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RIP: Lost a really close homie yesterday...heart failure at 24 yo


Active member
^yea i keep wishin il get a call from the hospital saying they magically revived him from a coma or someshit...shit seems unreal. seems like yesterday we were all sitting here my living room smoking blunts and cracking jokes.

his latest venture was banging two girls at once lol. i remember him saying last time we were smoking that he lived a hella good life and he was proud to bang those two asian girls...at least he didnt mope through life he was always out and about on the hustle or having fun. when he wasnt selling cars and smoking with us he was out doing wheelies on his new motorcycle, he was trying to become a stunt bike rider.

man all we can do is keep his memory alive. i wanna go scope out rooftops along our main street and do a big ass RIP ROMAN throw up. next week we are gonna talk with a local grocery store owner if we can do a tribute mural on his delivery truck. we are gonna paint mustangs and sport bikes all over that shit.


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ICMag Donor
I'm really sorry for your loss but he has moved onto a better place. It's sad that he had to go at such a young age though. I toked a bowl and had a moment of silence for him. He is probably toking one right now and not worried about the war on drugs like we all are! And I'd like to think that 3somes happen a lot more where he is now... :) RIP ROMAN.

I'm sure he wouldn't want you to be sad and down about his death. Make those shirts and ride through town with a smile on your face because that's how he would want you to do it.
Sorry for your loss.... You never know when our time is up here. I've lost 2 of my best friends at a young age as well, 22 and 30....

As shitty as this may sounds it kinda makes me appreciate life a bit more even though life is so much harder without my friends.


Sorry to hear this bro, Ive lost many friends over the years, some alot younger.. this world is a crazy place and nobody knows when their time is up, live life to the fullest each day and live life with no regrets and thats all you can do, let me know if theres anything i can do, take it easy man, and ill smoke a joint in memory of all lost friends, peace

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
Very sorry YesProp....losing friends is really hard. You don't even realize how long you grieved for them until it passes. You probably won't feel right for a while, but it will get better. Been a couple years since a friend of ours passed...hard times. Keep your chin up. It's harder for us that are left behind than the ones who are gone, they're in a much better place than we are:cathug:


yea that cat could swing em hard!!!!! ima whip acouple for him tonight in his honor...

thats rough man im feel for ya, i lost one of my best friends to Contra Costa Sheriffs shooting him in the back while he was running away unarmed,,, u just feel helpless and cheated... and yea humbled for sure, hope this can be a wake up call for everyone to enjoy your life to the fullest and dont stress bout the stupid little details...

also i gotta agree bout there being a huge increase of robberies and violent crime in the bay right now,,, cats are getting desperate,,, and when that happens you know some grimy ass shits gonna happen,,,

RIP to your cutty!!!!!! and im sending some positive vibes your way ,,,,


Active member
thanks EBG....yeah rome had handles with the muscle cars....he repped SF hard cus not everyone in SF does the swangin thing its more of a east bay thing. But me and rome worked in Alameda and spent alot of time in the east bay so he put it down. not to mention he could pop wheelies and was a novice stunt bike rider who trained with some pretty good guys from stuntride.com

Classic Seeds

my condolaces to you his friend and his family it is always a mystery when someone so young and full of life leaves us .do something nice for someone else in his memory and you'll feel good instead of sad while your doing it in his memory aloha cls


Dam man i dont know how i missed this bud. I am so sorry to hear this... at least he was really living life man. Looks like he had a lot of fun!

I ride a 07 CBR 1000RR and know that he had fun on his bike. He looked like a really happy guy.

RIP man


Diseases that were once common in older people are now creeping down to younger people. I'm not commenting on your friend Roman since he obviously was pretty healthy, and active. But sedentary lifestyles and over-eating of the wrong kinds of foods has made 1\3 of all kids these days overweight\obese. A teenager shouldn't be getting diabetes or hyper-tension, but it's happening. Or rickets a nutritional disease common in the 30's is now cropping up in children again.


Active member
the funeral was great...so many people turned out. if you drove by you would have thought it was a russian mob funeral because the whole russian community came out..mercedes and bmw's filled the procession. with a shadow escort of guys on their sportbikes.. the funeral was crazy, you had russian OGs in one section, a bunch of growers/dealers/potheads in another, a section with all the motorcycle riders, and then a bunch of random family members.....after the funeral we drove to his old house, and had a party in the street. picture about 50 peoples all in black, just drinking beers and smoking in the street lol, we had all the cars double parked for a whole block...cops drove by and left us alone! many blunts and many drinks later, we were invited to his old room to drink more vodka and eat russian deli style treats with his family. then we had a cool ceremony where we passed on Roman's 954r to his younger brother, and my rider friends pledged to teach him how to ride.

it was a good times for sure...alot of old friends came out, it was nice to celebrate romans life. ride in peace homie!


Golden Coast
Thats a bummer!
Whats going on 2nd youngster to go this month from same thing!
Man im sorry He's chillin with Elemental there having a blast!
the funeral was great...so many people turned out. if you drove by you would have thought it was a russian mob funeral because the whole russian community came out..mercedes and bmw's filled the procession. with a shadow escort of guys on their sportbikes.. the funeral was crazy, you had russian OGs in one section, a bunch of growers/dealers/potheads in another, a section with all the motorcycle riders, and then a bunch of random family members.....after the funeral we drove to his old house, and had a party in the street. picture about 50 peoples all in black, just drinking beers and smoking in the street lol, we had all the cars double parked for a whole block...cops drove by and left us alone! many blunts and many drinks later, we were invited to his old room to drink more vodka and eat russian deli style treats with his family. then we had a cool ceremony where we passed on Roman's 954r to his younger brother, and my rider friends pledged to teach him how to ride.

it was a good times for sure...alot of old friends came out, it was nice to celebrate romans life. ride in peace homie!

That sounds absolutely amazing! I'm glad you guys got what you wanted out of it...Keep yer head high my man...I haven't experienced losing a friend yet (knock on wood), so I can't tell ya I know how you feel - but I can send you and all the boys some good vibes and by how you've described Roman he was one good dude so he's where he's supposed to be.

Neo 420

Active member
Damn...I know this is late but RIP. When your a ryder your a ryder. EBG ALL DAY....
1 luv

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