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Active member
TriWingGirl - I know exactly how you feel, just got ripped myself. My wife has no job and my morgage is stacking up. Let me know if I can help some how, I have mad genetics if that is a problem. Buy you seeds from Seedbay or something. Hope your dark cloud clears up quickly.


Tis the season! And it's only going to get worse til harvest is done with.


Just Say Grow
getting robbed is a horrible experience....I had a 4k room get cleaned out a few months back and it still gets my blood boiling...just gotta keep your head up and your eyes looking forward things will work out!

fwiw I got ripped by a dude that I've known since I was like 8 yrs old and most of my other "friends" have spent the last few months trying to cover his ass...needless to say I pretty much keep to myself now.


Active member
grow more weed and sell it... fuck not having enough $ to get by or pay ur bills..why be one of the minority who play by all the rules... there is always a solution... just not always a legal one. my two cents...but who knows mayb im wrong n mayb ill end up in prison


plant pimp
Sorry to hear of your loss Tri!

There really needs to be a new law implemented for rippers. When a grower cannot feel safe in his/her home that is ALL BAD! Keep your head up and once the smoke clears you will still be standing tall!


I've dealt with the rippers also, they suck. You've got to keep your head in a good place and try and carry on! You might have to think outside the box (aka illegal grow) until you've got your ass covered again...atleast if you get caught they'll give you 3 hots and a cot! If I can help in any way pm me and i'll do all I can to get you propped up again, keep those skills handy Triwing!

Good luck, Peace
Yea i have a neibor giving me cameras and boarding up some windows with perision and the doors will never be gone through from outside again.

also adding a siren to my alarms, and adding more alarms i have just did not put in.

Still don't know if i can restart, going to have to sell my furnature to raise money to restart nothing else left to sell.

I'm so tierd of the shite Someone decided i had it to good and really ucked me good.

well i'm going back into hermit mode and hate people again.

nothing good has ever come of my being around people they seem to like abusing the dissabled so im done with people period.

I may never trust again. even if things change for the legal and we get better protection. which will never happen.

i have internet till the end of the month but that may be it for awhile i don't know yet

joe fresh

Active member
sucks to hear this, if you were in canada in my area, i would surely help you out, whatever need be.


Yesterday was my birthday i had a headache that would kill an elephant, still can't see straight from it, and all my freinds abandend me. i had romen noodles for dinner.

Life sucks and no happy for me i was happy and had no pain not anymore. pills make it worse.

here's to pain my favorite thing and all life has left.

they won can't grow if i can't think or see straight.

This is how it is today only thing i can deal with one at a time now. to much pain.


Yesterday was my birthday i had a headache that would kill an elephant, still can't see straight from it, and all my freinds abandend me. i had romen noodles for dinner.

Life sucks and no happy for me i was happy and had no pain not anymore. pills make it worse.

here's to pain my favorite thing and all life has left.

they won can't grow if i can't think or see straight.

This is how it is today only thing i can deal with one at a time now. to much pain.

Hope things turn out good for you, My personal advice is to keep your head up, Glass half full, if you keep thinking of these negative things, nothing positive will come about.

Push forward woman!


Active member
i feel bad for ya . wish i was there an could help .sounds like ya need a super man .stay strong and overcome . posative vibes i am sending your way.


New member
that really sucks. i have been burnt many a time and unfortunately it is always someone whom i know or is close to me.we cant trust no-one around our babies.

Grass Lands

Hey girl, so sorry to hear your woes...wish I had seen this earlier to offer up some help...if you are still around and need help, just holler.