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RIP "no" vote

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Convicted for turning dreams into reality
You Gypsna Harry!

You Gypsna Harry!

Aaaand this is where my little joke falls down. I do not have a Jenna Jameson rubber vibrating vajayjay, have never shoved a vibrating egg up my arse, and have never even been to Amsterdam.

You've found me out, I was planning to defraud you of your points and send you an empty box ebay style...because you are not going to complain to trading standards in that situation are you.....:biggrin:

That´s shameful of you, i thought you were a decent, honest, law abiding and God fearful kind of guy.
One can´t swap good rep for sexual paraphernalia without being abused , sad sad world this one:cuss:

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
Brings a new dimension to the phrase "eggy farts", doesn't it.

Paulo, I'm a druggie, what did you expect......


Convicted for turning dreams into reality
All in the name of good fun.
Thanks for the Jim Jefferies video, just cracked me like an egg.


Freedom Fighter
Good!! Glad that shit is gone!! It didn't mean much anyways-- I was all for it in the beginning...but then I started noticing ppl going into threads and hitting the Unhelpful on every post in the Thread!!
It was just an anonymous way for kids to play!! (No matter what age they were!!)
But, to be fair on this...the whole thing should be reset now, as since it was a 2 choice thing...it is not fair to just show half the results now--:tiphat:


Active member
At least give us a way to sort the posts which DO get helpful ratings. I started a thread elsewhere, but I still think it would be an extremely useful tool to be able to sort a thread by posts that are rated most helpful. So say a post gets 50 helpful ratings, that post will be sorted first versus a post with 48 helpful ratings. Just my 2c.


Active member
The only people that don't like the 'No' vote are peeps that don't know themselves well.

Frankly, it was a valuable tool that will be missed. Now stupid posts will be repeatedly quoted and bashed instead of just being marked "Unhelpful" a few times.


Brilliant move ICMAG... any other brilliant ideas you'd care to foist on us around here?

Keep it Clean! :D


Well-known member
I guess you don't like to read threads before shooting off your mouth huh wizoo ??? cuz if ya go back & read this thread you'll see the negative rep scales are still in play . & you can still give positive or negative reps if you've been here long enough to have the privilage to do so .

& we're being called cry babys ......:moon:

don't know where you've read me saying that the scales are already gone for everyone ?! maybe YOU should read again before you b*tchcry about something you actually made up yourself. ;)
i was talking about the silly "no" vote change based upon our loudest crying babies around these forums - not the downscale option which, in YOUR case, indeed (still) exists. but lets just wait a few more weeks or months of further crybabies' whining about that bad, bad negrep option still available for all you bad, bad negreppers... "get rid of it pt.2" thread is just in sight i fear :D

besides, i wasn't speaking in YOUR name or for anyone else with more than some quadrillion posts, years, plants or whatnot... i generally speak for myself (and possibly also for some other, more silent, low-post-users with now restricted accounts).
so pls, don't YOU tell me something about shooting off my mouth while shooting off YOUR mouth without proper reading yourself, hmkey ?! :tiphat:


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
The only people that don't like the 'No' vote are peeps that don't know themselves well.

Frankly, it was a valuable tool that will be missed. Now stupid posts will be repeatedly quoted and bashed instead of just being marked "Unhelpful" a few times.


Brilliant move ICMAG... any other brilliant ideas you'd care to foist on us around here?

I've got a few !!!!

Midnite Toker

Active member
I'm not sure who I am supporting in this running banter between dansbud and wizoo. Let's see, both are "survivors". Hmmm...if only there were some way for the members to show which position they agree with.....Lets just say that both views are correct and equally benificial and give everyone an ice cream cone. Congrats! ~mT


Active member
Why do people keep saying you can neg rep a post with the scales? That option's been gone for a while now for me??

I bet you hardmode prez has been constantly complaining to mods about this rep shit and they got tired of hearing the whining and had to change both to accommodate him and a few butthurt others. 9 times outa 10 if you post some dumb shit over and over (ugly flowers) you will hear peoples opinions but they try to help first which is slapped away with insults and defensiveness/anger, thus you you get neg'd or unhelpful in future posts.

you would be wrong, i give two shits about rep, upvotes or down votes. i just say what i say when i need to say it and if you don't like it you can bleep bleep bleep cuz i really don't bleep bleep.

i earned all my green dots providing valuable information. even without the dots didn't change the value of the information.

and about that shit you said about my dumb shit...pfft... i get neg reps for anything people don't like to hear. me saying kush is some weak ass shit since i get higher for much longer from some mexican bricks, a FACT, gets me downvotes and neg reps. nothing dumb about my statement, just some shit all the kush fanboys don't like to hear since they much be a buncha bleep ass bleep'es to think kush is the most as far as weed goes. obv don't get around much. best weed i ever smoked is an old cut from indiana. i think you know the one i'm talkin bout and if you don't then you obv don't get around much.


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
I don't know why some of you guys aren't getting how this works now , but i'll go over again .

the unhelpful post vote is gone for good .

the scales are on the bottom left side of the page for possitive & negative reps .... you need to have a post count of 1000 posts to be able to give negative reps .
by doing that ... newbies can NOT come in & throw negative reps around for shits & giggles , you have to be a solid member to be able to give negative reps .

this is not My decision to do it this way .... this is what the mods have decided is the best course of action to take to remedy the troll problem by taking away some of their power .

if you have a problem with it ... take it up with Skip or Payaso or don't let the door hit ya in the ass on the way out .


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
I'm not sure who I am supporting in this running banter between dansbud and wizoo. Let's see, both are "survivors". Hmmm...if only there were some way for the members to show which position they agree with.....Lets just say that both views are correct and equally benificial and give everyone an ice cream cone. Congrats! ~mT
there is no running banter between me & wizoo , i just stated that he should read the info in the thread before he shoots off his mouth about crybabies .
my position on this change is perfectly clear & it seems like alot of people including wizoo are getting pissed off & abusive about the situation without all the info that is pertinant .

my last post should clear that up . i have no problem with anybody that comes in a shows their discontent civilly .... if you come in with wiseass remarks before knowing all the info ... then yeah i get annoyed . thats all .

& i say abusive ....because .... wizoo .... this was completely uncalled for !!! yeah you have YOUR opinion .... but that was pretty freakin childish dude !!!

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]give it another 6 weeks and this might also be gone so we all can finally just kiss each other's a**es with +uprep only

this change is like coming to kindergarden lately, where the loudest whiner pussies get what they want just to make them stfu for a while...

but hey... look how huggy, snuggly, cuddly ic mag now is... where everything is green... everyone likes everything... that fakebook-mentality crap really comes to mind with a system like this!
If you don't like the way things are going here .... then you know where the door is ...
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cant re Member
dans this change was pretty much implemented for people like yourself who couldnt hack getting neg repped. its kinda rich that you then proceed to call people ''cry babies'' then call them ''immature''!
and on who's authority are you inviting people to leave??


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
MY own :)
& i'm not inviting anybody to do anything .... i'm just giving an option

i'm not getting into with you or the other guy .... i have my opinion you have yours .

i may have not implemented it , but i'm pretty sure i helped . & am glad i did . & what ? because you don't agree with it .... i'm the crybaby because i can't handle getting negative reps ? the only red dots i'ver ever gotten came from you & HIH & maybe one other person . all i've ever bitched about was the unhelpfull votes .
the only reason i even started that thread was to complain about the unhelpful votes that were being given on GOOD posts (not just mine)by trolls that were doing it to get their rocks off & THAT is the whole reason this change has taken place here !! not because "crybabys like me" can or can't handle some critisizm .

I heard yours .... & this is mine .... may we never cross paths again :)
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Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
C'mon, cool it guys....we don't want my humourous exchange with Paolo from earlier, getting deleted along with the ructions......


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
honestly,is this really all that big a deal? is it really that bad a thing that some little bit of negativity has been taken away? has no one else ever heard "if you dont have anything nice to say..." dont we all have enough crap to deal with in real life?
i know i come here both to learn and just for the small refuge from the insanity,i kinda thought the whole point of this particular website was for us to talk about pot and growing it and smoking it and really dumb shit we noticed when we were stoned....you know,that sort of stuff....what does the absence of one tiny feature of the site really frickin matter?


just don't molest my colas..
It's already been said many times, but this time no one can call this unhelpful.... This is the pussification of the world. People need to say what they mean and mean what they say. I would love for the not helpful to be brought back with accountability. I want people to see when I think a post is unhelpful.
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