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"Rocklock" problem


New member
Please help. This is Rocklock at the end of week 4 of 18 hour veg cycle. Also at the beginning this week I had a touch of mold on several fan leaves. I did spray a diluted fungacide and mold was gone in 2 days. Today is 4 days after spraying. Today they will go into 12/12 flowering. Here is other info and pics.

end of week 4 of vegging
Soil grow
Temp--68-81 degrees Using a 50 watt heater
Tent--3 1/2 ft by 3 1/2 ft by 7 ft
Light--HPS 400 watts
Nutes--All Fox Farms, according to their specs
2Fans--9 inch osolating fan, 1 on when heater runs and other 15 min every hour.

Any help would be appreciated on fixing this. I need to water and feed tonight and not sure if I should give nutes or not and if I give nutes should I follow specs according to Fox Farms or should I make adjustments. If more info is need , please ask.


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looks like they need a bit of calcium with the spots forming on some of the leaves they deffinatly need some mag also . so a bottle of calmag is what you need =D if that doesnt fix her all the way up she may be lacking zinc so a lil more potasium will fix that prob up right away. =D


the shit spoon
Basically what he said. Blackstrap molasses has all those nutrients.


Just get some blackstrap silly!


european ganja growers
ok bro i shall go with zinc deficiencie. is it only happining on new growth?..

have a look at the sick guide ^^^^^^ stich's sticky....

never feed your plants what its says on the bottle,,,every plant is different some you might burn, some you wont, some dont need heavy nutes, some do , ect ect.....start of at half strenth and work your way up to full (iff needed)

keep it green


New member
They look 100% better just over night. A friend (with many years of growing experience) came over last and helped me. He had me lower my PH to 6.0 and feed as normal with Fox Farms. He also had me remove all leaves and weak branches from the bottom 1/3 of the plant. He said this would promote more energy to the younger leaves and new growth.