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RO Water


mains tapwater will have more chlorine in it than whats needed to sterilise the rainwater. The OP`s RO membrane will have a much easier time dealing with a few ppm`s of chlorine in the rainwater than the 1200ppm of god knows what in his tap water. A sediment filter wont sterilise the rainwater which may have picked up all kinds of nasty stuff on its way to the collection tank, roofs and gutters arent very sterile :)


Thanks alot for all the feedback and suggestions you guys.
The problem is it never rains here during summer. To be honst we haven't had any rain since 4 months now.
I found a cheap bottle water from nestle that Im gonna give them instead of the distilled water. the ppm level on that one is 50 only. Ph is however low on the bottle water 5.4 to be exact.
should I mix it with the RO water to get it at 6.5ph for soil or can I add PH up to the water that is 5.4 ph?

GreeeeN GRassss

duppy conqueror
1200ppm is like 2.2 EC on the 750 scale. that is crazy are you living beside some nuclear power plant :)

im sure ever rain water is in short supply in the south med.

ye you can add ph up. bottle water at 5.4 EC. id stay away from that. is bottle water not usualy between 6 and 7 ph ?

ye yo


Haha I hope theres no nuclear plant near here.
I think the tap water is mixed with the sea water here though.
5.4ph nestle bottle water. so adding a ph up wont harm outdoor soil plants? because I read that when you want to get ph down for soil you should add vinegar and not use ph down as it is acidic to plants so the ph up is safe?

GreeeeN GRassss

duppy conqueror
i have no experience using ph up, but ye its safe. just the opposite of ph down ;)

ye water is pretty poor over with you, when we go on holidays we are always advised not to drink tap water

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