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Roadtrip to Cali



^Starting the first of this month(jan 1) possession of an ounce or less is now an infraction in cali, before it was a mistermeanor.


damn dude that is a long ass road trip i dont think you realize the magnitude. a trip from cali to vegas is a roadtrip lol. shit when i drive to LA from SF that takes at least a weekend. your trip is probably gonna take you 2-3 weeks. you shold rent a school bus like those guys in road trp, and hotbox it the whole way lol. but medical states to hit are CO on the way.

honestly you should just fly out to CO and roadtrip to cali from there. theres nothing in between CO and South carolina that you really need to see just gonna be alot of boring driving.

Haha Spoken like a true NON-RoadTripper.

You haven't seen shit or learned much about this country until you have driven "The Loop". One of the best road trips on this side of the planet. I prefer the the northern states when heading west and then return east through the south. The one thing he got right is the time frame, about 3 weeks to do The Loop proper. If not that much time you will need to skip some sites... Vegas, Hoover Dam and Grand Cannon can be skipped and done cheaply by plane on another trip. That will shave a couple of days. Plus having a bad run in Vegas can ruin the rest of your trip. You WILL need an emergency fund.