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Rippers Found My Spot, So Now What?

That's what I'm saying, they might be cool. Regardless they already know. Camp out and try and see if they come back. Try and get a vibe of what type of people they are. There are still some good peeps out there. Where they young kids? You never know? If they seem shady pull that shit. I would not set any booby traps sounds like that would create alot more problems. Anyways good luck I wish u the best.


Active member
booby trap = you in federal prison for quite some time and another black mark against the cannabis community

you can either cut your losses and chop now (and obviously never use that spot again) or be a dummy and take the now considerable risk to try to finish out at that place and harvest. your choice I reckon, but I'd pick the first if I had anything to lose...


New member
i found trace on my spot so i dig em out frm the ground with the roots and moved them far away(hard work not for everyone)
I hope I am wrong, my guess is they are waiting until the plant is closer to death before they take it. I'd beat them to it. I cannot imagine they will not take any further action and disappear. None of those actions is good.
There is no such thing as growers code among most people. It's finders keepers to 95% of pot smokers. The reason they didn't take it all was because they had no way to take it out on their bikes. They will be back better prepared.

Although if it were me I would probably have taken a small sample and left also. Not a cola though...

I would go back asap to chop and make hash.

I might consider letting a couple plants go just in case I was wrong. That way you would maybe get a couple fully matured plants.
yea id make 50% hash now and let the other half finish if you are going to wait them out. or if willing to do the work or take the risk move half of them and hope for the best.... if they dont make it due to shock they will still be good hash :)


Every 2 weeks I drive to my spot, an hour away, and tend to my plants. It's relatively desolate considering it's near a big city. Two weeks back, I went to hit them with Kool Bloom, spray for bugs, and lay down some diatomaceous earth. As I was walking back to my car, carrying a gallon jug and a big bag of diatomaceous earth, I hear a motorcycle engine and a guy on a dirt bike goes by me, looks over, then turns around and leaves. I should have dropped my jug and bag before he could see me, but didn't think fast enough. So, a few minutes later, I am driving back and I see two guys on dirt bikes heading back towards my spot. I thought, "what if that guy put 2 +2 together and figured out what I was doing?
So, today, I return to give them their last dose of Kool Bloom and lay down some snail/slug pellets.
As I approach, I see the colas swaying in the breeze and thought, "great, they didn't find them".
However, as I'm working, I notice that the top cola was cut off one of the plants, along with some other buds. Definitely not broken, but cut.
They only took one top, and other plants were untouched. So, I'm thinking, did they just take one because plants were not finished, or were they being "considerate" to a fellow stoner?
Plants have 3 weeks to go. My head was spinning with ideas.
Should I leave a note saying, "I got your plate number. Touch these again and I will find you"?
Or how about a booby trap?
I don't want to cut them early as they are not done, but I don't want to lose them either.
Place is an hour away, so it's not like I can stake the place out.
What would you do?

Sorry to hear this. I've been ripped before and it sucks azz.... Security is my primary factor in choosing a grow spot. As others have mentioned, you should always have at least two or more guerrilla spots. I learned that one after getting ripped.

Harvest what you can and then plan for next years grow in more secure spots. Don't give up!


GReen dreAM

Active member
I did it:



Find a spot next year that you really hate to get into, a swamp i will be preppint this fall is so hard to get into that i am generally tattered and bleeding just from the effort of fighting brambles and prickly ash so i can't see others going there for fun. I hope things work out for you as it would be nice to know that not everyone out there is an asshole.


Active member
Find a spot next year that you really hate to get into, a swamp i will be preppint this fall is so hard to get into that i am generally tattered and bleeding just from the effort of fighting brambles and prickly ash so i can't see others going there for fun. I hope things work out for you as it would be nice to know that not everyone out there is an asshole.

I saw a post once of someone in FL, who located a swamp that fills up to about 3-4 feet of water. He used to put his plants in large strong-plastic trash barrels secured to the ground with holes cut out in the bottom for water flow. By the time the swamp filled up you need a boat to get out there, but the swamp water was enough to nourish the plants and keep anyone from walking into it or easily discovering it.

It's not a bad idea if you can pull it off successfully.

GReen dreAM

Active member
I did it:




Hello mate, dnt be rude, I meant that I have left notice on laminated paper next to my out ladies in case of the "normal"stranger will find it......GOT IT ?



Active member
Hello mate, dnt be rude, I meant that I have left notice on laminated paper next to my out ladies in case of the "normal"stranger will find it......GOT IT ?


Ahh.. Sorry it got lost in translation. It came across as if you were pretending to be the person "who did it" to the OP.
I get what you are saying, that is a kindful way to go about it - leaving a sign on your plants that say don't kill until they are done, i'll give you half/half.

Hopefully people would understand the value of letting the buds finish and be up for it - if it ever came down to such a situation.


Plants still there? Sometimes if people are ethical they will just snip a bud, but it sounds like you may need to find a new spot for next year. Pick a place no normal person would want to get into (i.e. have to wade through poison ivy, blackberry bushes, etc)
A new spot next year is a def must! IMO id search now so you can see how leaves are fulling in on plants, how high weeds get to cover your plot do some hiking and find places way off the trails, make sure u obv. have good lighting and nothing will shade your plants too much. etc.


Since they just took a couple cola's, you could ASSUME at first they are good guys. And i dont doubt that they were. But WHEN it dawns on them that there is thousands of dollars just sitting in the woods, and all they have to do is take it.. they will come back. Its hard to resist the urge like that unless you grow yourself and can respect the work that's involved and respect fellow growers.

I know it is hard but I would cut your loss's and go back and get them. It sucks but thats the way it goes sometimes.

Good luck in whatever you decide


Andinismo Hierbatero
Camp out and try and see if they come back. Try and get a vibe of what type of people they are.

this is prolly one of the most ridiculous things i have read in a while lol...

while you are out there camping to get vibes from rippers, you might as well dance around the plants singing kumbaya, that will make really potent buds too. yeahhhhhhhhhhh!!!
Since they just took a couple cola's, you could ASSUME at first they are good guys. And i dont doubt that they were. But WHEN it dawns on them that there is thousands of dollars just sitting in the woods, and all they have to do is take it.. they will come back. Its hard to resist the urge like that unless you grow yourself and can respect the work that's involved and respect fellow growers.

I know it is hard but I would cut your loss's and go back and get them. It sucks but thats the way it goes sometimes.

Good luck in whatever you decide

Only fellow growers truly realizes the hard labor gone into it. Other people don't realize they are ripping out a huge part of our lives we worked so hard for.


The OP said that he saw the guy on the motorcycle one day, and he noticed the singe cola was missing a full two weeks later. They had a chance during that time period to come back and clear him out, but they didn't. I'm not sure what i would do in the same situation, but it seems to me that they just wanted to take a little and leave the rest alone.