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Ron Paul 2012!!! Your thoughts on who we should pick for our "Cause"?

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Active member
The only way to begin fixing the mess in the US is to allow only public financing for political campaigns, this is how we get them working in our interests. Although, the tea party already has control of the government so I can see why some of you don't want to change anything but the current president.


ron paul doesn't hate stem cell research, but he is against the federal funding of it. where are people going to get the money to research it though? why isn't he down with federal funding of anything? how are the states going to afford that? are private people going to want to spend that much money on it?

Really its quite simple... if an issue is deemed important by the people, the people will donate money to the cause. I would rather be taxed less and be able to donate more, rather than the contrary of thinking i pay taxes so the federal goverment is volunteering and donating for me.
Really its quite simple... if an issue is deemed important by the people, the people will donate money to the cause. I would rather be taxed less and be able to donate more, rather than the contrary of thinking i pay taxes so the federal goverment is volunteering and donating for me.

yea, well i really don't think a lot of people would donate much. call me a pessemist.

you don't think there should be like federal funding for AIDS research and for other diseases? i just don't think it's possible to collect that kind of money that's needed from just asking for donations. i think federal funding is necessary for things aids research, stem cell research, cancer research.


weed fiend
monkey5 - Do not pay attention to the millions pouring into campaigns, lobbying and legal maneuvers, ensuring that big pharma is and always will be the only pharmaceutical provider.

Do not pay attention to all the quacks in magazines and on late night TV, peddling cures and ripping off sick people.

Do not pay attention to tens of millions of scared Americans demanding military commissions, enhanced interrogation techniques, off-shore detention facilities and military contractors.

Do not pay attention to the picture. Focus on the piece that says, pick your poison.
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oh, and ron paul claims that libertarians can't be racist. it's impossible for a libertarian to be racist? yea, that's what an ignorant old white racist motherfucker would say. he might as well say he doesn't see color. he's like stephen colbert, except stephen colbert is joking when he says he can't be racist cause he doesn't see color.


Game Bred
Looks like the obama cheer sqad has a touch of the ol fear and loathing.

Why was O so "incurious" about birthers,wright and ayers?

ohhh yea cuz they were idiotic nonissues brought up by scared shitless oponents and not worthy of conversation....

Seems like the status quo camp is pulling a page from the tea bag playbook.

Why do these guys not give a shit that O is wholly owned by goldman and continuing bush policies damn near to the letter?


May your race always be in your favor
As more of Ron Pauls writings come to light, he to will fade from being" flav O the week". I saw the other day that Gary Johnson had left the Republicant party to try and win the nomination from the Libertarian Party. Johnson is the former Gov of New Mexico and freely admits he smoked pot and it should be legal. Again he is a second tier candidate,(snowballs chance in hell of winning) but perhaps in the coming years(soon we all hope) there will be an electable advocate for Cannabis. There are an estimated 59 million smokers thats a lot of votes.


Well-known member
The Denver paper said Gary Johnson (former NM governor) is considering running as an independent. He will get my vote as I can't stomach any of the other possibilities and I figure I've got to vote for someone.


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
we need a third political party or even a fourth in this country real bad...

it would be nice if these four parties had good representation through voting...

Tea Party

or any others to shuffle the status quo...


Active member
I havnt seen anything that bad in the news letters. Most of the quotes I've seen people whining about are relatively true. Let's pretend he went to the front of class and wrote nigger, Nigger, nigger. On the chalkboard. Who gives a shit. Like I said before its either fascist states of America or Ron Paul. Everything else is noise designed to distract you from the bigger picture. Sorry if I offended anyone with my language, just illustrating a point.


weed fiend
As more of Ron Pauls writings come to light, he to will fade from being" flav O the week". I saw the other day that Gary Johnson had left the Republicant party to try and win the nomination from the Libertarian Party. Johnson is the former Gov of New Mexico and freely admits he smoked pot and it should be legal. Again he is a second tier candidate,(snowballs chance in hell of winning) but perhaps in the coming years(soon we all hope) there will be an electable advocate for Cannabis. There are an estimated 59 million smokers thats a lot of votes.

two term gov, $billion surplus, left office highly regarded

12-22-2011 www.rawstory.com
Both NBC News and Politico have confirmed that Johnson will announce his attentions during a press conference in Santa Fe next Wednesday.

“I feel abandoned by the Republican Party,” Johnson said in November. “If I’d have been included in 16 of the last debates we wouldn’t even be having this conversation.”

But the candidate was only invited to participate in two of the more than a dozen debates this year.

“His exclusion from the debates and lack of acknowledgement from the Republican establishment has been very frustrating,” Campaign spokesman Joe Hunter told NBC News. “His commitment since day one to get his message out.”

Read Full Story
Reported by Donna Hancock


mofuckin farmer smurf
ron paul is regression, not progression.

you seriously are a fuckin joke. if the one person who has the balls to end the fed and the irs and cut down taxes and minimize federal government is regression than you are fucked up. supporting obma is bad enough. he's just a face to fool dumb fucks like you. there has been just as many if not more injustices done to the american people under the HUSSEIN administration than the bush. he's just another puppet of these sick NWO bastards who think they have the right to run the world because they have the deepest pockets. nothing but modern day pharoes. really every single statement you have made on this thread is retarded. if you believe in global warming you are retarded. if you believe obama is the best we have than you might as well go jump off a bridge or some shit. keep drinking the koolaid man


mofuckin farmer smurf
the way ron paul keeps saying "the blacks". he's so old he doesn't realize that it's politically correct to call them "african americans" these days. what and old racist ignorant motherfucker from texas.

if you wanna be an african american why don't you go back to fuckin africa eh? nothing like a good ol racist black person. you would rather support someone who's pretty much wiped his ass with our constitution because he's black than wake up and smell the coffee. why the fuck can't we all just be americans and stand together and realize color doesn't fuckin matter. really wtf people like you are whats wrong with the world. you and the people that think a vote for ron paul is a wasted vote. fuckin jackasses


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
you seriously are a fuckin joke. if the one person who has the balls to end the fed and the irs and cut down taxes and minimize federal government is regression than you are fucked up. supporting obma is bad enough. he's just a face to fool dumb fucks like you. there has been just as many if not more injustices done to the american people under the HUSSEIN administration than the bush. he's just another puppet of these sick NWO bastards who think they have the right to run the world because they have the deepest pockets. nothing but modern day pharoes. really every single statement you have made on this thread is retarded. if you believe in global warming you are retarded. if you believe obama is the best we have than you might as well go jump off a bridge or some shit. keep drinking the koolaid man

the sick NWO bastards would not allow him to end the Fed... :tiphat:


mofuckin farmer smurf
there has to be a shift in power at some point or we will be lost. ron paul i think is really the only chance we have. i'm sure he knows how many powerful people don't want the fed to be audited or gone. i dunno, i say we need to give him a chance. obama got elected because everyone was sick of the bullshit and he promised change. but what the hell did he change? oh thats right he took away more of our freedoms. invaded more countries. its bullshit. ron paul wanted clinton impeached not because of monica lowinski but because he bombed iraq for no reason. i think he's the only stand up guy out there. romney is just as evil as bush and obama and mccain. i mean shit mccain wrote that fuckin ndaa bill. i dunno if this election doesnt go well i'm moving the fuck out of this country


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
there has to be a shift in power at some point or we will be lost. ron paul i think is really the only chance we have. i'm sure he knows how many powerful people don't want the fed to be audited or gone. i dunno, i say we need to give him a chance. obama got elected because everyone was sick of the bullshit and he promised change. but what the hell did he change? oh thats right he took away more of our freedoms. invaded more countries. its bullshit. ron paul wanted clinton impeached not because of monica lowinski but because he bombed iraq for no reason. i think he's the only stand up guy out there. romney is just as evil as bush and obama and mccain. i mean shit mccain wrote that fuckin ndaa bill. i dunno if this election doesnt go well i'm moving the fuck out of this country

whaaaat ????

no he didn't...

if ron paul got elected he wouldn't be able to change much at all. he has to deal with the House, the Senate and the rich fuckers who own the Fed...
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