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Rock Flower Juice - DO NOT USE!


You Can always spray buds with brown sugar syrup for a weight increase. Rock is as good as flyspray most times.


I just want a good yield so I don't have to do as many crops and save electricity. Even if I sold, I wouldn't spray them with sugar or anything, that's low.


Between the Devil and the deep blue sea...
ICMag Donor
Is that a marketing name for a product or is it actual lead, a heavy metal that is toxic? :yoinks: :noway:

If it is the liquified metal then people using that should be strung up by their balls and flogged with a 'cat 'o nine tails' (barbed wire whip used over 100 years ago on convicts) and that is the nice version of what I think. :mad:

Its a marketing name m8 no way is there lead in any of that product another strictly for COMMERCIAL use...


Between the Devil and the deep blue sea...
ICMag Donor
I just want a good yield so I don't have to do as many crops and save electricity. Even if I sold, I wouldn't spray them with sugar or anything, that's low.

Maybe try a better yielding strain because anything you add during flowering is going to affect you in some way or another the best product i have found for increasing weight without substituting quality is Canna PK-13/14 and monsta bud...


The thing with liquid lead is that a 5 litre container feels a lot heavier than 5kg! must me some heavy liquid in there. haha


Grow like nobody is watching
My nutes have a metal warning for molybdenum so you never know, lol. Protip: never read the label on your nutes, it's depressing if you smoke your own. Glad I'm going organic.


no wuckin furries!
ive used 1 bottle of liquid lead before...i dont think it gave me even one extra gram compared to previous grows....used overdrive and carbo load (and will again) and found i got many extra oz's...BUT adding extra lights helped with that too...but some of the better ferts/additives will help.HH. =]-~


cheers for all the replies guys. ive had a stroke of luck and someone I know is going to give me a clone of some real nice white widow.the original grower has been working with the strain for around 15 years and reckons he's got it down nicely. I sampled the buds and they are indeed awesome. Funny how things work out.

Only problem is it's really stinky, going to have to invest in some new fans and carbon filters.

Benji, can I use Canna PK-13/14 or Monsta Bud in conjunction with oxyplus (hydrogen peroxide)?

I really like my oxy, keeps the root rot away and makes them pearly white :)


This mate from work said cut stems into buckets of Sugar syrup water in the Dark for fortie ate owers then Dip em and then dried weights.


Hi guys I would have posted sooner but needed to join IC Mag first. Here's the formulas for these products. They're from a website by an Australian author who wrote an indoor growing book. He knows his stuff so I expect these formulas are bang on the money. See what's in them and then decided for yourselves. Personally, I would never use these types of products.



Hi guys.

Thought I would contribute to this thread as I have had a little bit of experience with paclo products. There are many avaliable to Australians but I believe their harder to get in other areas of the world. I am not sure about any links to it being a carcinogen but you should use this product with caution regardless. It is used in cantaloupe crops (rockmellon) which is a food crop so it cant be that bad.

As for it moulding up your buds. Yeah, it can do that. You really have to make sure you have an EXCELENT air flow around your plants. Also it pays to dry your harvest rather rapidly and then slow it down towards the end. This can help prevent mould developing during your cure.

Dosage wise I recomend full strength, but for 5 days only. Thats where I have had my best results. The buds are tighter, and heavier than normal and look awsome but it does reduce your oil production as stated by others. I find that 4-5 days exposure is an excelent compromise. At the time I was using bubblers and its easy to dump/flush/restore but other grow techniques might find it harder to expose to just 4 or 5 days.

I apply it in the second week of reducing light cycle.

There are alot of paclo products and currently I am using headmaster. There is of course rock juice, and the old superbud if you can still get it. There are some others out there.

I find over all I produce buds with excelent bag appeal, quality smoke, and less leaf which means less time manacuring. I dont recomend paclo to people who are 100% quality orientated.

I also dont recomend using as the lable states. If you do all your buds will taste/smoke the same and you build up an emunity to it rather quickly. After a while the smoke does bugger all to you and changing strains dosent help. I like to reduce exposure and let some of the individual strains personality shine on through. Just use it to form the buds a bit better.