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I just got back from my bush plot.
And I'm absolutely fucking FUMING.
Everything. Gone.

It doesnt even look like it was someone who cares about the plant - ie wants to grow it out for themselves. Its just been torn up, 90% of the root system is still there. Not even just the big plant, they found they small stand of (seedlings, sorta) that were on their 2nd sets of leaves, they found everything but the other seedlings about 50 mtrs away that have been destroyed by Hoppers...

I tell ya mate I'm just plain FUCKED OFF.


may not even be a ripper .... landowners don't like growers .... sucks, but it is part of the game.

learn lesson,fall back, regroup and replant
Crown land mate. No reason for ANYONE to have been there, either, way out of the way... Just some dog who thinks drugs are the scourge of the earth or some shit.


yeah we got those here too .... sorry to hear they fucked up your day for what its worth.


Well-known member
There is a small chance your grow was ripped by another grower. If they destroyed everything....could be. Maybe he planted in that area too and doesn't want you there.

I'd take a few hours and grid search the area around your grow. You may find his. What you do then is up to you.

After taking a rip, I always take a good look around the entire area. It's a good way to work out the anger...at least.


Active member
Sorry to heat Stonedwarrior, this stuff happens. Unfortunatley far too often.

Write it off as a loss and recuperate. At least now you know that spot isn't safe. Some rippers have the resolve of cavemen, storming through unbelievable terrain in the hope of ripping off others hard work. Fuken scum in my opinion, they have no class at all. I have often wondered how it would go down if you came upon them ripping up your ladies, fertilizer ? ;).

think long and hard mate and plan well for next season.



Doing what we do because we are who we are
Shit happens....... start over and just be grateful you got ripped and not busted.... cause it could have just as easily been the police instead of a ripper..