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Ron Paul 2012!!! Your thoughts on who we should pick for our "Cause"?

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I don't know if it's too early to throw this out there, but.........

If Paul doesn't get the republican nomination, will he make a go as an independent? I know he has said consistently that he won't, but how can he not with all this support?

I mean if he and Romney come out neck and neck in the end, The republican party will no doubt nominate Romney, right? Shit if Romney has a pulse they will probably still pick him...


This thread seems to move at warp speed around debate or primary time as an argument between primarily two or three members so I will elect to quote myself to try to elicit a useful and lucid answer to a reasonable, pertinent question.

Those in favor of Dr. Paul answer me this. @ 76 years old, will Dr. Paul put his hat in the ring as a third party or not? As big a slice of the pie he is getting right now, and as someone who will vote for him and try his best to convince all friends to do the same, Not if but when they pick Romney over Paul, will he still run as a third party? I love Dr. Paul, but my instincts (maybe pessimistically) tell me the G.O.P. just won't back him as their man....

If Dr. Paul drops out because he does not win the G.O.P. nomination, I might have to concede to the label put on him as a "perennial campaigner" and not one who genuinely wants the job.

I have loved Dr. Paul for a long time and don't know what to think if he squanders all this current support....

I think he will run 3rd party, he refuses to denounce that the option of a 3rd party run wont happen. Hes just playin politics, hes putting all his efforts into the gop nomination. Just seems like he has to stay loyal to the party before annoncing other plans. Or atleast thats how i interpreted it.

Would be a shame if he didnt try 3rd party, but unfortunantly i dont see him winning, he will go down in history as the man that ALMOST won the election and ALMOST saved america, yes thats right I think were screwed... to many discobiscuts living in the good ole usa

Irregardless i will be voting for ron paul. No other canidate is viable when it comes to protecting the constitution and my rights as an american


Active member
i would gladly eat all of my words in this thread if he could pull this off, but i still don't think Americans are there. plus there is always goldman sachs and the 1%...

We just need to educate the masses at how skewed the media is presenting it and maybe we can convert even more people. I am only a recent convert so I am working my state. I don't know a person in my Red Southern state with 75 delegates that is voting anybody but Ron Paul. RP signs are the only signs you see here. RP supporters are fierce and trying to add delegates too...Not just posting in forums and internet sites :D

I do agree we are way in deep shit and fear for RP...I do think Ron Paul could really reset America to its core values. Goldman Sacs will not LET him win........So we fuck them all and promote the hell out of Ron Paul and fight back, that is all I am trying to do.

I think he will run 3rd party, he refuses to denounce that the option of a 3rd party run
If the R by name tag only would get on board with RP it would be all over. The first two states were better off economically and much more "old money" than the Southern States. He has a real chance to win. The media will tell you otherwise but only the Establishment oppose him, and most AMERICANS now oppose the Establishment.

THE OLD "GOP" IS DEAD! Check who is filling it up, who they support, and why... Ron Paul. As far as RP's age goes...Honestly how many of you think you will be able to do what he is doing at his age? He is in great shape and extremely mentally sound. His age is just a number, the youth sure love him.
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This thread seems to move at warp speed around debate or primary time as an argument between primarily two or three members so I will elect to quote myself to try to elicit a useful and lucid answer to a reasonable, pertinent question.
Those in favor of Dr. Paul answer me this. @ 76 years old, will Dr. Paul put his hat in the ring as a third party or not? As big a slice of the pie he is getting right now, and as someone who will vote for him and try his best to convince all friends to do the same, Not if but when they pick Romney over Paul, will he still run as a third party? I love Dr. Paul, but my instincts (maybe pessimistically) tell me the G.O.P. just won't back him as their man....
If Dr. Paul drops out because he does not win the G.O.P. nomination, I might have to concede to the label put on him as a "perennial campaigner" and not one who genuinely wants the job.
I have loved Dr. Paul for a long time and don't know what to think if he squanders all this current support....

Thought I was responding to those thoughts. I think he will run independent but he also knows he would get better support if he were to get the GOP pick and that could be damaged if he said he would run independent.
Odog--My post back one page I was talking about Romney, Obama, and Paul and making a choice. For me it is not much of a choice, of course it would be to pick Ron Paul!
However, the lucid part of your post may apply.:blowbubbles:



Active member
he would get better support if he were to get the GOP pick
Very much so. That is why I was pointing out the changing GOP demographics. He is not dropping out and I can almost assure you he will emerge as the "Anti Romney" mainly he is. The public just don't need to rely on FAKE NEWS STATIONS!


I thought this was a good no spin article that touches on all the R in the actual hunt.

My favorite clip: The key for Ron Paul is the fact that is Romney takes South Carolina and Florida, several if not all of the other candidates will suspend their campaigns or drop out altogether. This will force the media to frame Paul as Romney’s adversary and will allow Paul to unleash a barrage of attacks exposing Romney’s record as a big government RINO Republican.

Part 1: let Newt implode the Conservatives and Establishment Republicans.
Part 2 Get it down to "Soldier Support" vs "Banker and Corporation (people :D hehe) Support"
Part 3: Unleash! All he does is win :D I hope
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ICMag Donor
Go Ron! When was the last time a independent was elected? :bump:
I was able to convince one opinionated co-worker to vote for him.Im getting RP stickers for my vehicles .Get the word out....RP 2012....:artist:


Active member
Mitt "Money" Romney
"I believe marijuana should be illegal in our country. It is the pathway to drug usage by our society, which is a great scourge -- which is one of the great causes of crime in our cities, and I believe we are at a state where, of course, we are very concerned about people who are suffering, and there are various means of providing pain management.”
Ole Mitt is a real thinker....the worst excuse ever, gateway drug....Gateway to the Police taking total control. Support big pharma...My Chiropractors are voting correctly. They know big pharma and big money are one and the same. RP is converting people everyday at a much higher rate than the others.

I was able to convince one opinionated co-worker to vote for him.Im getting RP stickers for my vehicles .Get the word out....RP 2012..
I love it bro! Great work. VIVA LA RESISTANCE :D


Also dicobiscut if i knew where u lived i would come over and put a foot up your ass. Your are so nieve you should be disgraced to even call yourself an american.

I bet you're a big Toby Keith fan, that seems about right. Put that Canadian boot in someone's ass. lol


weed fiend
Also dicobiscut if i knew where u lived i would come over and put a foot up your ass. Your are so nieve you should be disgraced to even call yourself an american.

How nice, all dadday's hard work bought an intolerant kid. Just kidding. Dadday got ripped, intolerance is free for the taking.


Before my father died of cancer in his 40's he was making over 500k a year as a higher up in a corporation. He started in the mail room of the company sorting mail. Got promoted, got promoted again, again, and again. He started work at 6am left at 6pm, Not a single sick day in the 25 years of employment with his company. He brought the company from net losses to net gains.

Don't think anyone ever said the "1%'s" don't work hard. Clearly they do or they wouldn't have disgusting sums of money. They just don't work hard at helping anyone but themselves.

Do you consider him a 1%? should his wealth be spread around? ? Has even 1% of the 99%even held a job for 25 years?

The question is did he spread some of that wealth around on his own? isn't this the ludicrous claim that these nasty money whores make; that if they weren't taxed soooo much they would spread it around more? Let's see some good faith movement in this direction please. Lots of hard working Americans out there wanting to work can not because people like this downsized them to insure a $500k salary!
I'm no Marxist, and I don't support the 99%'s as a political movement, but from a socio-economic perspective they have a point.


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
I bet you're a big Toby Keith fan, that seems about right. Put that Canadian boot in someone's ass. lol

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to KSP again.


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
I do agree we are way in deep shit and fear for RP...I do think Ron Paul could really reset America to its core values. Goldman Sacs will not LET him win........So we fuck them all and promote the hell out of Ron Paul and fight back, that is all I am trying to do.

so we finally agree... glad you see reality ;)


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
Before my father died of cancer in his 40's he was making over 500k a year as a higher up in a corporation. He started in the mail room of the company sorting mail. Got promoted, got promoted again, again, and again. He started work at 6am left at 6pm, Not a single sick day in the 25 years of employment with his company. He brought the company from net losses to net gains.

Do you consider him a 1%? should his wealth be spread around? ? Has even 1% of the 99%even held a job for 25 years?

altho imo a company that would pay an exec 500k a year even with poor job performance from tax payer bailouts makes me absolutly livid.

i just dont get, what does the 99% want?


a growing middle class...

no more bank/wall street bailouts...

those would be a good start...

fuck the rich. if they lose their fortune, too fucking bad. it's not the American taxpayer who should be paying for their mistakes...

EDIT: oh yea, and reasonable CEO salaries, but i think we agree on that...


weed fiend
I carry no ill regard toward wealth. When demand is strong, more wealth comes out of hiding and seeks more profit. More profit means more GDP so opportunity and macro economies expand. That said, the corporate model changed.

In the last 30 years, the top expanded %275 compared to 20% for the rest of the country.

A current presidential candidate liquidates corporations for as high as 6:1 returns. He doesn't even have to put up his own money. Corporate takeover and extraction involves borrowing against assets, i.e. pension funds. In some cases, employee pensions are nixed for more profits.

Greasing the top doesn't mitigate macro contraction. Fortune 1000 hasn't netted a single job in the last 30 years.


Active member
so we finally agree... glad you see reality
I had said and agreed on that part before....I don't agree that we are doomed!

Vote Ron Paul 2012

I hope the Tea Party get behind Ron Paul in SC and FL....We will see. The Southern States have no unions or union leaders....Can the Christian conservatives become actual fiscal conservatives and see that Ron Paul is right? EEHH..

We just need to educate the masses at how skewed the media is presenting it and maybe we can convert even more people.


weed fiend
Hey sorry about the "foot up your ass part", i was just joking.. didnt think you'd be a whiney bitch about it.

Is delusion an oft visited realm?

Fyi do you really think i would put my actual location?
back to the top

So should there be a cap on how much a ceo can make?
Should there be a minimum wage?

This sounds ridiculous to me this is america and hard work should pay off. The real prob imo isnt the wages of the people in the corp. but the faceless corp. itselff.

How would you address the faceless corp. problem?

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
Before my father died of cancer in his 40's he was making over 500k a year as a higher up in a corporation. He started in the mail room of the company sorting mail. Got promoted, got promoted again, again, and again. He started work at 6am left at 6pm, Not a single sick day in the 25 years of employment with his company. He brought the company from net losses to net gains.

Do you consider him a 1%? should his wealth be spread around? ? Has even 1% of the 99%even held a job for 25 years?

altho imo a company that would pay an exec 500k a year even with poor job performance from tax payer bailouts makes me absolutly livid.

i just dont get, what does the 99% want?

Times have changed

this will not happen these days. people do not get hired out of mail rooms anymore. they don't get pensions anymore and even C.E.O.s of larger corporations switch jobs pretty often.

Why is this? It is because capitalism is dead, and the government and private sectors both encouraged it's death through the combining of the two sectors for the purpose of short term profit. aka greed.

As a result they snatch up as much wealth as possible and let there companies and government crash with no regard for the thousands of people they are fucking over.
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