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Ron Paul 2012!!! Your thoughts on who we should pick for our "Cause"?

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Storm Shadow

Well-known member
Ron Paul is the last chance of America saving itself from the Evil Parasite known as "ZIONISM"

Zionism is crumbling the foundation of America in order to serve its own needs...

The only Reason the Zionist havent JFK'd his ass is because he is protected by the "DRAGON FAMILY"... Asian Elites

AMerica should only have 100% born and raised Americans hold any goverment positions...

This Dual citizen bullshit is crazy..no other country on Earth would allow this...

Good will overcome evil.... I dont understand how a nation of Jesus believers allow themselves to be puppet strung by the people he spoke out against... crazy shit... just hows stupid Americans really are and believe that Devils Box known as TV owned all by the Zionist...

They do not want the sheep to think for themselves... they all want you to be stupid and in debt forever....

VOTE for RON PAUL.... He's the only canidate in history of the US to tell AIPAC to go fuck themselves... thats str8 American... wild wild west style.. before we introduced our 51st state in 1945 the source of all the Earth's problems...

RON PAUL is against Zionism... not JEWS... JEWS are great people being pimped by the Evil Zionist ELite...

Its disgusting all this propaganda against Iran... and Paul is only one to speak about how its all bullshit... dont get me wrong I dont agree with his views on Abortion... but other then that...

I LOVE ME SOME RON PAUL.... We need to push the agenda of Science and quit Clearing out the Middle East for the Zionist...

I'm a born and rasied American true to heart...never ever in the history of my life have I ever wanted someone to be my leader so bad.. like I do Mr. Paul...

FUck O'Bummer... He's a Zionist Puppet with no ballz...

I want an OLD SCHOOL AMERICAN with true values calling the shots... not Parasites who have zero Morals and are true EVIL ...



weed fiend
Fiat money is based on nothing, but the govt (it is not backed by GOLD or other Reserves). What the hell are you talking about?


The more dollars we print, the less individual dollars are worth.
Yes but interest earned renders interest paid as net profitable, as long as you know how to manage finances. You're only looking at part of the equation.

And again, when a handful of people have half the magic beans, sea shells, or greenbacks (and just sit on them), it will grind the whole system to stagnation.
You mean offshore tax havens? As far as I know, nobody here promotes fraud.


Active member
the civil rights act has portions that violate private property rights i whole heartedly beleive my property without distinction of home or bisnuess is mine.plus congress brought that act to fruition not a economey.
Now the freemarket could have resolved the problem without violating private property rights,no one with a right mind would go there,and they would tell others to do the same(boycott).
So you can in fact not use govt force and curve the amount of racist bisnuess' , with the free market ideas.
now im not sure what else that act entails,but im sure the only reason we needed that is because the govt,was the one doing the segrigation. schools/public transportation/drinking fountains ect...

Also besides the point of private property ,say a modern store owner owns a store, does this act stop him from having racist ideas and or treating his customers different than he normally would, it would be far fetched to say that because there is a civil rights act that the govt can effectivley ban ideas of racisim.
so if it fails at stopping racisim,then its only there to ruin property rights and perhaps forcing more law suits into courts by leaving a bisnuess open to litigation by anyone who thinks they where wronged.


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
Find the article yourself lazy, I know what I am talking about! Let them violate your rights. I refuse!

Prove? LMAO. That is enough from you son!

i don't believe my fucking govt when they tell me something. they have to prove it to me...

and i'm supposed to believe you just because you say it...

you need to run along little boy, your not adult enough to hang out here :tiphat:

EDIT: don't say stupid shit you can't back up and expect people to accept your beliefs... that's hillarious...


Kush, Sour Diesel, Puday boys
Yet in fiscalyear 2010 Paul requested tens of millions of dollars in earmarks to assist with hurricane recovery for his district. His requests included: $51.5 million for“Reconstruction of Bluewater Highway Hurricane Evacuation Route Between Brazoria and Galveston Counties in Texas”; $8 million for “replacing recreational fishing piersdamaged during hurricanes”; $20 million to funda rural hospital in Chambers County, Texas (arguing that “Chambers hasbeenadverselyimpactedby hurricanesRitaand Ikeand by the displacement of individuals by Hurricane Katrina”); and $1 million for Trinity EpiscopalSchool “to assist with recovery in Hurricane stricken Galveston, Texas.”

Db, we covered this. Earmarks are already set aside, and the money would go elsewhere otherwise.

Should it go to solyndra, or hospitals, schools, and evacuation routes?)


weed fiend
the civil rights act has portions that violate private property rights i whole heartedly beleive my property without distinction of home or bisnuess is mine.

"Without distinction" can mean whatever you personally feel it means. It also means there would be nothing to prevent a return to Jim Crow laws.

plus congress brought that act to fruition not a economey.

Now the freemarket could have resolved the problem
The free market did nothing for 100 years.

without violating private property rights
i.e. The right to shoot somebody on your property. We have stricter guidelines for that kind of stuff. Unless of course you live in Texas.

no one with a right mind would go there,and they would tell others to do the same(boycott).
History doesn't tell the same story. History isn't prognostication, it's actual.

So you can in fact not use govt force and curve the amount of racist bisnuess' , with the free market ideas.
The failure to acknowledge history is the doomed opportunity to repeat.

now im not sure what else that act entails,but im sure the only reason we needed that is because the govt,was the one doing the segrigation. schools/public transportation/drinking fountains ect...
If that were true, one could discriminate to their hearts content. This means one's home may be an ode to intolerance - if they wish.

Also besides the point of private property ,say a modern store owner owns a store, does this act stop him from having racist ideas and or treating his customers different than he normally would, it would be far fetched to say that because there is a civil rights act that the govt can effectivley ban ideas of racisim.
CRA is definitive. We don't have private business owners beseeching DC for guidance on how much intolerance they may exhibit. Everybody has the freedom to be a bigot. Nobody has the freedom to make money from it nor establish laws embracing it.

so if it fails at stopping racisim,then its only there to ruin property rights and perhaps forcing more law suits into courts by leaving a bisnuess open to litigation by anyone who thinks they where wronged.
Nothing will stop racism. We just changed the system. Litigation thwarts 89 years of Jim Crow laws, something that market mitigation never achieved.


And again, when a handful of people have half the magic beans, sea shells, or greenbacks (and just sit on them), it will grind the whole system to stagnation.
You mean offshore tax havens? As far as I know, nobody here promotes fraud.
No, im saying if you gave Charlie Sheen a salt pit full of Bolivian marching powder, and all the strippers in Vegas, he could still NEVER SPEND ALL OF BUFFETS MONEY. Money is not real, its not backed by gold, it might as well be sea shells, and once you amasses more than you could ever spend, its essentially becomes pointless.


When someone with $20K loses $19,000 you feel sorry for the guy because he only has $1000 left.

When someone with $20 Billion, loses $19 Billion im not going to throw a pity party, that dude still has A BILLION DOLLARS!

The people working 40 hours a week, gaining no traction, owing double what their house is worth, and saving zero are not the people hurting this country.

Its the people that can play and speculate with there spare $19 Billion that do damage.


Kush, Sour Diesel, Puday boys
USanians hear me!

want to make your vote count this time?

dont want the voting machines(made in a country founded in 1948.....)to jostle that solemn american right?

dont want to feel sheepish anymore about the kabuki POTUS theatre?


all your families, friends.......DONT VOTE.

yes, RP seems to be the only one that doesnt make you wanna slit your wrists.....but he's part of the establishment. he's a freemason. he's all about ending the FED....but has not made much progress on that over time, eh?

They offer the heroes. its that simple. they offered up obummer eh?

my intent is not to slander Dr. Paul because it is pointless to do so......my point is to convey the idea that its is all PONZI......."1st world" politics/economics require your/our participation to exist.

dont vote(outside of cty/local)
vote with your FRNs by;

pull all $ out of banks, go local/credit union/mattress

invest in precious metals; Au,Ag + lead/brass

us.gov doesnt like us.

Not voting is the most foolish thing you can do. Instead off deciding for yourself, you are letting the rest of america decide for you.

Which should ber absolutely frightening when everyone is voting for someone they think will beat obama, instead of voting on the issues


Kush, Sour Diesel, Puday boys
I'd rather have MJ stay illegal than see Ron Paul President. I smoke everyday and grow my own, but there are many issues more important to me that decriminalization-legalization. In any event, Paul doesn't even want decriminalization-legalization, he just wants the states to be able to decide. My state would still say no-go so it is hard to see where things would change.


He wants federal decriminalization, which would end fed prosecution(hello huge grows), and would end the federal money being pumped into every state to fund the war on mj.

It'd be.nice to not worry about helis anymore.

It would change much more than you think.


Active member
give us the Civil Rights Act, before the overbearing gubmint forced it on us.

OMG....Did he say that?
Gov't can't legislate morality, they want you to think they can so you sign over your rights that the Constitution provides.

The government gets no credit for me not being a racist. Ok. I give myself and my family some credit for taking a look at the world like this. The reason racism exist is because it is taught, although we express it as individuals . I choose to try my best and never let race effect me. Am I perfect. No. I approach it with a liberal approach(i.e. Ron Paul) You may not like a black, Hispanic, Asian individual but it isn't because of the individuals skin color but the content of the individuals character. Race has shit to do with it.

so ron paul is pretty much out right?
If you watch CNN, FOX, MSNBC, NBC, ABC to get your info...YES
If you know what is going on in America today. NO FUCKING WAY!!!

Ron Paul
Another term for preventive war is aggressive war - starting wars because someday somebody might do something to us. That is not part of the American tradition.
Ron Paul
Just think of what Woodrow Wilson stood for: he stood for world government. He wanted an early United Nations, League of Nations. But it was the conservatives, Republicans, that stood up against him.
Ron Paul

Read more: http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/r/ron_paul_2.html#ixzz1io1LKHcV
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Active member
At the risk of repeating myself, Ron Paul is an honest man. He is the only honest man running. For that reason alone I would vote for him over any of these other scumbags who have been running our country into the ground for decades. Because he's an honest man, Ron Paul gets himself in trouble with some people because it's not "politically correct" for a politician to be honest. Simple as that. He says what's on his mind and that, as with any of us who do likewise, sometimes get's you in trouble. I admire him for his candor and for his desire for REAL change. The powers that be don't want change. They just want to maintain their power.
Sure he has faults like all of us, but the rest of those jokers running are just more of the same.
Ron Paul IS different, and would change things, like ending the war machine and ending the war on drugs.
Oh yeah, he is also the only candidate who is for decriminalization.
That alone should be enough for anyone on this site.
OMG....Did he say that?
Gov't can't legislate morality, they want you to think they can so you sign over your rights that the Constitution provides.

If you approach it with a liberal approach(i.e. Ron Paul), then you may not like a black, Hispanic, Asian, but it isn't because of they color of their skin but the content of their character. Race has shit to do with it. That is the fact of the matter.

sorry, i'm not sure what you're trying to say here. you're saying that it's not okay to judge someone on the color of their skin but it is ok to judge a whole race of people on the content of character of a single member of that race?
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