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Ron Paul 2012!!! Your thoughts on who we should pick for our "Cause"?

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Andinismo Hierbatero
whodare, I do not think the U.S should be the only one to deal with Iran getting nukes; this should be a global effort, since afterall, nukes are a serious thing that can affect the whole world, not just X or Y country.

also, I do not think bombing N.Korea or Pakistan for that matter, because they have nukes is a good idea either, never have expressed any opinion of the sort in this or any other thread.

however, if the U.S decides to act upon Iran because of their wishes to get nukes, then I'll support such decision, such as I would support any other country who would want to do it.

if you read the thread carefully, you'll see the contrary on the part of many americans posting here, they have expressed they would not support their own country and in fact do not support their country's decision to do something about Iran and nukes.

hence my friendly bantering on the subject. and btw, I live in a country that does a lot more than the U.S to counter terrorism.

Bentom, I dunno, if you read many posts in this thread and in another one in this same sub-forum, you will find plenty of posters bragging about how bad-asses they are what guns and ammo they have, many even have given advice on which ammo to use against their own fellow-citizens if things do not go in the direction they imagine the world should be going.

I'm amazed that a mod has not banned them for going off like that.

the last thing we want is to be associated with a bunch of paranoiacs armed to the teeth and ranting 'end of the world' non-sense and trying to get people fired up into violent confrontations.

but sadly, it seems, mob-thinking rules over reason, once again.

over and out.



^^^^^ The problem is this "global" effort. Other countries send a pittance or token gesture of military and we end up doing all the fighting. It has become an expectation. If everyone wants us to be the bad asses of the world we should start keeping the fing country. Kuwait--51st state..... they had at the time of invasion and our involvement the highest per capita income in the world. We go in kick the invaders out and give back the country. BULLSHIT. What our blood, money, and military are like a rental service now!?!

Yes, we have the larges military in the world except maybe China.... we pay for that shit. WE PAY for it! We should protect us let the rest start paying for their own. I bet if we started keeping the countries we "liberate". Our "Global" friends would start screaming like bitches.

When I say we pay for that..... I am talking blood and money. Hell.... if you want to kill and change it..... there are lots of mercenary companies you can go "work" for .... Like Black Water.

You won't though! Neither would most of these war mongers out there or Hawks. They vote to send our kids, other countries push for it, hahahahaha coalition members want to send our kids and our money..... what do they do.... send a couple thousand and cheerlead us from the sidelines.

We spend on "Defense" (now that is an ify word) every year more than the rest of the world combined! I am broke I don't know about you. All you spouting off for war..... I don't see you signing up or sending your kids.

Tired of hearing these people scream for war..... Need to talk to some of our military who are coming back. They don't believe in what we are doing.... They don't want to be there. You are going to have to come up with something a hell of a lot better for me to start shooting people over. I can't even imagine how it would feel to kill someone and not believe in the cause for doing it. That is why people in Vietnam and now come back so messed up. WW1 and WW2 had lots of killing but soldiers believed in what they were fighting for...... now..... the ones I have talked too, and it has been many due to my profession, don't believe shit. That is why Ron Paul is getting the majority of the money from military. They see what we are doing first hand and say it is bullshit!

The invitation stands...... join up! Go apply at a Mercenary Company......! Easy to sit at the key board, quite another to shoot a kid with explosives wrapped around them and running at you.

Don't get me wrong. Bring them home, set up our borders.... even help (not do) for our friends.... I will be right next to you shooting..... but not for an "if" like the bullshit weapons of mass destruction Iraq and Afghanistan had...... BULLSHIT.... Hell Osama was in Pakistan and we fucking decimated a third world country...... Shut up or sign up..... I'm betting you won't do either.



Active member
what you are arguing for,can only be acheived by other gun toting violent thugs, the federal government.



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Game Bred
however, if the U.S decides to act upon Iran because of their wishes to get nukes, then I'll support such decision, such as I would support any other country who would want to do it.

the last thing we want is to be associated with a bunch of paranoiacs armed to the teeth and ranting 'end of the world' non-sense and trying to get people fired up into violent confrontations.

duplicitous much?

It seems to me that television has trumped free thought, so it is difficult to have a conversation about what constitutes a 'just war' ....... but good luck anyhow.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Creepy motherfuckers.

Fed To Take Propaganda To The Schoolroom: Will Teach Grade 8-12 Students About Constitutionality Of... The Fed
Back in September we noted a peculiar RFP by the Fed which sought to become a secret 'big brother' to the social media world, and to "monitor billions of conversations and generate text analytics based on predefined criteria." The Fed's desired product should be able to "determine the sentiment of a speaker or writer with respect to some topic or document"... "The solution must be able to gather data from the primary social media platforms – Facebook, Twitter, Blogs, Forums and YouTube. It should also be able to aggregate data from various media outlets such as: CNN, WSJ, Factiva etc." Most importantly, the "Listening Platform" should be able to "Handle crisis situations, Continuously monitor conversations, and Identify and reach out to key bloggers and influencers." While it is unclear just how successful the Fed has been in eavesdropping on various critical blogs, and divining "sentiment", it now appears that the propaganda masters at the Office of Central Planning have decided to go for young American minds while they are still pliable. It appears that as part of its reenactment of Goebbels "economic education" curriculum, the Fed will now directly appeal to K 8-12 student, in which it will elucidate on the premise of "Constitutionality of a Central Bank." You know - just in case said young (and soon to be very unemployed) minds get ideas that heaven forbid, the master bank running the US is not exactly constitutional - you know, that whole thing between Andrew Jackson and the Second Bank of the United States...

And in case one is wondering what dogmatic propaganda their children will be filled with, here is the course outline.


Active member
what part of the federal reserve a private bank,has any authority over a real federal department.
somone had to ignore this fact for this to go on.

plus it would be blastfamy if they saw bill stills movie the secret of oz.
another reason to vote for RP goodbye department of miss-education.


Active member

Have certain parts of the Constitution become irrelevant, as a former Republican leader once told me at a Foreign Affairs Committee hearing? At the time, I was told that demanding a Congressional declaration of war before invading Iraq, as Article I Section 8 of the Constitution requires, was unnecessary and anachronistic. Congress and the president then proceeded without a Constitutional declaration and the disastrous Iraq invasion was the result.

Last week, Obama administration officials made it clear that even the fig leaf of Congressional participation provided by the 2003 "authorization" to use force in Iraq was to be ignored as well. In a hearing before the Senate Armed Services Committee, Defense Secretary Leon Panetta stated clearly and repeatedly that the administration felt it was legally justified to use military force against Syria solely with "international permission". Such "international permission" could come by way of the United Nations, NATO, or some other international body. Secretary Panetta then told Senator Sessions that depending on the situation, the administration would consider informing Congress of its decision and might even seek authorization after the fact.

While Senator Sessions expressed surprise at the casual audacity of Panetta in making this statement, in reality his was just a bluntly stated explanation of what has been, de facto, the case for many years. When President Obama committed the US military to a pre-emptive war against Libya last year, for example, Congress was kept completely out of the process. Likewise, military action in Iraq, Pakistan, Somalia, Yemen, and so on, proceed without a Congressional declaration. In fact, we haven't had a proper, constitutional declaration of war since 1942, yet the US military has been engaged in Korea, Lebanon, Iraq, Bosnia, Liberia, Haiti, and Libya with only UN resolutions as the authority. Congress's only role has been authorizing funds, which it always does without question, because one must "support the troops".

Of course we should reserve our harshest criticism for Congress rather than the Administration. If the people's branch of government abrogates its Constitutional authority to the Executive branch, who is to blame? Who is to blame that Congress as a body will not stand up and demand that the president treat the Constitution as more than an anachronistic piece of paper, or merely a set of aspirations and guidelines? The Constitution is the law of the land and for Congress to allow it to be flouted speaks as badly about Congress as it does about a president who seeks to do the flouting.

Just last week the administration announced that it would begin providing material support to the rebels who seek to overthrow the Syrian government. Was Congress involved in this decision to take sides in what may develop into a full-fledged civil war? And what of reports that US special forces may already be operating inside Syria? Still, Congress sits silently as its authority is undermined. Does anybody really wonder why approval numbers for Congress are so low?

Many of my colleagues who stood by as then-President Bush used the military as a kind of king's army are now calling for Congress to act against this president for openly admitting that is his intent. I agree it is time for Congressional action in response to these attacks on our Constitution, but the solution is simple and Constitutional. The solution is simply voting to withhold funds, since Congress has the power of the purse. No money for undeclared wars!

Dr. Ron Paul


Active member
whodare, I do not think the U.S should be the only one to deal with Iran getting nukes; this should be a global effort, since afterall, nukes are a serious thing that can affect the whole world, not just X or Y country.

pre-emptive strikes are an act of aggression.
i think countries of the world should worry more defense over aggression...

the old saying is " the best offense is a good defense" not the other way around...

also, I do not think bombing N.Korea or Pakistan for that matter, because they have nukes is a good idea either, never have expressed any opinion of the sort in this or any other thread.

your sidestepping the point that they haven't always had them...

however, if the U.S decides to act upon Iran because of their wishes to get nukes, then I'll support such decision, such as I would support any other country who would want to do it.

again feel free to petition YOUR government to intervene...

if you read the thread carefully, you'll see the contrary on the part of many americans posting here, they have expressed they would not support their own country and in fact do not support their country's decision to do something about Iran and nukes.

i expect them do do something.... like secure our borders and coastlines, not bomb and starve innocent people to force a foreign government to comply with our demands...

hence my friendly bantering on the subject. and btw, I live in a country that does a lot more than the U.S to counter terrorism.

there is not a chance any country in the world spends more on "counter-terrorism".

though i must admit what we do actually fosters terrorism, a big reason the non interventionist policy is important.

the last thing we want is to be associated with a bunch of paranoiacs armed to the teeth and ranting 'end of the world' non-sense and trying to get people fired up into violent confrontations.

our country is acting like what you describe, dont you see that... the end of the world isnt going to happen if iran gets a nuke, that is unless you believe in all that religious armageddon stuff.

but sadly, it seems, mob-thinking rules over reason, once again.
sad but true


Active member
Has anybody seen Judge Nepalitano since his show was canceled?

I haven't but I don't watch much lie to me tv


Game Bred
A free people ought not only be armed and disciplined, but they should have sufficient arms and ammunition to maintain a status of independence from any who might attempt to abuse them, which would include their own government.


Active member
In the past 24 hours, two Republican presidential candidates—former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum—have suggested that in light of the incident, the United States may need to change course and re-examine its role in Afghanistan.

Ok. If this is true and not just anti war propaganda from these two.........Did they not see the March on the White House or have they not spoken with any miltary verterans in the last six years.......YEAH! One incident and they change couse on a WAR!




The Fix is in for Texas or Illegals Screw Up The Elections...

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Justice Department’s civil rights division on Monday objected to a new photo ID requirement for voters in Texas because many Hispanic voters lack state-issued identification.

Texas follows South Carolina as the second state in recent months to become embroiled in a court battle with the Justice Department over new photo ID requirements for voters.

Photo ID laws have become a point of contention in the 2012 elections. Liberal groups have said the requirements are the product of Republican-controlled state governments and are aimed at disenfranchising people who tend to vote Democratic — African-Americans, Hispanics, people of low-income and college students.

Proponents of such legislation say the measures are aimed at combating voter fraud. But advocacy groups for minorities and the poor dispute that and argue there is no evidence of significant voter fraud.

In regard to Texas, “I cannot conclude that the state has sustained its burden” of showing that the newly enacted law has neither a discriminatory purpose nor effect, Thomas E. Perez, the head of the Justice Department’s civil rights division, said in a letter to the Texas secretary of state.

Texas Attorney General Greg Abbot has said the Obama administration is hostile to laws like the one passed last year in Texas.

The National Conference of State Legislatures called the voter ID issue “the hottest topic of legislation in the field of elections in 2011,” with legislation introduced in 34 states.

The department had been reviewing the Texas law since last year and discussing the matter with state officials. In January, Texas officials sued U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder, seeking a court judgment that the state’s recently enacted voter ID law was not discriminatory in purpose or effect.

As a state with a history of voter discrimination, Texas is required under section 5 of the Voting Rights Act to get advance approval of voting changes from either the Justice Department or the U.S. District Court in Washington, D.C.

In a letter to Texas officials that was also filed in the court case in Washington, the Justice Department said Hispanic voters in Texas are more than twice as likely than non-Hispanic voters to lack a driver’s license or personal state-issued photo ID. The department said that even the lowest estimates showed about half of Hispanic registered voters lack such identification.

The range was so broad because the state provided two sets of registered voter data.

In December, the Justice Department rejected South Carolina’s voter ID law on grounds it makes it harder for minorities to cast ballots. It was the first voter ID law to be rejected by the department in nearly 20 years.

In response, South Carolina sued Holder; the state argued that enforcement of its new law will not disenfranchise any voters.

Other states have moved toward photo ID requirements in the past year.

Alabama has a photo ID law, but it does not go in effect until 2014. Mississippi voters approved a photo ID law, but the state legislature has not yet adopted enabling legislation. The Justice Department has not yet reviewed the initiatives in either state.

The Justice Department has said it is reviewing voter ID laws in other states, but has not identified which ones.



Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
If it were relevant we would have realized afg. Is the empire killer.
Fitting that the American Empire is wallowing around in the graveyard of empires right now.

I'm sure ya'll have heard of the latest US massacre over there. Fuckin' wars have warped the minds of our youngest generation. It's no wonder the biggest pacifist has the most armed forces support.
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