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Rhizotonic as a FOLIAR feed....


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as the title says..... just started using the stuff on this run
and the root development has been AMAZING to say the least.....superb for seedlingz......
over the last 3 dayz I've used the Rhizo as a Foliar feed and the
plantz have just gone nutz with happiness and health development...
i thought the root zone was itz area of concentration.....
BUT as a Foliar feeding spray the stuff...... ROCKZ

Rhizotonic may be expensive..... BUt it will BLOW U away

anybody else seeing good results as a leaf spray?


Active member
It's alright, it actually raises the PH a lot on seedlings and cause burned at PH 6 and 6.5 for me. I've just gotten down on some kelp meal, pretty much the same shit just much cheaper the only thing rhizo says is marine algae


yes, works nice for foliar feeding.
smells a little, but the ladies are lovin it.
phytamin is also very good for foliar application,
i use it 1 x week.


Think for yourself, question authority
ICMag Donor
Just got some a couple weeks ago and I love it. Make the plant sooo happy! I'm gonna have to try foliar application. Got some kelp meal and they like that a lot in aact. Gonna go see about this phytamin :bolt:


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about 1/4 tsp.... per gal for the foliar spray

and 1 tsp per gal for the root drench

I'm alternating once a week w/ each treatment.... ie. 1wk spray, next wk drench, next wk spray, next wk drench.......and so on....

I'll stop after the 2nd wk of flower......


Think for yourself, question authority
ICMag Donor
Stop the foliar and rhizo all together or just foliar?


Rhizo makes mad roots!! I use it all the way but drop it to 2 ml per gal after strong root system is established.


High Class Grass
I bought a bottle of AN Jumpstart(phased out product now, but my hydroshop still has some left). Used it both as a drench for the rooting plugs and as a foliar. Had strong roots after 6 days. Continued to use it as a foliar and drench after planting, and 10 days later the plants already had thick roots coming out of the bottomof the pot. Awesome product...makes me think that Roots Excel from H&G must be a miracle of some sort since AN stopped the production of Jumpstart b/c Roots Excel is better.

Stay Safe


had to stop using that crap. ph was ok in veg but when i flipped to flower my ph skyrocketed. had to use h2o2 to kill that stuff. rhizo no more for me.


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yes i'm using Rhizo w/ blackstrAP molasses... and they seem to work VERy well together
i'm enjoying my resultz so far....


Think for yourself, question authority
ICMag Donor
Cuttings love a spray of it Get Mo
Some hard to root girls have spit lots O roots after a application


Active member
I mixed 2ml rizo with 0,5l brita filtered water and ph is 8,5. Is vinegar good option for reduction ph down?? Also with epsom salt ph is 8.

btw...brita water is ph 6,5

i use both for foliar!!

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