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Ron Paul 2012!!! Your thoughts on who we should pick for our "Cause"?

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the answers u put up there are all republican ideas anyway

Good point. Let me give a few details and an example. If you ever had an economics course then they taught you about Free markets and how they are the best as they self correct. That why we keep struggling. Anyway....

Ron Paul's plan is to give each individual $5,000 per yr in tax credit to pay for Premiums and such. That way you watch how much cash goes out and you have a reason to as an individual.Price control! When you have to use the medicare/caid, they pay the Dr. if the Dr will even accept Gov't Health care. RP gave his healthcare away for free as a Dr and NEVER ACCEPTED GOV'T PAYMENTS....His appreciative patients often broght him eggs, milk, and the such as gifts.

"GOVERNMENT MANDATED" Healthcare is like supporting the Patriot Act. They already take Food Stamps away from the babies they are supposed to support with the drug laws. Do you really think they will not do the same with your MANDATED HEALTHCARE!'
"GOVERNMENT MANDATED" Literal translation! Government that has an authoritative command or instruction

Ron Paul applies the "Constitution" which frees us from Government An authoritative command or instruction

Everything else is a systematic attempt to render the Constitution useless, but that is what we were founded on!. I want friendly Gov't. The problem is an authoritative Gov't is not friendly. Do you want Examples. Drug Laws, NDAA (no trial for American in USA ever!), Patriot Act (shot and kill Americans), SOPA (internet police)....Get with the program and fight the perception control the media is practicing bro.

RON PAUL 2012 and the REBIRTH of America & our Constitution.

RON PAUL ON ECONOMY FIXES: 15% Corp Tax Rate, 0% income tax, 0% capital gains tax. That is a tax plan. 15% is what they have in Switzerland and we can compete there. O% is not possible due to he is keeping current Medicare/caid & Social Security viable, 0% Capital gains is possible and the rich would love that! They don't want to lose all those positions of power and influence through Gov't agencies to stiffle small business while they ship jobs overseas and NOBODY BUT RON PAUL IS CUTTING INCOME TAX AT ALL! He can get it around 8% income tax and that is also better then anybody else. Margin of era 2% pts
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ITISME..... are u sure ur not ron paul? your campaining like a mother for him... i hope thats all true but like i said befor, he says that now, but will he do it? they never do or cant, becuse congress or others wont let it happen, we will see if the corp.s let him do it. that 15% is huge.... huge enough to get assnated over.....and where did he come from look at his past, did he really do that kind of stuff in his last office? i think NO.
edit:eek: ya and if he reises corperate tax to 15%, the corp. will just raise there rates on everything to compsate. we still get fucked!!!!!!!
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Active member
Honestly greenpinky, I am flattered you said that. The truth of the matter is that I was just like you until a few weeks ago. I ran across a lot of the videos I have posted where they (mainstream) media is so blatantly trying to suppress Dr. Paul and his message and supporers I feel I have to do something.

I was riding down town one day. I saw three black guys stomping another black guy. I almost ran over one to stop them. I would do the same for you if that had been you "literally" getting your head stomped in. Ron Paul would do that to and he is the only one protecting our freedoms afforded by the Constitution. Look at my posts bro. I been posting evidence and support as some others have. Then we got the "Status Quo" Promoting the CNN, ABC, NBC, FOX rhetoric and not expressing shit for a candidate or opinion. Look at the posts and get some good info bro.

P.S. I voted Obama last time because I figured I would at least get something for my money. He was a liar plain and simple. I was confused because I saw no different from D or R. Now I see a true R and Founding father type leader!

Ex: Last answer in debate the other day, most of them pander and say they would be watching football... The BOSS says, Reading an economics book, yes he was pandering but on the ISSUES....Did I say he reduced RP to pandering :D
Look at the debate today! He got way less time that everybody else! HE WAS IN SECOND PLACE...It may was well been a Romney sponsored event he got so much face time.

The CORP TAX rate is currently 35% but they have massive loop holes. 15% is a good reduction and I need to check but I feel pretty sure he would kill the loopholes that were not valid deductions.

johnson is our only way do ur research
I did. I like him and I like his stance on weed better than RP. Ron Paul has a broader approach to the drug war and I agree with him on that too. Let the states choose. It will all be legal soon an not more black more crap. All black markets increase crime and inflate prices as they are related.
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Active member
"GOVERNMENT MANDATED" Healthcare is like supporting the Patriot Act. They already take Food Stamps away from the babies they are supposed to support with the drug laws. Do you really think they will not do the same with your MANDATED HEALTHCARE!'
"GOVERNMENT MANDATED" Literal translation! Government that has an authoritative command or instruction

Ron Paul applies the "Constitution" which frees us from Government An authoritative command or instruction

After making this connection I pulled the plug on Obama and D's forever. He really is a socialist, that isn't rhetoric. He claims to want to help the small people with it but that is only to get you signed up. George Carlin said it best, "Socialism is coming and it'll be wrapped in a pretty little bow" We have to go back to free markets and never little to no Gov't intervention.

George Carlin: how does our economic system work?

Watch, listen, and learn! That is why they hate RP!


weed fiend
No, but R. Paul v. 2.0 sure has, and he's met Aqua Buddha! AND R. Paul v. 2.0 comes with extra nuts! Twice as many as v. 1.0

Always wondered if Rand had one of those old school ceramic Buddha's. I probably hit a million tokes through that nasty aluminum.


weed fiend
"GOVERNMENT MANDATED" Healthcare is like supporting the Patriot Act. They already take Food Stamps away from the babies they are supposed to support with the drug laws. Do you really think they will not do the same with your MANDATED HEALTHCARE!'
"GOVERNMENT MANDATED" Literal translation! Government that has an authoritative command or instruction

Ron Paul applies the "Constitution" which frees us from Government An authoritative command or instruction

You'll just pay more in the private sector. Obama didn't campaign on forcing you to buy insurance or be fined. Congress didn't accept single payer, the public option, nor means testing as ways to lower costs. All of the above options would have rendered you free to choose whatever you want, including risking bankruptcy due to catastrophic illness.

Granted, not all that is as easy as pointing the finger at one guy, unless you happen to mention that Obama failed to lead. That's a fact. But pretending that one lawmaker forced this upon you ignores reality.

After making this connection I pulled the plug on Obama and D's forever. He really is a socialist, that isn't rhetoric. He claims to want to help the small people with it but that is only to get you signed up.
If you know how to operate a calculator, you know that 35 million people will be able to buy insurance and insurance companies will bear more of the costs of heath care as opposed to passing on the indigent costs of emergency room care to the rest of us.

George Carlin said it best, "Socialism is coming and it'll be wrapped in a pretty little bow"
George Carlin never said that.

We have to go back to free markets and never little to no Gov't intervention.

George Carlin: how does our economic system work?

Watch, listen, and learn! That is why they hate RP!
Me, that routine is an indictment on capitalist power brokers.

"The big wealthy interests that control things and make all the important decisions... forget the politicians..."

"You have owners, they own you. They own everything, They own all the important land, they own and control the corporations, they've long since bought and paid for the Senate, the Congress, the state houses and city halls. They've got the judges in their back pockets and they own all the big media companies so they control just about all the information you get to hear. They gotcha by the balls!"

mad applause

"They spend billions of dollars every year, lobbying... lobbying to get what they want. Well, we know what they want. They want more for themselves and less for everybody else. But I'll tell you what they don't want. They don't want a population of citizens capable of critical thinking."

"They don't want people who are smart enough to sit around the kitchen table to figure out how badly they're getting fucked by a system that threw them fucking overboard 30 years ago"
Let's see... 30 years ago. That would be fucking supply-side economics.

"You know what they want? They want obedient workers. People who are just smart enough to run the machines and do the paperwork and just dumb enough to passively accept all these increasingly shittier jobs with the lower pay, the longer hours, the reduced benefits, the end of overtime, the vanishing pension that disappears the minute you go to collect it and now, their coming for your Social Security money. They want your fucking retirement money."
That's an indictment on an entire political party.

"They want it back so they can give it to their criminal friends on Wall Street".
It's no wonder you make such a mess of written dialog when you spin such elementary communication as stand up comedy. Good luck finding even an attempt at right-wing comedy, other than CNBC and FOX NEWS.


Ron Paul still the only one I could even consider voting for.......

Ron Paul still the only one I could even consider voting for.......

Great link Whodare! Call me a conspiracy theorist like my candidate but what that guy says in the video clip is exactly what a large portion of Americans think.
Said it before and will say it again-- Republican Party and Democratic Party are just two different lanes of the same hi-way, they both end with us dropping into an abyss at the end of the hi-way.

It is a choice of being shot in head with a .357mag or .44mag-- the result is the same.

I recommend everyone view the video Whodare posted in the link above in his post.

We all know Ron Paul is a Libertarian but he is trying to get on the ticket so we can have a choice for change.



The dichotomy of idiocy is the argument Obama has gone too far, and not done enough.

Do i wish more was done, YES.
Do i wish he had the 'god told me im right' mentality of GWB, YES.

Did he really promise much difference than the status quo. NO.

The second he started distancing himself from Rev Wright, the writing was on the wall. We were not electing a president with a different point of view, only one who appeared that way.

Here is a link to the Presidential Debate this morning on Meet The Press.


weed fiend
The dichotomy of idiocy is the argument Obama has gone too far, and not done enough.

seriously, standing ovation

Do i wish more was done, YES.
Do i wish he had the 'god told me im right' mentality of GWB, YES.

Did he really promise much difference than the status quo. NO.

The second he started distancing himself from Rev Wright, the writing was on the wall. We were not electing a president with a different point of view, only one who appeared that way.
One of the reasons I gave up on organized religion is pastors' saying things I didn't agree with. I took the good and dissed what I didn't believe and discourage those who ate the whole plate.

There are religious people who don't swallow their religious leaders' personal opinions. Wright's messages of oppression didn't utilize the best diplomacy and the message may pale to offensive words. But I never experienced the contemporary aggregate of 400 years of oppression so I might not be the best judge of the particular words that were/are criticized.


weed fiend
Apparently nothing, so long as states manage it. Santorum likes socialism enough to accept $72k from his former PA public-school district to home school his kids in their upscale, suburban DC McMansion.
i'm pretty sure disco mentioned this already but i think it's worth mentioning again. anytime a white person says something like this, it irks me...

"I'm the only one up here and the only one in the Democratic Party that understands true racism in this country." - ron paul (old white republican from texas)


Active member
just my (un)educated guess

if republicans don't make Ron Paul the Gop canidate then we can count on having the establishment sponsored obummer for a second term


because if Ron Paul Doesn't recieve the nomination you can count on him running as independent or libertarian, likely the latter..

so what right... mmm no i have no doubt in my mind that if this were the case he will steal enough votes from the republican party to insure an easy obusha win.
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