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Roadtrip anyway in the U.S. Where would you go?


Alright ladies and gents the misses and I are planning our summer vacation and are deciding where to go. I have been almost everywhere except to the west coast states, my girl has never seen an ocean, so either west or east coast we are going to an ocean.

California would be really nice, I would like to explore some of the vineyards there possibly talk with prospective employers at some point in the future. I also have friends in Oregon which would be another West coast possibility.

So lets hear it up everyone, what would be your ideal road trip in the continental US. Ah I did forget to add, Canada would be a possibility, not sure of any cool places to visit besides Niagra Falls there however.


To Have More ... Desire Less
Cape disappointment Astoria Oregon....... breathtaking



Almost anywhere along the coastal ranges of northern cali and oregon you will be pretty happy. I am sure the trend continues well into BC also. Yellowstone before its gone.


ICMag Donor
i'd like to start from los angeles and drive up the whole coast to Washington state,camping along the way.Then on the way back.Stop in Jackson Hole Wyoming.Thats my plan for sometime in the future.

If you do the other coast ,you might want to start in Washington state,and drive down then head east to Taos .Lots of fun and exciting choices,whatever you decide ..have fun...

Dawn Patrol

Well this is some bullshit right here.....
I know you said "road trip" but time limits my road trips anymore so I usually incorporate a plane to start the journey.

Option # 1 - Fly to San Francisco and spend a few days there, then rent a car and drive up the coast to Sonoma and then back down through Napa and visit a bunch of wineries along the way.

Option #2 - Fly to Buffalo, rent a car and get the hell out of dodge as quickly as possible. Drive to the Canadian side of Niagra Falls and spend a day/night there, then drive to Toronto (90 minutes) and spend some time in a clean, friendly big city.

Option #3 - Fly to Seattle, spend some time there, then rent a car and go to Vancouver and spend some time there.

Without a personal hookup, I've found that Vancouver, then Toronto then Cali to be the weed friendliest vacation destinations. Believe it or not, you'll need a passport to get in and out of Canada these days.

Weed or no weed, I've enjoyed all of these trips. Lots to see and do and a lot of bang for the buck and even if you do end up driving more than you like, the scenery makes up for it.

Unless you both can do the gypsy thing for as long as you want, I'd fly to my destination and rent a car for local travel. If you're not going until next summer, you have plenty of time to plan and price out your options.

pine boy

I have a desire for Wyoming.If I go anywhere,thats where I am going.
Washington-Oregon is very nice if you haven't been there yet.


Thanks for the replies everyone, it seems the general consensus is to head West so I think thats what well do. We have a bit of time to save up and plan but I think taking a couple weeks off and seeing a bit more of the US would do us both good.

Wiggs Dannyboy

Last Laugh Foundation
ICMag Donor
If you're taking a northern route...Yellowstone. Wait, let me change that...YELLOWSTONE!

If you're taking a southern route...the Grand Canyon. Bold print on that too.

Both experiences will be remembered for the rest of your life. BUT...be prepared for crazy crazy size crowds of people, if you choose to visit these places it would be worth it to research when the crowds would be the smallest in your vacation window and if you can visit at these times. But even with crowds what you will see will be worth putting up with the herds.

And somebody said visit Yellowstone while its still there. Unfortunately, when Yellowstone disappears (I'm guessing this would be due to Yellowstone being a super-volcano), that eruption will be the end of civilization in the US, quite likely the rest of the world too, due to "nuclear winter" conditions that would ensue from the globe being wrapped with a blanket of volcanic ash.

Thats a very interesting, and scary, scenario...worth looking up on google for a read. Google "Yellowstone Caldera," that will get ya the info. Its going to happen, just a matter of time...


I would drive from northeast to cali

spend some time in arizona

I would love to just drive all over the states

Scottish Research

Senior Member
ICMag Donor
I would like to take the girls up to D.C to visit all of the museums etc. and then head back down the coast staying in whatever beach towns that look attractive. My girls love the beach. Our end destination would be Charleston or Savannah.


weed fiend
If you're driving, google "road trips". You can find web sites, add your parameters and print itineraries. The you can cross off shit like the world's largest ball of string... etc.

Wiggs Dannyboy

Last Laugh Foundation
ICMag Donor
If you're driving, google "road trips". You can find web sites, add your parameters and print itineraries. The you can cross off shit like the world's largest ball of string... etc.

LOL! One time when I drove cross-country on the northern route, I stopped at this place that had all these famous architectural wonders, like the Taj Mahal, etc, but they were built in miniature. Even a person of short stature towers over these replicas, the tallest are maybe 5 ft.

It was fun...for about 10 minutes.

Weird shit is all over the place when you drive cross-country, that is for sure. Just need to do a bit of work looking for it ahead of time, sometimes its not located on the main drag.


weed fiend
Yeah, like Cadillac Ranch. Who woulda thought?

Where I live, road trips are right around the block, lol. Some of the most grotesque yard art you'll ever see.
If you are going on a road trip through other states and using the interstate, just remember you will be going through check points. You will be asked about your citizenship, & all the other crap. Been there, done that. I recently moved my wife's aunt's furniture & stuff in a large moving truck from California to Florida. I've been through several checkpoints, saw dogs, machineguns, been asked stupid questions, etc. I wasn't dumb enough to have anything they would arrest me for; I still felt violated, nonetheless. All courtesy from the Department Of Homeland Tyranny.

Just be safe, and don't bring anything with you that will land you in jail.

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