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Ron Paul 2012!!! Your thoughts on who we should pick for our "Cause"?

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When you just read it and contenplate it, it sounds great. When it gets practiced it is a disaster.
The exact same argument can be made against unfettered capitalism.

No one has ever practiced actual communism, the Paris Commune attempted it, but feared seizing the French treasury, as it would appear the the world, that the communist were just after the money.

They leave the treasury, the regular army takes control, buys weapons, and finances their way back into power.
Because the Commune was able to meet on fewer than sixty days in all, only a few decrees were actually implemented. These included:

the separation of church and state;
the remission of rents owed for the entire period of the siege (during which, payment had been suspended);
the abolition of night work in the hundreds of Paris bakeries;
the granting of pensions to the unmarried companions and children of National Guards killed on active service;
the free return, by the city pawnshops, of all workmen's tools and household items valued up to 20 francs, pledged during the siege; the Commune was concerned that skilled workers had been forced to pawn their tools during the war;
the postponement of commercial debt obligations, and the abolition of interest on the debts; and
the right of employees to take over and run an enterprise if it were deserted by its owner; the Commune, nonetheless, recognized the previous owner's right to compensation.

Their process was much better than Pol Pot's... but point being, there is more than one way to skin a cat.

The Russian Revolution happened in Feb 1917, the communist didnt take control until October (and many werent communist, they were thugs veiled in a socialist flag).




That was me.

I'll take this one:
I find it amusingly ironic that all you PaulBots love to call everyone else "sheeples", yet will believe the most ridiculous stuff cause you read it on the Internet somewhere.

I know the personality type very well- people love to think that only they and their "club" know the truth because, with the help of other brilliant minds they were "shown the light". Everyone else is blind cause no one has shown them the "facts". Yet.

I'll say it straight up- the list of FEMA death camps under construction in each state? Complete paranoid bullshit.
US planted explosives in WTC? Same thing.

The War on Drugs is stupid and immoral. So is 99% of the US military involvement around the world. If you'd just stop there, you might help Paul get some more votes.

Was doing that long before I even knew who Ron Paul was. I learned Sheeple on here. I called them sleepers before. My criteria for this group that "I" refer to have nothing to do with Ron Paul. I think most everyone on this thread do not fall into that category.....

For instance Discobiscuit and I disagree quite a bit on our view and have even got heated but I would not consider him in that group. He thinks for himself, is aware of the world, doesn't take everything at face value, questions, appears to enjoy discussing topics besides last night game or TV program, is active to his own taste in the running of the country, searches for new learning... etc. The group I lump together are like the pic I posted a couple posts back.... a sheep watching TV... to me these people get up, go to work or not, go through their day and really never care about the world around them other than superficially..... not only the world but have really no introspection into their relationships or selves. In the real world I meet these folks and interact with them every day.... if a topic that comes up that is less than superficial, you can see a glazed look come over their eyes and nod or mumble.

All of this is of course just my personal opinion. FWIW-- I believe the use of Cannabis helps to make you more aware and thoughtful on all levels.... not essential as there are those who do not use it that are also but in the majority it helps. Also, not everyone that does partake of the herb atains a higher awareness either.



Active member
You say questioning the gov't and all conspiracies are crazy..

no. i never said that. i said we need reasons, good solid reasons and evidence for what we believe. our lives hang in the balance.

I am not saying there is a new world order but im not saying there isn't one either. or that it is bad or good. If you aren't open to that possibility, you are not open minded.

its one thing to be open to the unknown. quite another to accept things uncritically. if there's compelling evidence for a given conspiracy theory then it will find traction with reasonable people.

i think atheist are just as bad as christians.. you both say you know for a fact what the truth is and neither of you know. so stop fighting over it..

no. an atheist does not pretend to know things. he accepts that much is still unknown. and he rejects silly claims of magical beings without good evidence. on the other hand, a religious person believes in the supernatural with no good evidence. they have no good reasons to believe the absurd teachings of the church. but they do have faith. these are two very different things and you need to be able to discern the difference.

does the god Poseidon cause tsunamis? you and i probably do not believe that. we probably think its the shifting of tectonic plates. we are probably both atheists in regards to Poseidon. your argument above is that you and i can't know the truth about Poseidon. you say we must respect the people who claim Poseidon makes tsunamis because he is angry about homosexuals. i say (to paraphrase Hitchens) ridiculous claims without evidence can be dismissed without evidence

we are on a downward spiral if we cannot respect each other.

respect people not open to reason and evidence? no. sorry. not gonna happen. if we did invite unreasonable people into our discourse then we really would be on the downward spiral.


Was doing that long before I even knew who Ron Paul was. I learned Sheeple on here. I called them sleepers before. My criteria for this group that "I" refer to have nothing to do with Ron Paul. I think most everyone on this thread do not fall into that category.....

Before this thread, I wouldn't have associated Ron Paul with "truthers" and Illuminati conspiracy people.

We could easily have filled all these pages arguing about Libertarianism, and, as much as I despise most of that political movement, at least we could be having a factual discussion.

Though to be fair, the majority of this thread hasn't drifted completely into tinfoil hat territory...


Active member
Some people love to fight on acid.. some people love on acid. It depends on who you are.

best sex i ever had was on acid. went on all night. felt like we melted into each other and fused, like we shared the same respiratory system. wild.


weed fiend
In general public and even 1 on 1, many people are old school in that they don't discuss politics with others. It doesn't necessarily mean they're out of touch.

Throw in the internet and at least some of these people express their opinions. IMO, national discussion is great but there's reasons people avoid the conversation. Taxation and the safety net are politicized to the point that folks see each other as opponents rather than Americans. These two issues are so polarized, practically every other issue hops on one bus or the other.

Like the recent Catholic Bishop's stink over the recent birth control measure. Many who complain were silent when 28 states passed the same laws. Mitt Romney, George Pataki and others who signed legislation in their own states are now saying it's religious intrusion, even though individuals who don't want to participate don't have to.


no. i never said that. i said we need reasons, good solid reasons and evidence for what we believe. our lives hang in the balance.

its one thing to be open to the unknown. quite another to accept things uncritically. if there's compelling evidence for a given conspiracy theory then it will find traction with reasonable people.

no. an atheist does not pretend to know things. he accepts that much is still unknown. and he rejects silly claims of magical beings without good evidence. on the other hand, a religious person believes in the supernatural with no good evidence. they have no good reasons to believe the absurd teachings of the church. but they do have faith. these are two very different things and you need to be able to discern the difference.

does the god Poseidon cause tsunamis? you and i probably do not believe that. we probably think its the shifting of tectonic plates. we are probably both atheists in regards to Poseidon. your argument above is that you and i can't know the truth about Poseidon. you say we must respect the people who claim Poseidon makes tsunamis because he is angry about homosexuals. i say (to paraphrase Hitchens) ridiculous claims without evidence can be dismissed without evidence

respect people not open to reason and evidence? no. sorry. not gonna happen. if we did invite unreasonable people into our discourse then we really would be on the downward spiral.

I would say you are agnostic then. not an atheist.

Atheism is, in a broad sense, the rejection of belief in the existence of deities

Atheism is close minded. there is no evidence that there are deities, but there is no evidence that there is not either.

There is good evidence that a new world order exist. There is good evidence that our "democracy" isn't really a democracy. that it is all controlled by very powerful people.

The satanic stuff is hard for me to grasp but its possible, i just wouldn't run with it. I think free masons know a lot, though. I used to email owsley stanley, like i said before, and his family were high degree masons. He told me a lot of things that blew my mind. So I believe they do hold some sort of power over our nation and maybe the rest of the world. "Stanley was the scion of a political family from Kentucky. His father was a government attorney. His namesake and grandfather, A. Owsley Stanley, who was a member of the United States Senate after serving as Governor of Kentucky and in the U.S. House of Representatives, campaigned, amongst other issues, against alcohol Prohibition in the 1920s. Another relative, William Owsley, also served as Governor of Kentucky in the mid-19th century."

I agree, sex on acid is spectacular. my dick felt like the root of a tree once haha rooting her body and becoming part of it.


Active member
Before this thread, I wouldn't have associated Ron Paul with "truthers" and Illuminati conspiracy people.

It is ashamed that you act like they are only ficticious while G. H. BUSH himself claimed it right out of this very own mouth in a public speech to the WORLD. I mean, you don't even wonder? Why am I the insane one for reading up on it and verifying a lot of information from many sources. Yes they could all be lying.....Then again, I could be right. Then CNN, FOX, ABC, NBC plus any other MSM regurgitator would all be the liars and those that believe them would be?

You don't have to say I am right.

I didn't even believe most of this insanity untill lately..I wanted us in the UN (shh, now)..when I woke up and was like WTF has happened...I was asleep at the wheel too. Don't be mad because you agree with me on some stuff and not others. Look into it for yourself or stop reading my posts and launching baseless insults becuase I know you will refuse for the THIRD TIME to acknoledge G. H. Bush said, NWO is in tune himself. Then call me crazy again. Dismissive attitudes are not very usefull.


weed fiend
... There is good evidence that a new world order exist. There is good evidence that our "democracy" isn't really a democracy. that it is all controlled by very powerful people.

That part right there isn't disputed. We've had the same thing since rich people first pitted their odds against the rest of us.

At the turn of the 20th century, business was so in control the gub had to come in and bust up telecom, gas and other giants that bought legislation as opposed to being imposed on them.

But we still had the power to fix it and we exercised that power. We raised the nominal tax rate to 91%. After deductions it was roughly 52%. Gub had the revenue to go after crooks and put them in prison as opposed to negotiating small fines w/o admission of guilt.

We have a two-part dialog that in reality doesn't coexist. First, we have a so-called socialist regime that wants to redistribute all the wealth yet we have a NWO that wants to take it all away and even kill us all off.

What reality actually reflects is two different economic paths being extrapolated to the enth degree (by active imaginations.)


It is ashamed that you act like they are only ficticious while G. H. BUSH himself claimed it right out of this very own mouth in a public speech to the WORLD. I mean, you don't even wonder? Why am I the insane one for reading up on it and verifying a lot of information from many sources. Yes they could all be lying.....Then again, I could be right. Then CNN, FOX, ABC, NBC plus any other MSM regurgitator would all be the liars and those that believe them would be?

You don't have to say I am right.

I didn't even believe most of this insanity untill lately..I wanted us in the UN (shh, now)..when I woke up and was like WTF has happened...I was asleep at the wheel too. Don't be mad because you agree with me on some stuff and not others. Look into it for yourself or stop reading my posts and launching baseless insults becuase I know you will refuse for the THIRD TIME to acknoledge G. H. Bush said, NWO is in tune himself. Then call me crazy again. Dismissive attitudes are not very usefull.

When Bush says that, he doesn't even realize that New World Order is kind of a codeword for conspiracy theorists- because that was in 1991. He is talking about UN peacekeeping forces, which, I gather are also a bad thing?

And again, here's you saying I'm asleep cause I don't believe in crackpot theories like FEMA death camps??
Well screw that...:moon:


Active member
We have a two-part dialog that in reality doesn't coexist. First, we have a so-called socialist regime that wants to redistribute all the wealth yet we have a NWO that wants to take it all away and even kill us all off.

The hand out aspect of it is how they hook you. I sounds great. I have admitted being on the side of some Gov't spending that I no longer support. The main one is the war. It is a racket and they are robbing us blind. THEY is subjective and open to interpretation but having a small group inside our legit Government that is controlling things in the ways I have laid out make perfect sense. CZARS, SUPREME COURT JUSTICES, all these commitees that they start have appointees and no accoutabilty. They are part of the power structure that represses all the small and medium businesses out of exsistence. I.E. Raw milk? Organic Food? Small/Medium farms? Small businesses...all of the EPA, FDA, EDUCATION, UN, FED, IMF are controll mechanisms!

Research who started the American Cancer Society! Tell me who did that! Please.
http://www.whale.to/cancer/american_cancer_society_h.html 1913 by none other than John D. Rockefeller Jr,
We will never get a cure from them.

Are you referring to the video you linked to where Ron Paul says that "even our first president Bush says the New World Order was in tune"??

Watch and learn NWO and UN connection
George Bush New World Order Speech 6th March 1991

A NWO a world where the UN........historic vision of its FOUNDERS!
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Active member
Are you referring to the video you linked to where Ron Paul says that "even our first president Bush says the New World Order was in tune"??

Watch and learn NWO and UN connection
George Bush New World Order Speech 6th March 1991

A NWO a world where the UN........historic vision of its FOUNDERS!

You got G H Bush right there son. NOW WHAT????? What do you say??? N/A is not on the answer sheet!


Active member
When Bush says that, he doesn't even realize that New World Order is kind of a codeword for conspiracy theorists- because that was in 1991. He is talking about UN peacekeeping forces, which, I gather are also a bad thing?

Your nievety must be pure bliss!
Yeah and John D Rockefeller is trying to cure cancer for 100 years and not suppress cancer treatments while they rob us blind.

Funny how I am insane but your confirmation bias of your beleif has you in blinders.
You say I am crazy for all the connections that you choose to disregaurd.
Then you call me insane for looking further and seeing more and more info that makes me think it is true.....
I have stated and restated that the UN and Illuminati have ties and that the Bush's were in on it.
Then I put it all right in front of you from FIRST HAND LIKE YOU ASKED FOR....
You quickly dismiss it just like you do me..... WAKE UP!


ACS is a privately run charity. Whatever you may think of them, you can't blame their existence or practices on the federal government.

Oh wait...Rockefeller, NWO, connecting the dots...

I dont know anything about acs..

Rockefeller, however, is a very powerful and wealthy family. I am pretty sure they have a lot of influence on the way the world works. Whether you want to say its a "conspiracy" or not, its most likely true that they do what they want.

I dont see how people think this shit is crazy? I think its even more far fetched to believe these banker families dont run this planet. That would really surprise me if they did not use their wealth and power to influence politics and money. I am not saying that they are bad or good people. That is the question we should be asking.

I would imagine these powerful people only see us as peasant. We dont really matter. If this is true, then they are not good people and our interest are not theirs. This is a problem to me and something should be done about it.

When it comes to population control, It will control itself. Whenever there is too many people the earth will take care of it. I think we should all limit ourselves to 1 child to replace ourselves, but I dont think it should be forced.

We would not have population problems if we stuck to our natural food chain (carnivore). Plants are only for survival and medicine. You can thank agriculture for most of the worlds problems.


Active member
I am not saying that they are bad or good people. That is the question we should be asking.

I would imagine these powerful people only see us as peasant. We dont really matter. If this is true, then they are not good people and our interest are not theirs. This is a problem to me and something should be done about it.

If you research almost every piece of literature links them to Devil worship.

See "They Don't Care About Us" by Michael Jackson. He was abused by them constantly. God rest his soul.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QNJL6nfu__Q&ob=av3e He is dancing in front of the ALL SEEING EYE with a PEACE SYMBOL on his shirt. He has some cool stuff on Youtub and ILLUMINATI

A LOT of ILLUMINATI want out but where can they run? They are not all bad but the Agenda for which they work in secret sems to be.
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