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Rollin Out the Sour Bubble BX2


Bubblegum Specialist
To me Bogbubble was always happy for an indica in high. Sour Bubble can be quite potent but the high often isn't as couchy as Lifesaver or the new Sweet Cindy 05.

I enjoy the high of bogbubble, bogglegum and sour bubble the best and the sour bubble is definatly tighter and higher in resin content. BOG


yeah bog you can see the resin content is intense and the nugs are tight as hell. looks like a keeper.




Thanks M.Steelers, You are welcome.

Both size ops have their advantages/disadvantages for sure. But, they share a few things one big one is the FUN! Keeps me sane. If I didn't smoke I would still grow, very addictive!

Can't wait to see what the KAxSB brings.:chin: Both flowering times were the same, so, I thought why not. I have about a hundred or so seeds from that cross.

Marijuana Man = Merry Man = Mariman :wave:


I've smoked some of each plant already, some of the description is in previous posts, its a strong happy high, great relaxation - but I dont want to give a full official report until after the cure.

edit, ps - nuggy, there were NO problems with these seeds at all. They started just fine. Mad props to BOG.
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couple more weeks and i'll be in the same boat your in!!!!Your bubble looks stellar,ENJOY!!! :wave:


Active member
Hey MS just revisiting your SB grow. So i have 4 SB's13 days veg, I plan on topping within a week. IM growing on a 14X24 inch screen. I plan on planting all the females in 1 rubbermaid tub situated under the screen. Should I wait for them to show sex on their own before the final transplant? OR take the top 2 inches as a clone and sex that under fluros? Just the thought of this is stressin me out a bit. the pains of micro growing from seed.


Hi Immortal.

Either will work... but I would let them mature a while, because they will show preflowers before you cut the lights back. All of mine did. I would let them grow all the way up to the screen and then top them back pretty far and let them grow back up into the screen again. This will allow the roots more time to get bigger so your yield will be more in the end. Use the tops as potential clone mothers once you figure out which is the keeper pheno after its all said and done. Save the best one and ditch the rest...

PS - you might want to do some training after you top too. The SB have a really thick stem, so it will be more difficult to work them under the screen with only two tops per plant. If you train after you top the first time. Your stems will be more pliable because there will be more smaller ones rather that 2 big fat ones. It will help encourage more bushiness and make them more SCROG friendly, since they are more up and down plants than branchy ones. Also, let them grow into the screen pretty far before you cut the lights back. They wont stretch that much to fill a screen. So let them get pretty far in there first.



Active member
Thanks MS. I did have a fan blowing on them but after seeing the branching starting to come out i took it out cause i want those branches as pliable as possible. With my last scrog I had a larger fan blowing on the seed plants from the getgo and after topping ever the branches were think. That definetly made traing harder and hurt my yield at least a little. But then they hermied on me so that was the least of my probs.


Active member
Hi MS,
Once again nice grow. Immortal I would highly recomend some LST training on the Sour Bubble. YOu can get a lot more branches doing some LST along with the toping. I did bot on my last run and have decided to go with the LST and no topping, or perhaps just once, on the next go around. Best of luck to you

Crazy Composer

Mushkeeki Gitigay • Medicine Planter
ICMag Donor
Superb work MS!

This Sour Bubble is looking like a real winner! I know the high and taste are great, I am looking forward to experiencing their flowering stage!