils. You are not spreading the truth. RON PAUL is this countries best choice for real change in America today and if youtube/google voter fraud you will find that it has occurred in every single state and always against Ron Paul.

I am glad the thread went off again. I'll catch up in a bit but I had to get that off my chest. I know there are RP supporters that feel we have to get OBAMA out and I respect you and your opinions very much but the truth is the truth.

ROMNEY/OBAMA = Goldman Sacs, Citibank, Bank of America, Barclays, McD's, Wal-Mart, NDAA, DRONES, WAR, FED, FDA outlaws MMJ. and so on and so on.

RON PAUL = US Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, NO NDAA or PATRIOT ACT, NO DRONES I bet, NO IRS :D American Public including the young and old, Freedom and Choice on MMJ, Jobs, NO Income tax, freedom out the rearend :D

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Active member
bentom187, WOW! All states could be in better shape if they would look to New Hampshire, and follow their examples!!! Would be a giant start in the right direction!! Thank you for posting that!! monkey5

yup they also use gold and silver as competeing currenceies against the dollar.i beleive one of the carolinas is also considering the same,i just forgot where i seen the article.

theres a documentary of the free staters project called libertopia,i watched it,its a intresting documentary,i rented mine on my xbox,but it can be rented on youtube i havnt found any free versions sorry.



Active member
#38 New Hampshire has an active jury nullification movement, which has had jury nullification bills passed by the House three times.

#49 New Hampshire's median household income of $63,942 is the highest in the country.

#51 The Free State Project community is gold/silver currency-friendly. As an example, Shire Silver is used by many FSP participants as an alternative currency.

#53 As of March 2011, NH unemployment is 5.2%; average is 9.2%; NH is 4th lowest in the country.

#54 New Hampshire shares a border with Canada, facilitating international trade and travel.

#56 New Hampshire has the lowest percentage of residents and children living in poverty in the nation.

#60 Retail businesses benefit from proximity to Maine, Vermont, Massachusetts, and Canada as residents shop in New Hampshire to benefit from the lack of sales tax

basicly NH is a working model of freedom in the middle of a facist economic system,what else do we need as evidence.

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Active member
Smearing...Paul disagrees with "giving money" to ANYONE....he is 100% against corruption...and THAT is why he will NEVER be president...

His whole thing is....let the states decide what the laws should be on non critical issues (drug policies ect)shrink the government to only essential programs...reduce military presence throughout the world...literally bring our troops home...stop sending all of our money overseas...

That isn't good for the status quo.....the industrial military complex is the most politically powerful "thing" in the world...

Corporations make HUGE dollars from war......and those corporations spend lots and lots of money in washington making sure war is always either happening or about to happen...

I'm by no means a political expert but I'm smart enough to know that money makes the decisions in this country...and Ron Paul will get downplayed on fox news because he actually wants to do what others just talk about to get votes...

Liberal media will shut him out because he's hyper conservative....(fiscally anyway).....

I consider myself a liberal.....here's the problem...

lib·er·al   [lib-er-uhl, lib-ruhl] Show IPA
favorable to progress or reform, as in political or religious affairs.
( often initial capital letter ) noting or pertaining to a political party advocating measures of progressive political reform.
of, pertaining to, based on, or advocating liberalism.
favorable to or in accord with concepts of maximum individual freedom possible, especially as guaranteed by law and secured by governmental protection of civil liberties.
favoring or permitting freedom of action, especially with respect to matters of personal belief or expression: a liberal policy toward dissident artists and writers.

Now I don't know about u...but those definitions sound pretty good to me?

The problem is people in this country hear the word liberal and they think....socialism....or...pussy....

When in reality Liberalism is EVERYTHING we ALL should want....I take "progress" in that definition to mean "more freedom"......because right now in this country....we are very very far from free.

IMO the whole liberal and conservative shit needs to be put to bed....I promise u if u take 50 republicans and 50 dems......atleast 80-90% of the dems will agree with the republicans on atleast 1 issue....

Another funny thing is Democracy...

de·moc·ra·cy   [dih-mok-ruh-see] Show IPA
noun, plural -cies.
government by the people; a form of government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised directly by them or by their elected agents under a free electoral system.
a state having such a form of government: The United States and Canada are democracies.
a state of society characterized by formal equality of rights and privileges.
political or social equality; democratic spirit.
the common people of a community as distinguished from any privileged class; the common people with respect to their political power.

That sounds wonderful right? but in reality we don't live in a democracy...we live in a country that is not "goverened by the people"....our country is goverened by people who are bribed by lobbyists.....

The U.S. gov better be careful......some shit is brewing and if something doesn't change soon....change is gonna be forced....good or bad.

Thats a serious legit statement my friend "The U.S. gov better be careful......some shit is brewing and if something doesn't change soon....change is gonna be forced....good or bad"

I would take up arms and fight to the death against anything that tries to alter my very way of life.

"This country, with its institutions, belongs to the people who inhabit it. Whenever they shall grow weary of the existing Government, they can exercise their constitutional right of amending it or their revolutionary right to dismember or overthrow it." - Abraham Lincoln

"The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government." - Thomas Jefferson

Force will be changed and this country is swarming with patriots willing to die and fight for freedom, myself included.

God bless America, as many predict I see something happening revolutionary before our time is up.


Active member
^if only they would legalize weed. they even have nice mountains.

I wish the whole country came to its senses and realized that this type of success as a result of freedom can be obtained,for each and every state.

im hoping that we can nullify or repeal federal laws,the quickest way for real change is to vote (RP) ,and spread the message and speak the truth that way we can all enjoy freedoms like NH has.


weed fiend
Ron says he doesn't want to fight other nations, he wants to trade with em. WTO governs global trade with member nations. WTO says member nations must actively mitigate illicit drugs.

Ron says he'll end the DEA. That's just an umbrella. He'll still have the 9 underlying agencies and ending the DEA in itself doesn't cancel their respective statutes.

I wonder if Ron realizes how layered some legislation actually is and what it takes to manage an act of Congress (which he just happens to be 1 for 620.)

I wonder if Ron's considered his global trade status as a non-member of the WTO? Something tells me he hasn't broached that potential.

What's the most damning is I have to assume and string together multiple scenarios to imagine how Ron Paul would manage a single one. You either have to be the highest degree of incurious or willing to imagine a tsunami of significance.

Or vote for somebody with a more coherent message.


I recently spoke to a Veteran. It was his opinion that an extremely small percentage of active millitary would fire on US citizens even if fired upon. It was his opinion also that most military do not believe in the "Wars" and that accounts for much of the Psychological damage sustain by our troops. Physical/Psychological was TBI or traumatic brain injury by land mines.

Just heard it from the horses mouth..... talk to your Veterans and hear it for yourselves.

Peace------ PLEASE bring our troops home to guard our land not others who have no stake in the loss of their family members.


The good old boys say cages are fine for people who use Cannabis. The good old boys say death for possession of a plant or products.

The good old boys say it is OK to let our people die for ... what was it? Get the killers in IRAQ--- oops in Afganistan.... oops the enemy is right here at home, Weapons of Mass Destructions-- oops a rubber glove and a buried SCUD.... operation Iraq's freedom for the people-- oops as soon as they could went back to same people running the same piece of land AS IT HAS BEEN SINCE THE BEGINNING OF RECORDED TIME!!!! Sorry, forgot why we were fighting there for a moment, did you?

The Good Old Boys-- still own slaves they just don't separate them by colors.

The Good Old Boys--are worried that the slaves are about to get out of control so declared the US a battle zone!

We are waiting for a big crash, a bang, a Revelation but we slept while the chains were placed.... we bickered with each other while we were trained..... Why crash it if it still produces wealth.... Liberty went out with a whimper, sigh, and shrug of the shoulders. We are just seeing the masters move attentions to less developed slave farms.





Ron says he doesn't want to fight other nations, he wants to trade with em. WTO governs global trade with member nations. WTO says member nations must actively mitigate illicit drugs.

Ron says he'll end the DEA. That's just an umbrella. He'll still have the 9 underlying agencies and ending the DEA in itself doesn't cancel their respective statutes.

I wonder if Ron realizes how layered some legislation actually is and what it takes to manage an act of Congress (which he just happens to be 1 for 620.)

I wonder if Ron's considered his global trade status as a non-member of the WTO? Something tells me he hasn't broached that potential.

What's the most damning is I have to assume and string together multiple scenarios to imagine how Ron Paul would manage a single one. You either have to be the highest degree of incurious or willing to imagine a tsunami of significance.

Or vote for somebody with a more coherent message.

Disco-- your somebody does not exist! Without that key ingredient your fulcrum crumbles! I truly wish it did.



Ron says he doesn't want to fight other nations, he wants to trade with em. WTO governs global trade with member nations. WTO says member nations must actively mitigate illicit drugs.

Ron says he'll end the DEA. That's just an umbrella. He'll still have the 9 underlying agencies and ending the DEA in itself doesn't cancel their respective statutes.

I wonder if Ron realizes how layered some legislation actually is and what it takes to manage an act of Congress (which he just happens to be 1 for 620.)

I wonder if Ron's considered his global trade status as a non-member of the WTO? Something tells me he hasn't broached that potential.

What's the most damning is I have to assume and string together multiple scenarios to imagine how Ron Paul would manage a single one. You either have to be the highest degree of incurious or willing to imagine a tsunami of significance.

Or vote for somebody with a more coherent message.

i dont understand what youre trying to say...

The US basically holds every other countries hand where 'illegal drugs' are concerned. If we bail on them being illegal, everyone else would follow.

(In addition, im pretty sure Portugal is still a member of the WTO. They 'decriminalized' 10 years ago.)

I believe a drugs allure is their illegality.

If 'drugs' were legalized, and IF gasoline could only be dispensed into containers that could not be accessed, more people would start 'illegally' huffing gasoline.

taboo is half the fun, and the 98% of the price is based off of its illegality.


Kush, Sour Diesel, Puday boys
i dont understand what youre trying to say...

The US basically holds every other countries hand where 'illegal drugs' are concerned. If we bail on them being illegal, everyone else would follow.

(In addition, im pretty sure Portugal is still a member of the WTO. They 'decriminalized' 10 years ago.)

I believe a drugs allure is their illegality.

If 'drugs' were legalized, and IF gasoline could only be dispensed into containers that could not be accessed, more people would start 'illegally' huffing gasoline.

taboo is half the fun, and the 98% of the price is based off of its illegality.


From wto.org
" Portugal has been a WTO member since 1 January 1995. It is a member State of the European Union (more info). All EU member States are WTO members, as is the EU (until 30 November 2009 known officially in the WTO as the European Communities for legal reasons) in its own right."

Besides, the us is the worlds largest economy and everyone would continue to trade with us. Other countries would not file complaints because it does not effect their economy. The us is without a doubt leading the drug war around the world.

The "coherent messages" by the others are that we need to be spied on, sent to fight for corporate interests in foreign lands, and locked up for smoking weed.

Fuck those messages and the douche bags who have them. Votes from me and my friends are only going to ron paul and the delegates supporting him.


weed fiend
Disco-- your somebody does not exist! Without that key ingredient your fulcrum crumbles! I truly wish it did.


Yes, politicians can and do deliver coherent messages that, in just one example discussed whether we'd mandate single payer, the public option or universal coverage. We ended up with the worst option but potential strategies were detailed during the primary and we knew the respective principals and alternates.

Don't you remember? Hillary didn't want mandates and Obama didn't want single-payer. That set off a slew of campaign and media confrontations where Obama and Hillary were pressed to detail their strategies and what they'd pursue if primary goals weren't achieved -

as opposed to -

HEALTH CARE FOR ALL!!!!:groupwave::bis::party:


pin drop


weed fiend
i dont understand what youre trying to say...

then lets try this one...

The US basically holds every other countries hand where 'illegal drugs' are concerned.
(In addition, im pretty sure Portugal is still a member of the WTO. They 'decriminalized' 10 years ago.)
Looks like your supposition has some contradiction.

I believe a drugs allure is their illegality.

If 'drugs' were legalized, and IF gasoline could only be dispensed into containers that could not be accessed, more people would start 'illegally' huffing gasoline.

taboo is half the fun, and the 98% of the price is based off of its illegality.
My comment you copied was in regard to how we rectify international agreements which IMO, market theory doesn't address.

Say what you guys have to say, repeat if necessary. I just don't get the tangents that don't exactly tangent.
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