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rockwool ????


i Am SoFaKiNg WeTod DiD
currently i have 6 sprouts in my dwc/drip system they are in small rockwool starter splugs 1x1 i also have the 4x4 cubes with the insert cut out does it make sense to put them in the larger cube at this point or should i leave them alone and let the roots grow into the hydroton and add more hydroton to butry the cube
i put the starter cubes into the 4x4 cubes and let them get roots before i put it into hydroton. it will give lots more stability than just the hydroton. when plants get big in hydroton they tend to fall over easier and the larger cubes help agianst that.
rmccinc is right. I take all my clones from starter cubes and throw them into Rockwool 4inch by 4inch cubes (they also have Cocotek cubes that are the same size)

It will hold your plant steady and definitely will do the job. If you plan on vegging longer than 2-3 weeks, I would probably suggest using the 6inch cubes. Depends on your preference but it is the sure way to go. Just take the 4inch cube when it's rooted and drop that into your hydroton. No problem at all
I have the WaterFarm Bucket system, which is similar to yours. I don't even use the Hydroton. Instead, I either transfer my 1" cube to the 4" cube to the 6"cube. Or I'll transfer the 1"cube directly to the 6" cube. As was stated earlier, the transplanting from the smaller cubes to the bigger cubes gives your plant more stability, and depending how big your plant gets, you can use a few stakes to hold her up if she starts to topple.



Active member
I have a smiliar setup using 1inch cubes never had an issue even with an 8 foot thunk,bury it and make sure its getting enough water off the drip rings ,seedlings can be tough in those waterfarms till the roots show.BTW maybe i missed somthing but i hope you have 6 buckets not 6 plants in one


That seedling looks way to small to be in a water farm yet. Looks like it might be drowning too. Let that RW dry out a bit.


i Am SoFaKiNg WeTod DiD
ok thanks for all your help after im gonna kill the lights so the leaves can dry without the light hitting them leavin burns where theyre are some droplets then ill turn them on inm about 4-6hours and no drip i have the larger cubes soaking in water atm so when i get back ill put them in the larger cubes with no drip


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
4x4 Rockwool bad (in this instance)! DON'T use it!

What weed will survive and what's good for it are two different things. Whether DWC or Waterfarm, lose the 4x4s. They defeat the purpose of the technology and lower growth rates.

Waterfarms have a stacked bucket design. Because the upper bucket blocks out the water in the lower bucket, it can only feed the upper chamber from above and so, requires the dripper. A DWC has only one bucket and delivers from the bottom. As such the dripper is unnecessary, defeats the purpose of the DWC technology and again lowers growth rates.

Whether DWC or WF the point is is to surround upper roots in air. A 4x4 cube will block air and prevent the systems from reaching their potential. Keep cubes to 1x1 or smaller. The roots will quickly grow out and the stalk will rip the cube to shreds so it no longer affects the grow.

E&F out produces soil because of increased air. DWC out produces E&F because of increased air. Aero out produce DWC because of increased air. Foggers out produce Aero because of, you guessed it, increased air. In this instance, Rockwool decreases air and is exactly what you want to avoid.
4x4 Rockwool bad (in this instance)! DON'T use it!

What weed will survive and what's good for it are two different things. Whether DWC or Waterfarm, lose the 4x4s. They defeat the purpose of the technology and lower growth rates.

Waterfarms have a stacked bucket design. Because the upper bucket blocks out the water in the lower bucket, it can only feed the upper chamber from above and so, requires the dripper. A DWC has only one bucket and delivers from the bottom. As such the dripper is unnecessary, defeats the purpose of the DWC technology and again lowers growth rates.

Whether DWC or WF the point is is to surround upper roots in air. A 4x4 cube will block air and prevent the systems from reaching their potential. Keep cubes to 1x1 or smaller. The roots will quickly grow out and the stalk will rip the cube to shreds so it no longer affects the grow.

E&F out produces soil because of increased air. DWC out produces E&F because of increased air. Aero out produce DWC because of increased air. Foggers out produce Aero because of, you guessed it, increased air. In this instance, Rockwool decreases air and is exactly what you want to avoid.

very interesting freezerboy. thanks for that information. im getting ready to start my second hydro grow (E&F) and wanted to switch to buckets and hydroton. so i should just put the clones w/ plugs directly into the buckets w/ hydroton? also, should i not use a rockwool mat beneath the buckets?
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Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Rockwool rocks for E&F (pardon the pun). With DWC, large cubes get in the way but, starters are perfect. Whether clones or seed, waiting for significant roots is optional. You can wait or transplant at the very first sign. The more roots you see, the more roots you can break and kill; Handle roots with care. This was a seed transplanted within hours of sprouting with no visible roots. Home made net cups? Bad idea, don't do it. Legitimate net cups are too effective and too cheap to pass up.

Maintain direct contact between cube and waterline until roots escape the pot to the extent they can clear and exceed an airgap which you then provide. Some maintain a 1" gap religiously. I let mine drop as much as 6 inches but, obviously NOT until roots are long enough to clear such a gap.

Buckets are sealed at the bottom. Anything in the bucket has no access to what's underneath. The Rockwool would be nothing but a spacer and is too pliable to work as one. Use bricks, milk crates, wood pallets to lift buckets off the floor.