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Ron Paul 2012!!! Your thoughts on who we should pick for our "Cause"?

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atleast they showed both sides, it wasnt too bad.

What ya puffin? I just finished some Cherry Chunky Malawi

and started some Sour Blue Moon Rocks


weed fiend
ABC will be criticized for flogging dirty laundry. Watch for ABC to whine they're focusing on character. We'll get enough character demonstrations from candidates going after each other.

IMO, candidates should be able to level accusations and respective candidates should be able to respond. ABC shouldn't add to it.


Active member
$10,000 bet then

Ron Paul. The Constitutionalist" Romney don't fucking know what our country is founded under and wants to run it! He pulled a Plaxico


Active member
IMO, candidates should be able to level accusations and respective candidates should be able to respond. ABC shouldn't add to it

Agreed bro. Ron Paul should had of had more time to respond to being called a "Constitutionalist" Like it meant "COMMIE"

They are intentionally giving them chances to answer there attacks, while they suppress RP's message. I am glad he keeps his cool much better than I do. I expect even disco to give me a good rep for that :D


Active member
I designate Newt "Warmonger Sellout" He had a twin brother until he ate him as a zygote!

WOW! Ron didn't even get to speak that entire time!
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So at the 1/3 mark....

Perry is REALLY losing. "Ya gotta talk at ah debate" must not be a texasism.
Newt is not gaining enough traction. He needs Santorum to put his foot in his mouth or to go after Romney. Going after Paul doesnt help him.

GOP is for small govt, EXCEPT for the definition of a SINGLE word (marriage). Being for 'civil unions' but against gay 'marriage' is a Merriam Webster issue.


Active member
I hear Romney votes going to the best answer..... I like RP's chances on Gay marriage as much as Racist.

OMG....Newt on Media Bias, He has a sack of balls tot he floor.


Active member
RP his at least 3 good applauds but Newt got one very good response when he attacked the Catholic Church. I don't think Catholics liked it though.



If Hunstmann doesnt get more time, he is toast. He needs a strong 2nd place finish in NH to continue, Newt Santorum and Perry can continue to the south. The correct 'political' move would to stop going after Paul and go after Romney.

They are not going to get Dr Paul voters.

Romney is doing great, because he is doing nothing. Deflect and then focus on Obama.


Discobiscuit and Cojito

Discobiscuit and Cojito

Discobiscuit--just because it is cheaper than the government outlets for alcohol.... it is still THE LAW you must have your alcohol served with food to be purchased outside the government outlets. That was the point and your deflection that one is cheaper than the other does not address the issue the State has more strict standards for alcohol than others and don't bring up the bullshit about "dry" counties... the main discussion is Fed regulation rather than State regulation.In my statement in the last post. This is typical of your responses, you frequently redirect or post facts that have nothing to do with the intent of the posted segment.

Discobiscuit--no the Dept. Health and Human services does not have control over rescheduling any controlled substance, the decision is ultimately made by the DEA:
This final rule is issued by the Deputy Administrator of the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) to reschedule buprenorphine from a Schedule V narcotic to a Schedule III narcotic under the Controlled Substances Act (CSA). This action is based on a rescheduling recommendation by the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) and a DEA review indicating that buprenorphine meets the criteria of a Schedule III narcotic. The DEA published a proposed rule to reschedule buprenorphine on March 21, 2002 (67 FR 13114). The comment period was extended for an additional 30 days until May 22, 2002 (67 FR 20072). The DEA received ten comments but no requests for hearings.

This final action will impose the regulatory controls and criminal sanctions of a Schedule III narcotic on those persons who handle buprenorphine or products containing buprenorphine.

another reference: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Removal_of_cannabis_from_Schedule_I_of_the_Controlled_Substances_Act

The Controlled Substances Act provides a process for rescheduling controlled substances by petitioning the Drug Enforcement Administration. The first petition under this process was filed in 1972 to allow cannabis to be legally prescribed by physicians. The petition was ultimately denied after 22 years of court challenges, although a pill form of cannabis' psychoactive ingredient, THC, was rescheduled in 1985 to allow prescription under schedule II. In 1999 it was again rescheduled to allow prescription under schedule III. A second petition, based on claims related to clinical studies, was denied in 2001. The most recent rescheduling petition was filed by medical cannabis advocates in 2002 and, as of May 2010, was being reviewed by the Barack Obama administration.[1] Currently 16 states and Washington D.C. have legalized the use of medical marijuana, and hemp products are sold widely in the U.S. today.

Discobiscuit--So the Terrorist and Enemy combatant-- United states citizen and journalist we killed with drone fire doesn't register with what I said in my last thread. Under the new executive orders and extended Patriot act-- anyone who does not agree with the administration and takes actions to protect themselves or evoke change could be considered a Terrorist. There have been other American Citizens and I forget their names but they also were given no due process. Lets say for instance a militia in the US resisted arrest and fought back.... would they not be easily classified as Domestic Terrorists? Come on cut the bullshit! Where were the US Citizens', mentioned above, Miranda rights?????????????????

Discobiscuit--Not one candidate has proposed anything more than minutely different than business as usual. Liberal or Conservative---same fuc!@ng hiway different lanes. The alternate you threw out has absolutely no chance of making it in although if he did I would be considering him also but again no plan for the Federal Reserve so business as usual. All bought and paid for!!!!!!!!! Which one is not according to you. Lots of info has been posted on here about contributions and special interest and all has pointed to one candidate not for sale and that has been Ron Paul.

Discobiscuit-- It is a declared War on Drugs, just like a "War on Terror", How many presidents and how many times do the congress and Senate have to vote to fund it before you consider is a WAR?

Discobiscuit--Who do you think I consider to be freer than others? Or what were you even talking about there???

I do thank you for respecting my right to a difference of opinion. My head banging is look down the tracks and see a train rumbling 100 mph towards us and all I see and hear are people arguing about the color of the train, who's driving it, should we get off the tracks and if we do.. should we get off to the left or the right, whether it is really going to hit us, whether the damage will be small or great, or like some of the posts on here.. will it rain tomorrow. I also hear one voice in the crowd saying.... get off the tracks, left or right it doesn't matter, then lets change this and that so we can make sure we don't end up on the tracks together when a train is coming... and long term lets build an over pass or signals so this never happens again....... but the people are too busy arguing and talking about the other subject to stop and really listen..... all the while the train is still getting closer and couldn't stop at this point if it wanted to......

Cojito--Anyone either party completely or even mostly supports is bought and paid for and I think you know it.

Cojito--The point was RP is not like the rest of them. He will actually do everything in the power of the President to do the things he espouses. At least it would be a start. You may resist the President but you can't ignore him and he could veto the bullshit that is eroding the rights and freedoms that make this America. He could also wipe out many of the UNCONSTITUTIONAL executive orders Bush and his cronnies pushed through while the people were panicked. As for progress and new info..... shit!!!! It has gotten worse over the years since he started recommending proposed changes and in my opinion most of the fixes he proposed years ago would have prevented the drastic situation now or limited it.

Cojito--yeah exactly. I do not believe in teaching religions in school but many many Americans do. They already send their kids to religious schools and I bet there are enough of them to fill up a state or two. I do not know how I feel about prostitution but it wouldn't stop me from moving to Nevada. Cannabis would be a factor on where I live and does at present. Maybe I should start a poll thread, the question would be, "Who believes more states would go legal on MMJ or straight legal if the Feds were taken out of the issue"? Not asking you to read minds but I bet "Feds taken out would be a landslide", what do you think?

Cojito-- I respect your attempt at provoking patriotism with your comment about portraying Americans as hiding under chairs. Nice attempt to illicit emotional response.

A question: More than just regular cars or people-- How many people notice a police car in your vicinity, anywhere in your vicinity? Do you feel more anxious if one were to come to your door than you would any other stranger? If you were in a store, bar, restaurant, baseball game, anywhere, grow store, or pull you over to tell you your license plate is loose, would you not take notice and be more aware of his actions, direction of view, etc.

This guy is paid by you to protect you! Why does it illicit a physical fight or flight response such as anxiety, increase heart rate, increase blood pressure, some even sweating.

Ok same question but make it four of them in all those situations.

There you go Cojito the reason for my depiction of American's hiding under a chair, waving a white flag, dropping under a trap door. Why grow in basements, mask heat loss, worry about electric meters, proxy your servers, use cash, etc.

We grow, use, and possess a plant that makes us happier, mellower, more educated (took me a little learning) but it also make us the ENEMY. Now expand this up to all the levels of government. Ron Paul want to end that. Police and Government should not be our enemy, but WE ARE IN A DECLARED WAR!



And how out of touch are they?

Newt says he would be watching the national championship basketball game, and thankfully Santorum corrects him and says, he too is a big football fan, and would be watching the national football championship.

Drew Brees is a hell of a College QB. Why are they playing tomorrow?


Active member
Who do you think told the truth out that bunch. I won't mention RP only chances to answer to his true depictions of the others.

They can't keep the lines of shit straight.


Active member
Funny. I think if others drop out RP picks up more votes than Romney. He don't have to win shit for a few months. He will get more and more time and we will be printing at least 1.3 TRILLION MORE to prove RP's point!


lets see,
shoot a gun,
nat champ basketball
nat champ football
'football' (probably bullshit).
reading an econ. book ( who would doubt)
calling my sons.

Perry was probably telling the truth too, that gun shit doesnt play to NH.

Huntsmann speaking fluent mandarin in a GOP Presidential debate can not play well, but i guess when your at 2% nationally, youve only got one direction to go.


Funny. I think if others drop out RP picks up more votes than Romney.
I dont necessarily disagree, but i do think social conservatives are more likely to switch between Santorm and Perry. Im saying the other candidates need to get votes from Romney.

He don't have to win shit for a few months. He will get more and more time and we will be printing at least 1.3 TRILLION MORE to prove RP's point!

The way this primary is setup, you are correct, it is called The Ohio Plan
January 3 – February 4, 2012: Contests of traditional early states Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada and South Carolina,
February 7 – March 24, 2012: Contests that proportionally allocate delegates,
April 3, 2012, and onward: All other contests including winner-take-all elections.

The problem becomes money and 'national campaign infrastructure'. Rick Santorm did NOTHING but focus on Iowa, he had almost no money left. Then he comes in virtually tied for first, and he raises a million dollars the next day. His campaign continues...

Mitt Romney has the best 'national infrastructure', Perry has one too. Im pretty sure Paul does as well (only he and Romney made it on to the VA ballot), and Newt is hated by most of the GOP, and just started gaining money around thanksgiving.
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