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Ripped off by Green Line Organics seed bank (GLO).


Active member
That's some bull shit. I have never had a problem with James bean company, glg, even Herbies did me right. Can't go wrong with glg, the lbl freebies are as good as any pack I have ran.

Talk about retarded business practices. How do you fuck up an 800$ order. I guess they have no interest in repeat customers.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
8312545289 should work

Sorry to hear about ur troubles bro

Appreciate this have to wait for a safe phone before I can use it, but should have one today. Really frustrating the person who answered my emails twice at the email they say they don't read couldn't have just handled it then and there.

Lester Beans

Frequent Flyer
How frustrating, I really hope this works out for you. It is not a small amount of cash. Maybe you will get your seeds and all will be well, let's hope for that.

If not, put these clowns on full blast!

moose eater

8312545289 should work

Sorry to hear about ur troubles bro

I might be rightfully told to keep my nose planted squarely on my own face, but the thought/question occurred to me; I wonder what the outcome would be if the phone number posted, and any other pertinent numbers associated with these folks,, began receiving calls day in and day out, at all hours of the day, from persons across the Continent and beyond, using burner phones, from every imaginable area code, telling them to "Give the poor man his fucking money or seeds!!!"

Just a (devious, trouble-making, but maybe productive) thought...


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
8312545289 should work

Sorry to hear about ur troubles bro

This number gave me no reply all day. Will not have access to the safe phone in 4 more hours. Texted the number twice once at 4 am pac time and again at 12 pm.

In over 10 years of buying seeds I never once sent out more money than I was willing to lose.

I'd rather make 10 100$ orders and lose one, then make one 1000$ order and lose it all.

No offense but I think ppl that buy seeds like they're some kind of rockstar and send cash to a total stranger are way too trusting and kind of begging to get fucked.

I have limited time with safe addresses so I tend to do bulk orders and like I said first problem in about 18 years of ordering (first order was brother grimms from heavens stairway for apollo 11/13? and c99 in 2001~). Usually month-3 months window in varying states. If it's less, than I definitely don't order outside the realm of trust worthy people and people that get orders out within 2 weeks I.E. almost all of Europe and the United States.

This guy has a gigantic instagram, a storefront, and a few cups won. I was not expecting to be ripped off to be honest. I also did not know he was planning on shutting down.

It's kind of sad really this guy has so much seeds and different kind and it would take so little to make me happy, but yet instead of me growing and showing his plants to perfection we have a thread like this.

And it is not like they do not know about this issue they have answered me twice in emails only to disappear. It's straight cut your nose off to spite your face. If he does not get straight with me I will plaster adds on every major canna forum just cause. He is a public figure now family on instagram, has booths at shows, attempting to get into the music business...You can't run from a bad rep like that. It's not cool to stiff people no matter the business. i am sure I am not the only person, just one who actually does safe addresses right so I can actually put this out there without a care in the world.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
It's easy to assume after hanging out here that every one involved in growing is a wholesome, trustworthy honest person.

I've been around a long time man. I know very well the risks of exchanging money and the risks of stealing as well. Not naive one bit.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Made a post on his top 3 instagram posts about an hour ago with links to here. Now his instagram page has been pulled a few minutes ago...Let me know if anyone can get on it doesn't say im banned on the new account did on the last one when I tried this.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Flavor creator page taken down now too. Damn you think it would be easier to just be fuckin honest. Instead of getting straight with me now there has been 1K + people to see this thread alone and this is just one site.

Talk about poor business and personal decisions.

Would have taken 2 fuckin seconds to take care of me in the emails they responded to instead of being complete assholes and disappearing.

Guy could have given me fuckin bag seed and told me someone stole my shit sorry and I'd have been fine.


  • Screenshot 2018-06-11 23.38.22.jpg
    Screenshot 2018-06-11 23.38.22.jpg
    11.3 KB · Views: 62


Well-known member
ICMag Donor

I am told there is video of the package they received and that the envelope was empty.

I have no idea why this would take since the beginning of April to tell me this.

I have no way to receive this video by phone safely and am hoping they can email me.

I am completely open to someone at UPS stealing my money I just don't understand how it could have taken so long to tell me this especially when proof supposedly existed...

I will let you guys know what comes of this. If it was UPS I will retract everything I just wish they could have told me this long ago before it got to this point.

moose eater

True or not.. It's too often "that other guy.." (He said cynically....)

The delay in notice of facts strikes me as suspect, unless they were scratching their heads about how to announce to UPS that they were robbed for seed money.

Thanks for the update.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Problem has been dealt with.

In short he apologized for the delay and said he runs 6 businesses whether people want to believe him or not and his time is completely consumed. So I suppose its have a seed shop and not great customer service or not have one at all because he doesn't trust anyone with the mail. He thought I was "just another scammer" trying to shake him down for beans.

I got the video watched it twice. The package arrived, but it was not in the UPS folder they are supposed to put it in for expedited delivery. Next time I will demand to put it in my self and seal it and probably fuckin film it. I paid for next day or 2-3 day and the packaged just had the printout on my fuckin envelope.

The lady at the ups store looked methed out. That stuck in my memory how bad she looked so I question if this was her. I don't know if it was her or someone a long the line, but it doesn't really matter I suppose.

I can accept UPS probably fucked me over. It is a bad situation on both ends now. I wish it was handled before now, but I don't hold grudges life is too short for that shit and we all fuck up sometimes or don't handle things right.

I placed another order as I believe what he has said in conversations and the video, but smaller as funds are limited now and will let you guys know how it goes.


ICMag Donor
Sux it took so long to get you the evidence you’ve been asking for.

Why use UPS?
Those packages aren’t protected like USPS packages are.

Also, registered mail is specifically designed for sending high value packages & cash. It’s slower but it’s also handled by hand at each routing point & can be insured against loss.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Yeah no more UPS. USPS only. I was out of state traveling when I mailed it. It was convenient at the time.

I have had a good conversation with this guy and I consider the issue settled for now. I am definitely working on pinpointing where the fuck that money may have been taken out. Hem mentioned the weight of the package on the slip was the weight of just the envelope. This leads to believe it may have been the ups store I used rather than his delivery guy or someone down the chain.

Really frustrating experience none the less.