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Ron Paul 2012!!! Your thoughts on who we should pick for our "Cause"?

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weed fiend
I wouldn't be surprised if Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden swap cabinet positions. Clinton's popularity would be a big distraction should the economy take another hit before the election. If Obama won the election she'd be the natural nominee for 2016. We haven't had that chance since FDR.


Registered Med User
cutting social welfares and medicare would mean a lot of people sick and dieing on the street, and a lot more crime... When it aint given a lot will go out and get it by any means. I like his opinions on feds staying out of state business tho.


I Feel Good
ICMag Donor
Ron Paul was on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno; Wed. 28 Dec.

Jay asked him the BIG question!

Do you support legal marijuana?


EDIT: later Joe Rogan came out with a Ron Paul sweat shirt...:jump:

check the sig ! i tried making a thread on it but fuckerboy, i mean freezerboy took it down... so i just put what i said in the first post of that thread in my sig.... the TOU doesn't state that I can't talk politics in my sig!


It would be amazing if he won Iowa then pulled out a win in NH. because then VA would be him vs Romney again as nachman and newt failed to get on the ballot....I don't doubt he will get Iowa at the least.

I think you mean Perry and Gingrich didn't get on the VA ballot...

If you want to vote for someone who will legalize pot, but isn't a total crackpot, Gary Johnson is running as a Libertarian.
Just sayin'....


Active member
The Government functions he would cut or reduce to about 40% are the ones where lobbyist control much of the supposed protection that the governing body is to be providing. FDA, EPA, DEA, are all in lobbyist pockets while the FED is the 1% personal money machine for them and their banks getting the money for free basically!

I want those 1 million or more non-violent offenders set free and Ron Paul is the only person that is going to so this. I want the economy better an Ron Paul'ls true free market us much better than a government manipulated one. I want to bring our troops home and stop wasting billions every month on pointless wars and Ron Paul is the only one doing this.

Ron Paul is no crackpot. He has been ahead of the curve for decades!


Active member
cutting social welfares and medicare would mean a lot of people sick and dieing on the street, and a lot more crime... When it aint given a lot will go out and get it by any means. I like his opinions on feds staying out of state business tho.

He isn't gonna screw the old people. His budget cuts would save trillions allowing social security benefits to actually continue being paid to all those who put money in.

Medicare/caid would also be helped in the same fashion and will not be dismantled like the parasitic DEA, FDA, FED, and yes the EPA is full off lobbyist too.....Medicare/caid can actually be saved it they take steps to stop the abuses that are an every day occurrence. A group tried researching issues with corruption and went 10 for 10. They researched ten things and every single one was being abused. Worst example was renting an oxygen tank for $600 a month for years and could had bought it outright for like $800.

Food stamps- I am not sure on. I don't have an issue with them but I have been in the grocery store and seen a lady pay for three buggies full of meat all with food stamps. The gluten did it every 1st and 15th my buddy that works there tells me. I am not shitting you when I say she took the entire meat department out of the store and spent zero dollars! That kind of shit needs to be stopped.


Active member
no way ron paul is going to be up against obama...just wait and see! it may be premature but i might as well say it now....told you so!

Yeah, I'd say your way to soon and in my opinion way off! The undercurrent in this country is aimed to take Ron Paul all the way!

Legalized pot, No income tax, No Patriot Act, No needless pointless deadly expensive WARS and I can't wait to taste real freedom. To smoke a "j" without worries of cops coming up on me and my life being totally twisted in knots!

Please if you voted Obama and plan on voting RON PAUL make sure to Register as a REPUBLICAN.
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I am for Ron Paul but I doubt that he will get elected. He didn't the last time and probably won't this time despite the fact that he makes the most sense as far as economics and cutting spending.


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Combat Veterans for Ron Paul 2012

Combat Veterans for Ron Paul 2012

As long as a long shot it is, we are one step closer to enjoying the freedoms we all desire..... Vets pull alot of weight as time will tell...The time is right!!


by Nick Allison, U.S. Army Veteran

As the corporate media ramps up its frenzied, panicked campaign against Ron Paul and his supporters, long-shot Presidential candidate and life-long blowhard Newt Gingrich has decided to open his mouth and firmly insert his foot by insulting many of America’s military veterans. Probably a bad move. Just ask Dick Morris. The veterans and active-duty military personnel who support Ron Paul are not the people you want to insult.

Just last week Dick Morris made an ass of himself by claiming that “no true patriot could support Ron Paul.” The comment infuriated veterans across the country who support Dr. Paul and didn’t appreciate being labeled unpatriotic by a chicken-hawk draft-dodger such as Dick. A letter writing campaign was launched by cvrp2012.com and the results were brutal. While CVRP forwarded the letters from veterans to Morris’ inbox we have yet to receive a response or an apology from Mr. Morris.

Now, another chicken-hawk has volunteered himself as a target, so to speak. On CNN’s “The Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer,” Mr. Gingrich had this to say: “I think Ron Paul’s views are totally outside the mainstream of virtually every decent American.”

Here we go again.

Mr. Gingrich, have you lost your damn mind? Ron Paul has more support among members of the military than any other candidate. In fact, he has more military support than all the other Republican candidates combined. By far.
You have just indirectly attacked many of the people who serve, and have served, this country with your idiotic remarks. You claim that we are indecent because we support Ron Paul, a fellow veteran, and the only candidate running for President who actually supports and defends the Constitution. The only candidate who actually has a strong conservative record of protecting civil liberties. The only candidate who wishes to use our military for its intended purpose- the defense of our nation- rather than flying us around the world defending corporate interests.

You should be ashamed of yourself, Newt.

Do you know what I find to be indecent? I’ll be happy to share:

•A cowardly chicken-hawk, such as yourself, who never served in the military and avoided being drafted during the Vietnam Conflict, yet seems almost giddy with the prospect of sending my brothers to die in an unnecessary war with Iran and God knows who else.

•A serial adulterer, such as yourself, who now stands conceitedly at a podium and touts family values and loyalty.

•A lobbyist, such as yourself, who made vast sums of money from drug companies and government sponsored enterprises such as Freddie and Fannie and then went on national television and blatantly lied about it to the American people.

The list goes on, but unlike you, Newt, I have a real job to get back to.

In closing I would like to say that we, the growing number of war veterans and active-duty military personnel, as well as the millions of civilians who support Ron Paul for president don’t appreciate being labeled indecent by the Champion of Indecency himself.

While Newt is certainly entitled to his opinion, I’m not quite sure how attacking a large segment of the military is supposed to help his campaign. All publicity is good publicity? Perhaps. I’m sure he will get plenty of it.

On a personal note, I don’t really give a damn about being labeled indecent, unpatriotic or anything else for that matter. Perhaps I am indecent. My tendency to pepper my speech with expletives (like most Infantrymen) may be considered indecent by many.

I just don’t appreciate it when the labeling is done by a hypocrite and a coward such as Newt Gingrich. This warmongering politician has painted a large part of the military with his broad brush of stupidity and ignorance.

Stand by for the barrage of written statements by veterans that is sure to follow. You made this bed, Newt. And now you must sleep in it.

That is all, Sir. You may now go back to doing what you do best: looking smug, spewing pseudo-intellectual bullshit and attempting in vain to defend your horrible voting record and your reluctance to serve in your own dirty little war.


We can look forward to more things like this if Ron Paul is elected. Too many damn mountains in the mountains anyway, if you ask me there's not enough flat land. And clean water is so overrated.


Smoke Buddy

In regards to the dept of edgamukasion...
I graduated high screwel in the 70's. Back then the feds were not part of your education. It was a state deal. Everybody in my class graduated being able to read write add subtract and were generally phisically fit. Since 1980 when this clusterfuck began, many kids graduate fat and stupid without basic skills. In other words it was a terrible idea. All the DofE is, is a huge money tree for the administrators and has destroyed the good educations we used to get.
Ron Paul understands how bad big government is for the people. Its all about money and power for the few elites.
We can look forward to more things like this if Ron Paul is elected. Too many damn mountains in the mountains anyway, if you ask me there's not enough flat land. And clean water is so overrated.


seriously...we need to let private companies do whatever the fuck they want to the land. blow up mountains and all.

Smoke Buddy

seriously...we need to let private companies do whatever the fuck they want to the land. blow up mountains and all.

Where do you think the car you drive, the road you drive on, the technology devices you use, the energy it takes to stay warm and your ability to live a comfortable life comes from?

Are you saying let the government do the mining, drilling, processing and development of associated products? You are seriously uninformed about why your life is as decent as it is...



weed fiend
It's all in the balance. We're still cleaning up Love Canal. Business will put profits ahead of our national interests as long as we allow.


Actually he's not far off on that point anyway. Mountaintop removal is bad enough with the regulation that currently exists - which is not enough IMO. Ron Paul wants to deregulate - part of what you would get in that event is good, part bad. Anyone thinks that states would responsibly regulate industry - especially resource extraction industries - is just fooling themselves, or they are just incredibly dense.


Active member
If we where to hold up individuals property rights all this pollution would stop, because there would be recourse in the courts,and if they are a big problem enough people could sue and potentially put them out of bisnuess.

also if you see a product that comes from a polluting industry dont buy it and thas more effective than letting whats currently happening where one beurocracy is there to basicly takes bribes and changes the saftey guidlines so the company falls within them.

also think about how we simultainiously prop up the car compainies and subsidise oil ,and then promoting and investing in green energey industries with our tax money and run them into the ground and they get slaps on the wrists its pretty shamefull and the establishment on both sides dont care.
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