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Ron Paul 2012!!! Your thoughts on who we should pick for our "Cause"?

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Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/

Could I have a link or quote on that subject matter that KMK was referring too. I am pretty sure nothing like that exists but not saying that is a fact.

Now if both you and Conjito are referring to the lack of State law making that legal because we have allowed the Federal Government to have authority of that particular issue then that is an extreme extrapolation. Ron Paul never said he would attempt to get rid of the Supreme Court and all their rulings. States would still be bound by those and future rulings is my understanding. I would not accept that extrapolation or his acceptance of it unless given decisive proof that is what he would intend. Sounds like nothing I have ever heard, read, or seen before.


ok, first off, i was thinking of Rand Paul, not Ron, except Ron probably feels the same way...

i have to run off to work momentarily but will research more later today...

here's Rand confirming what i said


youtube has a bunch of "ron paul civil rights act" clips, but i don't have time to view them at this moment....

these guys are not for stopng minorities when it comes to publicly funded things, but in private business they think the govt doesn't have the right to tell business owners anything...

if i am wrong about Ron then i apologize, but Rand got these beliefs from his daddy...

check out youtube on ron paul and the civil rights act, which he claims he would not have voted for...
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Active member
The media make me sick....All day long they have talked about how Newt's attacks are wrong and out of line.....Defend GOLDEN SAC......the media is teabagging Romney...Pathetic


weed fiend
How is the media teabagging Romney by suggesting that Newt's attacks are wrong?

Mitt destroyed Newt in Iowa and Newt complained.

Newt's in the process of destroying Mitt. Mitt complains... they're both hypocrites.


You can g on believing what the mass socialist media prints about Paul or you can go to whypaul.com as read his stiff yourself. You can go and vote for another pretty boy and lose more freedoms and money or you can vote for an older, more experienced, man and help the US float for another 4 years. If you choose the pretty boy then I'll see you in the FEMA camp soon and the one worlders take over....laziness will get you fucked....go read his stuff for yourself before you sit in the computer chair and talk shit....the media has twisted his words into lies. If you cannot see this after doing some real research, then maybe you don't need to be voting nor owning a gun...

stickey fingers

IC endorses ?

IC endorses ?

It seems this thread has gone off into the wind with peoples usual political comments that are meant for nothing other than rudeness. What does 3/4 of this thread have to do with "our cause", which is cannabis? And people wonder why we don't allow political threads......

if this thred was about the re election of obama,
would you fell the same ?

to me this election means everything to me, in regards to cannabis ie "life"
IC has been my home for years, i am
not happy with the censorship and tunnel vission i
have been getting here lately, i am ashamed of the
lack of unity and fore sight within the community

if the IC does not endorse RON PAUL i will shit can my #
right now !!!

to me when it comes to cannabis i have always been a
giver and shared with good karama, if anybody but RON PAUL
wins that will all come to a end with a pitch fork !!!

when will the IC give a endorsement for 2012 ?
the end of my world ?
"FUCK obamacrit" hope he rots in hell....


Active member
:D That was a great post stinky pinky.....I mean sticky fingers ;D

Ron Paul Revolution

An Obama thread might be more open to expression and differences of opinion.
SOPA seems to differ and so the the NDAA from what you think Obama stands for!

That said, check out the California initiative threads. Some of us don't want legalization.
Yeah the short sighted greedy ones that only want to be able to smoke and say fuck the rest of you. That is the kind of shit the 99% cry about!
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weed fiend
if this thred was about the re election of obama,
would you fell the same ?

to me this election means everything to me, in regards to cannabis ie "life"
IC has been my home for years, i am
not happy with the censorship and tunnel vission i
have been getting here lately, i am ashamed of the
lack of unity and fore sight within the community

An Obama thread might be more open to expression and differences of opinion.

Cannabis reform isn't the only issue the next president will face. We're all unified in our love of cannabis. That said, check out the California initiative threads. Some of us don't want legalization.

if the IC does not endorse RON PAUL i will shit can my #
right now !!!

to me when it comes to cannabis i have always been a
giver and shared with good karama, if anybody but RON PAUL
wins that will all come to a end with a pitch fork !!!

when will the IC give a endorsement for 2012 ?
the end of my world ?
"FUCK obamacrit" hope he rots in hell....
Best wishes.


Freedom Fighter
sorry, i'll try to be more clear. i think it was itisme who wrote: Ron Paul was going to "reset America to its core values" ... so i said cool, i've already got my slaves picked out. i could've just as easily said great, i'm so sick of women voters, or good, no more Hillary Clinton's running for office ...

perhaps you see where i'm going with this now. i just wanted to point out that our "core values" have evolved as we moved from agrarian to post industrial society, and since the church has been weakened. for the better i think. slavery, Jim Crow are considered kinda naughty now. and i'd like to keep it that way.

but then old Ron argues that southern property owners had every right to be racist because states and property rights are more important than human rights. he even came out against the historic civil rights act. so while i've never accused him of racism over his opposition to the civil rights act, or because he sent out racist newsletters back in the day (who hasn't?), i am concerned that his ideas could allow for an erosion of civil rights.

Fair enough--
But if we want States to have the Right to Legalize cannabis...they must have the Freedom to do as they wish, according to how the People feel--
That has to include Total Freedom...not just the ones we agree with-- It brings to mind something GW said...(paraphrase) "It is one thing to have Freedom, it is another thing to go overboard with freedom"-- I don't believe there can be too much freedom!!
States or Corporations that invoke Racially Discriminating Doctrine, will soon find that they cannot operate in that manner, unless most of the people in that area agree with it--
Freedom has to go both ways...either we want a Nanny State, or a Free State-- Might mean some have to relocate to a place they feel more comfortable--


weed fiend
Fair enough--
But if we want States to have the Right to Legalize cannabis...they must have the Freedom to do as they wish, according to how the People feel--
That has to include Total Freedom...not just the ones we agree with-- It brings to mind something GW said...(paraphrase) "It is one thing to have Freedom, it is another thing to go overboard with freedom"-- I don't believe there can be too much freedom!!
States or Corporations that invoke Racially Discriminating Doctrine, will soon find that they cannot operate in that manner, unless most of the people in that area agree with it--
Freedom has to go both ways...either we want a Nanny State, or a Free State-- Might mean some have to relocate to a place they feel more comfortable--



What you're talking about is or would quickly disintegrate into mob rule. And from my daily experience with people, that is someplace I don't wish to go.


Freedom Fighter
What you're talking about is or would quickly disintegrate into mob rule. And from my daily experience with people, that is someplace I don't wish to go.

Yeah, I think I'm not explaining it well....now that I read it back...I am a bit off of the mark I intended-- I will try again after breakfast-- lol
But I AM a bit of an Anarchist--:tiphat:


Fair enough--
But if we want States to have the Right to Legalize cannabis...they must have the Freedom to do as they wish, according to how the People feel--
That has to include Total Freedom...not just the ones we agree with-- It brings to mind something GW said...(paraphrase) "It is one thing to have Freedom, it is another thing to go overboard with freedom"-- I don't believe there can be too much freedom!!
States or Corporations that invoke Racially Discriminating Doctrine, will soon find that they cannot operate in that manner, unless most of the people in that area agree with it--
Freedom has to go both ways...either we want a Nanny State, or a Free State-- Might mean some have to relocate to a place they feel more comfortable--

he is not racist.. at all. he has his reasons for not supporting the civil rights act but it has nothing to do with racism.

It seems people just want to take everything the guy believes in and then spin in until it fits their views. You should read between the lines.

this is 2012, racism isn't going to tolerated.


weed fiend
he is not racist.. at all. he has his reasons for not supporting the civil rights act but it has nothing to do with racism.

Imo, it's tough to not address aspects like racism or bigotry when "states rights" and "property rights" arguments were historically used to segregate society.

It seems people just want to take everything the guy believes in and then spin in until it fits their views. You should read between the lines.
Reading between the lines suggests making ones own impression.

this is 2012, racism isn't going to tolerated.
It's not only tolerated, it's protected by freedom of expression. Laws seek to prevent folks from acting beyond expression and or publicly profiting from racial intolerance.

We still have the right to operate private establishments and limit our associations all we want.


Freedom Fighter
he is not racist.. at all. he has his reasons for not supporting the civil rights act but it has nothing to do with racism.

It seems people just want to take everything the guy believes in and then spin in until it fits their views. You should read between the lines.

this is 2012, racism isn't going to tolerated.

Ummm...I'm a RP Supporter-- Not sure what you are talking about--:tiphat:


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
How is the media teabagging Romney by suggesting that Newt's attacks are wrong?

Mitt destroyed Newt in Iowa and Newt complained.

Newt's in the process of destroying Mitt. Mitt complains... they're both hypocrites.

this ^^^^^^^^


0.9% of the electorate has spoken. Iowa is non binding, and NH is one of the smallest states.

The media IS fawning over Romney (but they would fawn over anyone who was 2 for 2).

Historically, candidates blow all their money in those two states, that doesnt seem to be the case this year.
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